AHS is literally shaking about Pewdiepie being second coming of Hitler

158  2019-03-24 by Fonixxx


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


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What's stochastic terrorism and why is it the hot new buzzword of the month?

I don't know what it is, but stochastic is a field in math. Math is for really smart people, so stochastic terrorism is probably a very intelligent talking point.

Stochastic usually refers to random processes but stochastic terrorism seems to refer to random events. Its a dumb name that dummies are using to try and sound smart. The origin seems to be some random anonymous blog..

Life was so easy when terrorism wasn't random.

Back in my day the terrorists books an appointment at least two weeks in advance.

Hey, at least the IRA gave 30 minute warnings.


It makes more sense when you interpret it as meaning that non-centrist's explainations of events are random and meaningless within the contexts of the events themselves because you have to drink the kool aid to understand the retardation beforehand

I think it's "if you keep doing it it'll eventually cause terrorism even though it's not terrorism every time you do it" terrorism

Terrorism that is random and with poor predictability?

So it's basically blaming Catcher in the Rye for murderers, or Marilyn Manson for Columbine. Great.

Yup. And the Beatles.

Although blaming Pewdiepie is more like people blaming the Germans episode of Fawlty Towers for people becoming neo-Nazis.

So in context the news would be Mr Fawlty, aka the real fascist

It's when you can't create a verifiable account of the cause of something so you just blame non-correlated statistical noise itself for the existence of poopy heads. It's the smart sounding version of what they hate Alex Jones for doing. At least Alex figured out how to get paid for it.

It's just a kind of fancy term given to something I think most people have an innate sense of already.

I think most people would recognize that if someone or some people or organization/group with a lot of public recognition was effectively stoking fear about some person or group of people, hatred, etc, and saying along the lines 'something needs to be done' or phrasing which gives an immediate sense of danger/urgency, that eventually some absolute madlad will 'do something' about it. This is all done without giving specific instruction about what to do or giving material aid etc.

Except it’s a formulation that removes all responsibility for anyone being pissed off by Social Justice types. In the last five(ish) years, SJWs have made their causes so toxic that a shit tonne of young people have been pushed much further right than ever before in my lifetime, let alone older people.

Yep, given that "stochastic terrorism" allegations will never actually be quantitatively measured, it's a charge that can easily be levied against social justice advocates as well - "your hostile ideology is causing this terrorism, prove me wrong."

It’s another attempt to conceptualize speech as violence. If we can say that your words have a causal effect on terrorist acts being committed, then we can call you yourself a terrorist if you refuse to shut up, and treat you accordingly.

How come they never talk about reactance

tell me about reactance

It's like resistance but for AC.

it's when people you don't like say things you don't want them to say, so you pretend like each time they say something they have a 0.00000001% chance of influencing someone to become a terrorist.

and then you pretend like this makes them terrorists themselves. "stochastic terrorists"

homeopathy of terrorism


No, that would be the case if less wrongthing would lead to more terrorism.

Aren’t there a lot of things that are inherently enraging and simply reporting on them would be “stasochastic terrorism”?

This whole concept could be used as an excuse to censor events such as when rioters attack speakers at colleges and so on. “When we break the law, if you report on it you’re creating terrorism.”

It's based on the idea that even small jokes influence people randomly, and that other people influence others, so for instance even posting on this sub your apparently causing people to die. However, that is literally what terrorists say that they are influenced to have to do what they do and can't take responsibility, it's all full circle, without free will nobody can be blamed that means nobody. People who make these videos forget that.

The idea that YouTubers - even the 2edgy4me right wing ones - are "radicalizing teh yooths into huwhite supremacyyyyy" is the biggest fake moral panic of our generation

tone the seriousposting down, faggot

Sorry :-(

Jesus, don’t apologise.

Extra sorry :(

complaining about seriousposting

This subreddit is a great place to get exposed to new perspectives and develop a more nuanced worldview. It has helped me avoid extremist views countless times. Do not take this away.

I sometimes like seriousposting but not when one side dominates. That's not radical centrism.

At this point I would love to have a few /r/gamingcirclejerk types in here who actually think that PewDiePie is turning kids into Nazis. But making fun of them from here without pinging is early 2010s /r/atheism levels of braveryjerking

Fair enough.

And even if they would stumble in here, rightoids would just swarm them and barrage them with downvotes, which as we know scares the lolcows away.

I'm here. I'm a proud gamingcirclejerker and I'm legitimately concerned with the amount of cultural influence pewdiepie has. I just hate seriousposting. It's the exact same thing as shitposting, except not as funny and much sadder.

It's the same with any sort of edgy youth idol. Only difference is that unlike rock stars, Pewdiepie can actually form coherent opinions as he's not on drugs 24/7 yet.

I'm legitimately concerned with the amount of cultural influence pewdiepie has

Imagine being afraid of a retard that REEEEEEs on YouTube

Fell for the trap card nerd

unironically this. this place isn't just inner jokes and circle jerk memes and smug sarcasm mocking both sides because le radical centrism, it's literally the most grounded sub where people have the most common sense, free from being as retarded as either the left or the right.

it's seriously the last bastion of sane people on reddit, and serious posting every now and then is good thing.

I can't believe people are actually too stupid to see this shit for what it is

in their defense, no one pays attention until 50 people get shot

And even then, give it a week

The media basically invented a fake moral panic and then whoops, idiots ran with it.

So it"s basically the Russian collusion mass delusion 2.0

Even more stupid: the media bought wholesale into a bunch of jokes being “the threat of the alt-right”. I’m now 12 minutes into the video and it’s a) exactly what the NZ shooter wanted, b) another example of (some of) what radicalised him. O, the irony.

