Endorsed r/TheRedPill poster goes on fentanyl-fueled rant about shoving ping pong balls in his bussy

21  2019-03-24 by bussysmalls


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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It’s gone! Who was it? What was said?

I think it's still there. If you never visited that sub, try go to its front page and accept viewing quarantined content. After I did that, I could read the post.

Ya gotta visit it on desktop to get past the quarantine the first time, then you can visit it on mobile.

However, in an attempt to resurrect LongPostBot, I'm going to paste it here:

I know, you’re wondering—wtf, Max? Don’t worry. This will be a shorter post than my usual and straight to the point. If any of you have visited asktrp in the last few days, you might know from where this came. Though it does look like the mods mopped up the mess since.

Should you tell ____ that you _____ when you were ______? This is an easy one. Why would you?

In your dealings with women there are two economies at work. Yours is productivity. You are defined by what you can do for her, such as what you give her or how you make her feel. The pill aware understand the latter is far more powerful than the former. Hers is informational. She is defined by what we know about her, such as how attractive she is and her past behavior. Women know very well that a detailed description of everything she has put into her orifices in the past might be information you don’t want to know. She will control that information, modify it as necessary and only use it when it is beneficial (though I will admit women are not always the best judge of that).

Productivity is a value in the moment. That is, it doesn’t matter if you gave some chick tingles 10 years ago or had a six figure job before you got laid off. What value to you provide NOW? As we have observed, women generally live in the moment, and while they can put some thinking into investing in a future, ultimately if a better value presents itself in the moment, they will be strongly attracted to it.

What you put into your ass at 12 has little to do with the value you bring to her in the moment. Telling her about it isn’t going to solve any problems. It isn’t going to provide her any value. It isn’t going to make you feel less gay (or whatever that lunatic was going on about in asktrp). It’s only going to go into her data base of “weird shit you’ve done” to be withdrawn when she is looking for a reason to get over you. She manages information, including yours.

If you want to shove a ping pong up your ass after you’ve shoved 20 up her twat, you could get away with sexy-weird. But no woman wants to hear about how you’ve explored your hairy, stinky, sweaty man body with foreign objects to expand your understanding of your sexuality. She wants you to explore her sexuality.

It was me. It's not gone. It requires some aptitude for abstract thought, so tread lightly. I suppose it would count as drama, but only if you found the reason why I posted it--some lunatic constantly re-posting about how kissing a tranny ruined his life or something. Fuck if I know what that was really about; it was too incoherent to be a troll.

You’re article wasn’t that weird. Thanks for posting it. I get your point. Are you a miscer? That’s the only place I’ve seen “penor” used lol

Don’t worry. This will be a shorter post than my usual and straight to the point.

Proceeds to write a 2000 words essay.

I now know why twitter has done so well.