380  2019-03-24 by wfwfwfqwfqwef


This is just the tip of the iceberg. /r/AstralArmy is a promising new source of drama.

new source of drama.

Submitted 9 months ago

you had one fucking job, op

New referring to "It hasn't been submitted here yet" 🤦🏾‍♂️ Like when we (Muricans) find a new source of oil, it didn't just form yesterday (millions of years ago in reality).

if this stale-ass dead sub is what counts as 'new' drama around here i guess it's time to officially close it all down, r/drama is done for.


4413 to go.

Drama was finished when MDE and CA invaded after their shit subs were quarantined.

More like we're just getting started, those faggots were just target practice

TBH it's only 6000 years old.

Too bad there is like no posts in there.

Sort by all-time top, there's lots of amazing shit.

Better then r/gangstalking?

Gangstalking is too sad to laugh at.

Kind of like r/deadbedrooms 🤭

implying laughing at miserable h*teros isn't funny

That one lady who vlogs her gang stalking is pretty fucking funny. I get a kick out of Her just yelling at ups workers and supermarket employees

Trey r/targetedenergyweapons too

Seriously, what the fuck is this and how come I've never heard of this brand of crazy before?

"Do you honestly believe that the people who have enough power to control the most powerful nation in the world, aren't more advanced in the spiritual arts than you?

Their power, and lineage, comes from off-world. Did you honestly believe that their spiritual technology wouldn't be far superior to yours?


And I also pray to Baophomet that you are taking precautions such as a circle of protection, and calling on the archangels (specifically Michael) for protection, or whatever else works for you based on the path you are following."


N***** WHAT!?!

the (specifically Michael) is what got me

I'll pay to have people like this locked up.

You already do with your taxes

Implying that anyone on r/drama is paying taxes 😂😂😂

You'll pay in what, neetbux?

1000 dollars per month

Not the first time that's been said, greyface.

There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


  1. This Post -,,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

This bot is alive...

Where the fuck does the bot get so much brilliant content?

I’ve seen this same one like 4 times now. If you’re a hardcore dramacel like me you’ll start seeing them repeat. There isn’t really that many of them. I think the owners of it just save comments that they like. I also think that the algorithm considers what kind of post it’s commenting on. That’s why sometimes it seems so targeted.



Fuck I lost

It’s all reruns

I actually ended up stranded at the Pentagon at like midnight. We got on the wrong metro train and it was literally the last train of the night. We got out at the next station and it was the Pentagon station.

Bunch of security guards were unimpressed.

Drama posters give poor head so i can see how they'd be unimpressed.

Lies and slander! 😤

The mod team are great down at the glory hole! /u/MasterLawlz,as a fresh young face, is particularly popular.

Brah, from the Pentagon Metro station you can just go out to the bus area and parking lot you didn’t need to go into the Pentagon. Like nigga just call an Uber but I think you were up to something more sinister. Because your story makes no sense.

The bus area is huge and still patrolled.

Some of you guys are alright. Don't send your astral projections to the pentagon tomorrow.

Secretly the Pentagon has made a deal with the First Order. It's absolutely over for astralcels.

Astral projecting into Stacey's room and having a magikal meltdown when Chad is already there

But then your astral projection watches and realized you’ve been astral cucked.

Was Mr. Brightside about astral projection?

Surely there's a really easy way to verify that astral projection is bullshit - just visit somewhere you've never been before, then check it out on google maps later and observe that the layout is completely different to what you had in your head. How do these insane people account for this?

B-but Project Center Lane was real.

You think these people will go out of their way to disprove themselves when they are willfully ignorant of facts set out before their eyes?

I can see how an insane person might believe this stuff is real, I just don't get how they square this particular circle. I am curious about what their insane reasoning is.

I've subbed, and I am going to find out.


Well, the solution is right in front of your eyes, in the very link of this post: It's ~mysterious interference~.

I feel like they’re most likely just tricking themselves into a lucid dream.

But they're exploring places other than womens' locker rooms?

What a bunch of losers.

So how do I trick myself into a lucid dream?