Literally 2019 is just fake panic TBH

Like are YOU a Nazi? Are YOU a chud? You might be. HOW CAN I KNOW THAT YOU'RE NOT?

It's quite simple friend. Just check their YouTube account to see if they're subscribed to PewDiePie.

At least Russia openly does try to sew division, the idea of a twelve year old watching a meme internet celebrity and becoming a neo-Nazi is just so brain-dead the only response should be constant, unrelenting mockery.

he said it because of the fake media outrage about PewDiePie

He said it because saying "sub to pewdiepie" is a popular meme.

Saying Pewdiepie causes radicalization is like saying the OK 👌 sign causes radicalization. It's only a right-wing meme because it symbolizes how gullible the left/media is.

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Wouldn't look bad on a wall


Somebody did not clean up the data

How so? It perfectly shows how these people can't understand sarcasm /s

Fucking hell that might be it... They are even more retarded than I thought.

alt white

aka italians

saying context people

Make videos, targeted at teenagers, glorifying genocide, totalitarianism, anti-intellectualism, and identity politics, complete with deliberately misleading sources, then claim you were being ironic and the normalfags are too stupid to appreciate your humor when you get called out.

glorifying genocide

fuckin WHEN

Thanks, I think I will!

Like that time he read Man’s Search For Meaning by Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl? Or Either/Or by Kierkegaard? And made videos talking about them in detail? Watched by 3,009,581 teenagers.

T-series shill get out.

Excuse me sir are you telling me that TikTok is not a reliable source?

poo in da loo

Make videos, targeted at teenagers, glorifying genocide, totalitarianism, anti-intellectualism, and identity politics, complete with deliberately misleading sources

so r/drama?

Is this a serious post?

Yeah that's why he grew his beard, because he wanted to become like Varg Vikerness

That beard he hasn’t had for about a year?

It's a cryptobeard, duh

the most dangerous kind

That "eco-fascist" crack from the Pewdipie shooter is starting to make sense...


Pewdiepie is so unfunny that his jokes probably qualify as hate speech tbh.

I think he's funny and cute. :-(

This Pewdiepie guy makes a lot of money?

For the life of me, I cannot see the draw of having to online like 24/7 as a job.

Between your insane fan base examining everything you do, and everyone else blaming you f or every fucking stupid thing your fan base does...it just seems easier to have a nine to five job.

A lot, a lot. But then if you watch his stuff in sequence (basically, just watch the Fridays withPewdiepie playlist on his channel), then you see him go from being this awkward 21 year old Swedish guy renting a crap flat, to meeting this adorable Italian girl, to gradually having more and more subscribers, and you can see why he’s still at it. Although I reckon he’s close to the end of his tether. He’s made a fair bit of money. I can see him wanting out soon. At the same time, he does have a pretty loyal and funny and sweet (for the most part) fanbase.

I like him as an entertainer, and I suspect a lot of his “edge” is partly a reaction to how he’s been treated by elements of the mainstream media and the po-faced end of the online press.

I've never watched his stuff but I feel the same way about politics and traditional media. It just sounds hellish and isolating in the same way, only the timetable to go from unknown, known, and back to unknown so much quicker.

I'm sure plenty of people who have made it "big" on YouTube and what not are fucking broke as shit.

Do they do "where are they now" shows on internet personalities?

Well, most of his videos are only ten minutes long and some of them are genuinely heart-warming and funny, so you could decide for yourself.

Yes. There’s a guy on YouTube who does Where Are They Now? videos about old YouTubers. Possibly more than one.

I'm sure plenty of people who have made it "big" on YouTube and what not are fucking broke as shit.

Which isn't surprising as like professional athletes and that artists that make it big they often mismanage their money and shit it away. That said its hard to know how many of those that made it big on Youtube have gone broke though. I say that as from what I can tell with Youtube overall there's overall less pressure on being materialistic than with say artists especially rap artists. I wager most youtubers that make it big buy a nice house and car and some clothes and that's it.

pewdiepie's options:

make 50k a year with a normal job make multiple millions a year shitposting online

His parents are wealthy corporate people who got him into some fancy college so he probably could have become chief wagecuck officer of some Swedish company but yeah he makes a ton more money this way.

About 4 years ago he was reported to make $12 million a year. YT doesn't pay as much now as it used to but as the most subscribed channel he's definitely making the big bucks

The community really isn't that toxic, mostly just your average edgelords and cringy 13 year olds. Pretty much all of the hate he gets comes from outside sources who think PewDiePie is racist and radicalizing children.

For the life of me, I cannot see the draw of having to online like 24/7 as a job.

Since when does he have to online 24/7? He releases a <20 minute pre-recorded video a day.

I mean having to have an opinion and a presence online constantly. Everything you do being analyzed by people with far too much time on their hand.

Literally anything you do can be taken the wrong way and dealing with the headache.

That sounds like hell to me.

If everything is influenced by something else, even a minor joke, then basically nobody has free will, so how will people have free will not to watch Pewdiepie. Also, you are only proving that the terrorist is influenced by what they say, for instance the birth rates. So what is he influenced by? Who you choose, it's a flawed argument.

Is there any difference between

Everything is an alt-right recruitment channel making people into angry racist nazis!


Everything is cultural marxism making people in commie soyboys cucks!

Of course there isn't, you know in your centrist heart that they are the same thing.

people this obsessed with the internet are pathetic

Great!! Now the we've identified these terrorist radicalization memes, we just have to flail and pearl-clutch until this convinces /pol/ and the kekistani skeptic liberalismists to stop posting them. There is no possible way this plan could go wrong.

These people are still freaking out about a fucking frog face? 🐸🐸🐸

they keep using that picture of him wearing the military uniform as if it's a Nazi one when it's a British military uniform