The time I got asked to leave a gift shop for trying on a fedora.

6  2019-03-24 by IDFSHILL

So there I was, staying at an Orlando hotel with my girlfriend. She was from Canada, and had asked me to check out some of the local gift shops (almost all of them owned by Asians.) So I spot one with a nice mural on the side of the building.

We enter the gift shop and right away, as soon as we open the door, I notice a shelf with some prime fedoras. I also notice a sign that says "please do not try on." I say to her "I'm gonna take a picture in one of those fedoras" and she dismisses me with that typical foid tone "really? can you not."

I decide to wait until we're about to leave, and after browsing the knock-off SpongeBob toy isle I finally get my chance. I put on the fedora and say "take a picture of me tipping this fedora" and she sighs at me but agrees. The Asian food working the counter spots me and gets very aggressive towards me. I take this chance to rant against what I call "increasing chink influence on the social scene in Orlando."

She tells me to leave, I quickly respond with a "you can't tell me to leave, I was already walking out the door you stupid chink."

My girlfriend at the time was very embarrassed over this, but I didn't care. I got my fedora picture, and that's all I wanted.



Is it pleb or plebe, you half breed piece of garbage?

leave him alone, he's day (read: morning) drinking!

live a little, bussysmalls!

How come my beautiful black tax dollars have to go to supporting this white devil's degeneracy?


I don’t know man I think I like Lalwz posts better

So there I was, staying at an Orlando hotel with my girlfriend

fake and gay

ps is 6'2"

😴😴😴 Cmon pizza, this sucks.


Then why respond?

>not understanding why people do pointless shit on /drama

>it's literally the point of the whole sub

>meme arrows on reddit

"I totally don't care, but I'm going to keep responding."

ilu bby 😘