I mean, according to these guys it’s crystals and being mental

So all I need is some crystals. I'll report back later.

you could also attempt to “astral project” with another person and see if both you shared the same experience and saw the same things together

It’d be cool if it was real but I highly doubt it

I highly doubt it

Galaxy brain take right here

Clearly google maps is lying. If nasa can fake the globe earth, google can easily fake some buildings, ya ding dong

I was going to say "then do it in an area near where you live, then visit in person", but they'd clearly have an insane response for that too. What a hotbed of unmedicated mental issues.

Half of these people probably believe that the Mandela effect is real, so if the building was wrong, “the people in charge“ must’ve changed things

The deep state obviously noticed and sent people to remodel that location


I miss that sub, voat just isn't the same.

Is this larping or crazies or a bit of both?


"Do you honestly believe that the people who have enough power to control the most powerful nation in the world, aren't more advanced in the spiritual arts than you?

Their power, and lineage, comes from off-world. Did you honestly believe that their spiritual technology wouldn't be far superior to yours?

You shouldn't play with things that you are not prepared for.

There have been stories of very bad things happening to those who have ventured near sensitive areas, such as the Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.).

I would stay far away from D.C.; Dulce, NM; S4, NV; Most Air Force Bases; etc etc

And I also pray to Baophomet that you are taking precautions such as a circle of protection, and calling on the archangels (specifically Michael) for protection, or whatever else works for you based on the path you are following.

It really worries me when I hear about people playing games with things they don't understand and without sufficient development of their magickal personalities."

Incredible lol

Oh crap, I only asked Gabriel for protection. I'm in trouble now! 😟😟😟

Lol not praying to big titty Baphomet

Accidentally prayed to Bahamut, please advise.

You'll be all right, dragon daddy will protect you.

I only pray to the legit Baphomet, the bearded disembodied head on a wall who lead the Knights Templar astray.

You absolute IDIOT

New snappy quote please

You were the first to learn of the secret of the Inner Circle, the way the Dark Wizards communicate, or that you've been able to learn from them (if there's one at all).

What was the first connection?"The first time I realized the truth of the Inner Circle, was when I walked into the secret tunnels."I have been unable to see the inner circle, but I will eventually.

In the end, all things must be revealed to one who has the knowledge to see through these tunnels, if you will.

The first time I noticed the inner circle, I was too young, too weak to discern these things and then I realized it was too late, because it all started with you.When I reached your level of understanding, I found I did not understand things from beyond, but from within.

I did not find that these other secrets do not exist or are not explained."By this time, I already knew you. I had already made the mistake and did not learn the secrets of your entire body until you learned them.

You should have left this world behind, because I did not ask or speak to you. Instead, you went and went looking for me, and eventually, you found me. That is when I had the power of the Inner Circle.

The secret tunnels are your eyes, not mine, and I can see the surface of my senses."Your true identity is, and will remain, as you seek, to help others to understand you."In this universe, there is no other way; there is no other way to know you. You were born here to be able to do what you can for others.

To understand me, to bring you to this plane of my life, I am to be your friend.

Your true identity will not rest until you begin a journey of discovery."I, the Inner Circle, live in fear of death. We have not a chance to find the dark way behind the doors of the Deep underground; we have to find the secret itself. I am seeking power to do so and I must be careful with myself to stay alive.

The dark way of death."Your true identity is your own secret, its nature of existence. It is the way to achieve good; to see that power which is greater than the Dark Way and true.

This power is not yours."I will return to your world. I will destroy this world, I will make my way out to return it to life.

You must understand that your own dark way is more powerful than the Dark Way and true,

This is one of the reasons not to go to a geometric shape

I really want to know what the other reasons are

Don't go to buildings, because they are cubic or rhombus-shaped. Don't go anywhere on the planet because it's a sphere. Don't go to your own room, it's a box; don't go anywhere in the galaxy because it's a disk

Hahahah ahh good shit lol😂

Big if true

You mean this:

“The knowingness of eternity awaits us in this sacred chamber. The word Py-ra-mid means "fire in the middle". We all have this fire in the middle. It is our hearts, our souls. We are mostly liquid and we are affected just like the wine is effected. The effect is clarification. If a wine has a flaw in it, the flaw is accentuated. If the wine has good qualities, they are enhanced. We humans are mostly liquid so when we enter this sacred chamber, it is a grand opportunity to clarify our own inner selves.”

