Wimmins March told to use the "correct" terminology, when describing a Parkland Shooting survivor later necking themselves.

174  2019-03-24 by BigFanOfMilkshakes


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you werenโ€™t addicted to Reddit. Youโ€™re making a difference, though!


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It's "kept herself safe," ackshually. Language matters. DO BETTER.

It is almost like a religion, they don't give a shit about these Parkland students while they are alive (except to use as political fodder) but when they die they are made into matyrs and beautified for a cause they may not even have believed in. It is no different from the religious right really.

Oh dude it's fucking exactly like a religion, no "almost" about it my dude. I went to a pretty normal non-denominational Christian church growing up - just on holidays and if my mom got a bug up her ass that we suddenly needed to go see Jesus - but I had a friend who was a really hardcore Baptist. He had a LOT of this weird speech policing. Like he would say "oh my GAH" to avoid saying "oh my God" and get really uncomfortable when we were talking about women or drinking or whatever.

The "language matters" stuff reminds me of that dude. I remember back in the day thinking that I was glad I was in a "progressive" (in the traditional sense of the word) religion because I didn't have to constantly self-monitor my language like that. It just seemed like an exhausting way to live.

Yeah, grew up Newfie/Catholic but there was an Anglican church who my friends Mom sang and played the organ. I'd curtail my language there house and stuff, but I stil feel bad for yelling "Awh fuckin' Jaysus look out" at dinner when someone spilled one of the gravy boats. They were only a tad more concerned with the gravy on the table cloth than what I'd said.

"Language matters" is nothing more than all sorts of policing of others in the end when it comes to things like this.

When you get rid of religion, the needs people have that attracted them to religion don't disappear. It's just substitution of belief systems.

It's funny that the old system of cursing based around bodily functions basically isn't offensive anymore. Nobody cares about shit or fuck. What is really offensive are racial slurs and terminology.

Suicide victim's are the most oppressed demographic in America. Did you know that 0% of the house and Senate are suicide members? Guess how many of the current fortune 500 CEOs are suicide victims.

Don't get me started on the suicide victim pay gap.

The one minority group I actually want to belong to ๐Ÿ˜Ž

It's really easy to become a member.

what about suicide perpetrators?

I want to make a Christian "minority report" film, where a group of priests go around assassinating people who the precogs said would've committed suicide.

Genius, they would be saving them from hell

Put to death on the spot.

Not to mention how many suicide victims die each year.

This is why women were Allahโ€™s only mistake

adam and steve would have been better

we'd all still be in the Garden of Eden. Steve would have been too busy getting his ass plowed to bother with some snake and his stupid fruit.

stealing this thx fam

So why not delete this and repost correctly, in a more sensitive manner? Language matters and this is easy to fix.

Interested in inclusive education for LGBTQ2S+ youth, Gender-Sexuality Alliance,...


I'm sure Gail's husband and kids are super proud of her keyboard activism!

I'm sure Gail's husband and kids her sons are super proud of her keyboard activism!



nigga what the fuck is this shit supposed to be

That fucking acronym changes transitions every fortnight or something.

What does 2S+ even mean ? ๐Ÿ˜•





Makes complete sense if you intersection it like that.

Fuck I forgot that fortnight is a real world, literally die me by suicide

Burger owned by Queen's English epic style ๐Ÿ˜Ž.

IIRC it means '2-spirit', which is basically a word one (1) tribe of Injuns made up to explain away homosexuals.

Also, 2-spirit sounds like a shitty knock off soda from the third world.


Now is this cultural appropriation ? That's the real question.

2-spirit sounds like a shitty knock off soda from the third world.


Why the fuck did they get two characters in the acronym when there is a whole slew of weirdos that have have to share + ?

It's two spirit, native American for all the lgbtq letters because white guilt. https://lgbtqhealth.ca/community/two-spirit.php

New version. They're announcing the 3SX at the Apple keynote next month.

I think it might stand for two spirit

Oh god you're right. Isn't that shit actual appropriation of Native American culture?

Yeah pretty much. But it's wokeโ„ข

It's not appropriation if you truly appreciate those beautiful peoples.

Oh god you're right. Isn't that shit actual appropriation of Native American culture?

Yes, and First Nations have been known to actively resent dumb white folks stealing the term without being willing to live in the culture.

What about those of us with one spirit?

I feel excluded.

Thatโ€™s like the joke where people go LGBTQABCD but not a joke. It had become reality.

This is that new WiFi tech right?

2 spirit which apparently some casino indians identify as.

It's such a weird genderspecial """identity""" to include by name. What, neutrois and genderflux aren't included in the acronym but we gotta put two-spirit, which approximately no people claim to be up in there?

lmao the tumblrisms have mutated on twitter and I thought the whole "bun/bunself" was enough

2 suicides +

Lawd if only

When you're transgender but also you live on an Indian reservation and sell your body in a tee pee.

