There's a mental health support subreddit for tankies and anarchists and it's as gay as you think it'd be

34  2019-03-24 by bussysmalls


This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


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My hope is that we slow climate change enough that the octopus survives but we won't and that they learn to share when we couldn't

I can support the octopus supremacists.

I can’t. It conflicts with platy nationalism.

Nigga played too much Splatoon and forgot Octo-waifus aren't real

"how the fuck are we going to undo this massive system of imperialist capitalist white supremacists patriarchy"

Just concentrate on the capitalism, de-prioritise the other things.

capitalist white

These fuckers are aware that trade and stuff isn't white right ?

Like holy shit they're racists😱😱😱.

Funny how you only see these mental health help subreddits for chapotards and tankies because god knows they need it

Holy shit it’s like a lefty version of clownworld, except not a meme like the rightoids

True though if rightwingers need to let of some steam they just shoot up a youth camp or mosque.

all tankies and anarchists are mentally ill

They make a way better case for right wing ideology than the actual right wingers do just by being such insufferable pussies

Seriously, it used to be that the rightoids had the monopoly on being insufferable.

Somehow, this lot has topped what would Jesus do. 😱

mental health support subreddit for tankies and anarchists

Aren't a lot of them, members of the 40% gang ?

Thus, the real question is, what causes their depression ?

Being a tankie/anky or a 40%er ? Or both.

Now that's the chicken and the egg question right there

I think they're just losers to start with tbh

An ideology promising gibs is of course popular with losers.

Especially in the 21st century and 4 years after the current year.

You've spent over an hour of your life today posting about Chapo lmao.

You in my house now faggot, post bussy

Is that why it smells like spoiled milk and dakimakura body pillows filled with old crusty cum and lost dreams?

LMFAO. "Everyone who disagrees with me is an incel stereotype!"

Fuck outta here with that shit. You know damn well deep down that the vast majority of people who hate you little anarcho tankie bitches are just normal people who can see you for what you are, which are a bunch of ugly unwashed losers who can barely get through their unemployed day without Prozac but who think they have all the right answers about how the economy should operate

Nah I'm just making an educated guess based on the fact that you are obsessed with CTH and are probably a child rapist. Don't get all in your feelings, sweaty.

you are obsessed with CTH

I'm obsessed with whatever lolcow will bite when I'm chilling in the crib having shitposting Sunday, you narcissist. And guess who just waddled their fat heffa ass in when baited? A CHAPO. Cause you dumbasses always do.

are probably a child rapist

lollolololololololololoollol wow

Don't get all in your feelings, sweaty.

Oh my God I can smell the mayo through the screen


Took you like 20 minutes to write that little poem but you're out here telling other people they're wasting their time?

"bussysmalls" when you are a child predator

Bussy is a joke on this sub and I really like Biggie Smalls.

Go take your Zoloft weakling.

It actually took me like 3 min, I'm just not eternally online.

[This is your future.](



Ain't nobody clicking that shit chief

The other way around... their depression is the cause of their political inclination. It's a scapegoat and them desparately clutching to a reason for how shit their own lives are.

I knew it, commies are retards ! 🙌

This is probably the truth, but the depression happened because they were ass ugly losers to start with

They all seem to have missed the simplest and most elegant solution: give up.

Revel in the decadence of collapsing civilisation, as it won't last the century

If I look around and think, "how the fuck are we going to undo this massive system of imperialist capitalist white supremacists patriarchy" I get overwhelmed.


Real shocker that a part-time barista who lives at home and needs antidepressants to get by doesn't think she can completely topple an entire economic system by her lonesome

I dunno, I think it's pretty fucking gay. It would be hard to live up to my gay imagination.

Anarachist teaming up with tankie is always a bit ironic, considering that the people tankies are defended sent anarchists to the gulags in masses

The one nice thing about the Chapotards gulaging all of us would be that eventually they'd just kill each other

"how the fuck are we going to undo this massive system of imperialist capitalist white supremacists patriarchy" I get overwhelmed. It is just too big for me to change alone.

Why didn't Harry Potter prepare me for this?!

"I should be able to overthrow Drumpf because the BuzzFeed quiz said I was a Snufferpuffle!"

(I don't fucking know I've never read that shit)

I've given up on expecting the world to change. If I look around and think, "how the fuck are we going to undo this massive system of imperialist capitalist white supremacists patriarchy" I get overwhelmed.

Depressed people always project their personal state onto the state of the world. That's why they have to say that everything sucks, the world is going to be destroyed, polar bears will rape our extinct carcasses, etc.

The normal among us realize we live in the most prosperous, safe, interconnected and tolerant time in human history and (like always) still have issues current and future that we need to work out, but we aren't going to go crying to a bunch of other faggots because there's potentially hard work ahead.