The government, I swear to god, has something their.

Well of fucking course it does. This is the Pentagon we're talking about here. If there is one place in the entire country where secret government stuff is happening, then it's the Pentagon.



Boy, I sure do like being in the west side of the Pentagon at 9AM EDT on September 11, 2001.

9 month old “drama” self-stickied by janitor

😬yikes sweety

Do you honestly believe that the people who have enough power to control the most powerful nation in the world, aren't more advanced in the spiritual arts than you?

Their power, and lineage, comes from off-world. Did you honestly believe that their spiritual technology wouldn't be far superior to yours?

You shouldn't play with things that you are not prepared for.

There have been stories of very bad things happening to those who have ventured near sensitive areas, such as the Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.).

I would stay far away from D.C.; Dulce, NM; S4, NV; Most Air Force Bases; etc etc

And I also pray to Baophomet that you are taking precautions such as a circle of protection, and calling on the archangels (specifically Michael) for protection, or whatever else works for you based on the path you are following.

It really worries me when I hear about people playing games with things they don't understand and without sufficient development of their magickal personalities.

What the fuck is going on here?!

The truth



And I also pray to Baophomet that you are taking precautions such as a circle of protection, and calling on the archangels (specifically Michael) for protection

Radical Centrism: Spiritual Edition.




Is this running forwards or backwards?


  • 🔥 = 🍗



Based schizoposter

Fear is the mindkiller etc...


I just went and ripped the energy field apart, basic energy draining field i expected something more advanced

Pff this guys just blew through the energy field like it wasn't there. What are you all worried about?

Not bad, Pentagon-san... you made me use 10% of my power

this reminds me of 5 year olds play-fighting like "i just ripped ur puny force field apart with my laser eyes it wasnt even hard"

Um um um too bad my second force field is laser proof!

But i also have telekinesis and i beat your second force field with my mind. Pathetic kid, I was expecting something more advanced.

Psshhhhwuuuul bwaaaah pshhhhh

U died ur dead u have to fall on the ground now i hit you

nuh uh

Every time my 5 year old wants to "play stuffed animals" with me. He "dodges" all my attacks, and every one of his attacks is a crit. Fucking cheater

nothing personnel, pentakid

>fear is the mindkiller etc

What kind of megafaggot says only the first part of this glorious dune reference?!

based and schizopilled

Autism doesn't exist. What you call an autist is a crystal child.

The crystal children began to appear on the planet about 1990 - 2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power.

They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the "Law of One" or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.

They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.

Crystal children's auras aren't specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn't in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them.To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.

The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring.

Don't mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.

Lol I remember first reading about the ‘crystal’ or ‘indigo’ children or whatever.

It’s pretty obvious that it’s a pretty fucked up interpretation, born out of a mental complex, and acting as a defense mechanism for these (mostly) women to deal with the crushing reality that your kid is autistic and you’re going to have a hell of a life with them.

“No, no - he’s not ‘autistic’ - he’s a special angel sent from the thirteenth dimension! That I can accept! And look how much better he is than ‘normal’ children then!”

Yikes. If you ever want disturbing psychological defense mechanisms to play out live in front of you, listen to those broken whackos.

Ironically, these delusions usually doom their high-functioning autistic kid to end up a non-functioning autistic adult. See: Chris-chan.

Omg did you find this on a crazy ass sub or somewhere else?

It was revealed to me by my spirit guide Miles Prower

This checks out. Miles Prower is every crystal child's spirit animal.

hey, i'm autistic

where's my group consciousness and forgiving nature

What the fuck is this about

Real time mental illness

This is some r/threekings level of batshit insane people

Thank you for this.

What about Pentagon Jr / Dark?

You just need to have Cero Miedo to go to him

flaired “Attacked”

based schizoposters

Some of you are okay, so don't go to the Pentagon tomorrow.

Am I doing this right?

What in god's name have you found? It's like they read too much Grant Morrison and think they're all Flex Mentallo.

Holy mother of fuck. Do they just ALL have schizophrenia? What in the fuck is happening? Subscribed!

I literaly work there lmao