I think it means two spirited, however whatever tthe fuck that is idk.

aww she had the sad brains :(

Rest in power

lmfao wat?

im pretty sure satanists say this lmao

Look if an actual rock star says it's not that bad. However some blue check just ruins it.

Pretty appropriate since all suicides go to hell.

ุฅู† ุดุงุก ุงู„ู„

You did your best

did wikipedia fail me? What did I say? Was it bad enough to be beheaded with a scimitar

You forgot a letter in God's name, so yes.

Now when you guys talk about god do you mean the old testament god or the new testament god, because I could take the dope smoking liberal hippy new testament god no problem

Reminder OG Chad wrassled a Angel until the Angel cheated and crippled him

J|| oluรผ'' ลฏ!

People say they want to go to hell for the company, but can you imagine actually being forced to spend time socially with John Lennon, Casanova, Adolf Hitler, and Jeffrey Dahmer?

the ashy american way to say rest in peace



We don't do โœŠ๐Ÿป

I can't believe you're marginalizing albino Africans this way. Haven't they suffered enough?

End AIDS, eat an albino.

End AIDS. Forcibly circumcize every African Adult male. They'll be so sore they wont be able to fuck anymore.

Hapas OUT!




Diversity is a white supremacist concept

Gussy likes talking about how powerful they are on platforms built by and maintained by men.

What's the controversy exactly ? I genuinely don't understand it.

It is apparently offensive to say someone committed suicide because that has a negative connotation and implies it was their fault.

It literally fucking is only their fault tho lmfao

This falls right in line with the war on personal accountability that drives many of these people. If you're responsible for any amount of your own success, then you can't blame [insert opposing political group]

She probably wouldnโ€™t have done it if she werenโ€™t in a horrific shooting though, so itโ€™s mostly the shooterโ€™s fault

Bullshit. She chose to end her life on her terms.

implies it was their fault

It wasn't ?

Now is suicide a fault or something ?

Also, would the dead person care ?

Jews Israel

Somali mummy is on this then like white on rice.

Woke and Hezbopilled

I mean it's an unforgivable sin and it is their fault so...

unforgivable sin


Suicide should just be accepted as a verb and this wouldn't be a problem.

It's never been a problem though. It's currently not a problem. Even if it was accepted as a verb people would find a way to be assmad about it.

Guess that meditating didn't do her much good.

The horrors and trauma of being on the other side of campus with several feet of concrete and hundreds of yards between her and the shooting must have finally caught up with her

>be amerimutt

>almost get shot

>get sad and shoot self anyway


We have the FREEDOM to blow our brains out and youre JEALOUS you eurocuck. cope, have sex, etc

Fuck thems big tits

Finally, thank you !

I was going crazy that no one had mention them.


Based and tit pilled

I thought pedo users were the worst it's gonna get here

By this time next year pedo users will seem like a cherished family holiday you took as a child. Strap your bussy in you degenerate.

Am I being downvoted by pedo necros or just regular pedos? Can't tell ๐Ÿ˜

Why not share the bussy with both?

the real tragedy here.

I said that the first time this came around. Waste of great tits, right there.





Damn that chick had a nice rack.

Had, language is important.

Only now do I begin to feel the pain of loss

Itโ€™s probably mostly still intact at the moment to be fair.

Iโ€™d rather watch you motorboat a cadaver than scroll any further through that twitter link

Interesting take, lets discuss this

he a virgin

In game ,if enemy shoot me ,my hit point goes low ,later I fall off bridge ,in many game person who shoot me recieve kill point for doing first damages


this insect is onto something

he's right, the guy managed to kill her from his prison cell, truly a master of his art

Why is she showing White Power signs with both hands?

Women only care about controlling the behavior of others so this isn't a surprise

How did they not properly mask the background from that photo when she is wearing such a high contrast shirt.

Im going to Kermit suicide

They did a selfkill.

Since when was "comitted" insensitive when referring to suicide? Are these the hot new patch notes for the newest PC update?

Is it bad because it implies the person made a choice to kill themselves and isn't just a victim of forces outside their control, like "died by"?

Twitter is a blight upon the land.

Seems somewhat niggardly.

RIP Milkers...

they knew to much


No comment about "an hero'd" being improper terminology though.

I always thought that 'committed suicide' was weird. The only other terms associated with 'committed' are like horrific crimes and atrocities.

I am in a committed relationship. The recruit committed to by favorite school. I failed to commit in time for the ceremony, so they gave my tickets to someone else. Jesus fucking christ, it's like you are one of them.