Chapo gets emotional - “THIS SHIT IS SERIOUS BRO” CPT plays pretend like 13 year olds

13  2019-03-24 by ChuckyIves


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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Imagine getting that stressed over JOKES

CHAPOTARD: All chuds get the wall or the guillotine

chud makes joke about commies getting killed


You sound a little worried about the guillotine, wanna talk about it?

Imagine getting that stressed over JOKES

Rules for thee but not for me. The Chapo mindset.

Tbf they could probably say the same thing but with gulag jokes. Not saying it would be “equally valid” or anything, but you know. Down with unnecessary mistreatment of political opponents and whatnot.

Soooooooooo close to self-awareness

He gets a reply -

if you have the time and power and resources to do these fucking spectacle executions, your side clearly has control and is only abusing its power.

Ofcouse gulags killed much more and might've involved oppression but hey atleast they weren't spectacles.

Those are some Olympic level mental gymnastics

That's the only exercise these fuckers are capable of.

The typical fat boomer with diabetes watching Fox News worships American soldiers, but he doesn't confuse himself with a 27 year old Green Beret in peak physical condition.

The average Chapo is a greasy chubby failson who sits in his parents' basement smoking pot and posting "This but unironically" on Reddit 12 hours a day, and yet for some reason sees himself as a fearless guerilla fighter/inspiring revolutionary scholar who's just waiting to be activated. This despite the fact that he goes into a 3 day depression every time a girl ghosts him on Tinder.

The average Chapo is a greasy chubby failson who sits in his parents' basement smoking pot and posting "This but unironically" on Reddit 12 hours a day, and yet for some reason sees himself as a fearless guerilla fighter/inspiring revolutionary scholar who's just waiting to be activated. This despite the fact that he goes into a 3 day depression every time a girl ghosts him on Tinder.

Goddamn nephew, you just blew a hot truth load all over Chapo's unwashed greasy bussy

Fuck the kulaks

He says while literally shaking when discussing his comrades' free helicopter rides.

coming from the guy who has to retreat back to his safespace where all you do is pat eachother on the back about how much you all lack actual ideology, convictions or frankly knowledge about anything real rofl

safespace where all you do is pat eachother on the back

Stop describing chapo.

frankly knowledge about anything real

Says the chapotard commie.

how much you all lack actual ideology, convictions

Imagine thinking that's a bad thing sweaty.😎

I mean you can say whatever you want but this thread is literally a bunch of smoothbrains jerking eachother off.

you can say whatever you want

Of course I can unlike in a commie hellhole.

bunch of smoothbrains jerking eachother off.

Again stop describing your safe space snowflake.

but this thread is

One of the many threads where we mock you lot.

We also mock Rightoids too.

No You!

There you go, now you understand.

You say that as if it means something


FaCtS aNd LoGiC > FeElInGs

also you regarding an ideology based on thousands of pages of well written carefully thought out theory which you have read none of:

Communism is bad and evil and communists must die!

I would laugh but some points its just sad.

thousands of pages of well written carefully thought out theory

Imagine thinking that communism is the need of the world. 👌

Communism is bad and evil and communists must die!

I second this.👌

FaCtS aNd LoGiC > FeElInGs

Says the commie.

I would laugh

Why don't you ? It may just help you.

its just sad

Remember me in your thoughts and prayers.

Says the commie. This time we won't fuck up and it'll work, trust me ! 🙏

China Soviet NK and Cuba did nothing wrong

USA and the UK did nothing wrong.

With regards to your comment on that sub.

Linking a bunch of tankies. Totally pwned me.

Even the centrist himself doesnt know where he stands, amazing

Even the centrist himself doesnt know where he stands, amazing

No sweaty I do. Fascists, Nazis and Commies deserve the boot.

Again man up, and make the deal.

going for another 180



I sure did. 😎

Every reply to a chapo post, no matter how innocuous, is updooted to the nines.

How fragile are these people that they just blindly upboat each other like NPCs~ ?

Dear Chapos, helicopter jokes are just satire 😉.


Chapos don't know what that word means.

We're the dirtbag center

No but really, watching it rain doughy Demi queer communists would probably bring the country together so I'm down for it.

Be gone, creature of the dark

Oh shit fuckin got eeeeeem son
