Mueller finds Trump did not conspire with Russia.

538  2019-03-24 by wfwfwfqwfqwef



I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

just watched an anime with a loli and that loli should be banned asap

[removed] links are autospammed by Reddit.

Fuck. One sec.



Thanks daddy <3 Wanted to share this

Fuck my bets were wrong.

our salt mining threads are split out sparsely populated, this is the first time ive visited pol since the inauguration, but they have a few AMAZING twitter/reddit salt mining threads.

I attached a needle to a usb cord and plugged it into my laptop to try and mainline it faster.


/u/The_Reason_Trump_Won: he was literally too retarded to successfully coordinate with the Russians.

the initial letter made it seem like he is also literally too retarded to actually indict on obstruction of justice charges because nobody can figure out his intent lmao

Unironically plausible. I still would've expected Trump Jr., or another of his sycophants, to have managed. SAD!

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance baffle them with bulshit.


Fuck it I'm on board.




Heard Yang was gonna debate my nigga Ben shapiro on circumcision but I personally can’t fucking wait to watch Benny boi try to convice his zoomer white male audience that neetbux aren’t a good idea.

Ben is a fucking hypocrite, he's gonna pull the religious card and make Yang drop the argument altogether.


No matter whether Trump gets indicted or not, the Russians have won.

No we are living in a timeline where Russian trolls pushed the narrative that "both sides are the same", and a large portion of the middle has accepted that.

Its time to stop pretending there are two equal sides.

There is the intellectually and morally superior side, and then there are the right wingers.

The right hates that we Reddit-browsing and NPR-listening "coastal liberal elites" are the winners in a service-based multicultural globalized society because of our open worldview and high intelligence, and they blame all their failures on minorities and undocumented immigrants. They are seeing how America is increasingly becoming vibrantly diverse, and how non-white people will soon be the majority and losing their privilege terrifies them. Republicans have now become the party of old white people who refuse to give up their white privilege and who wants to make America white.

I've come to realize that much of American history is made up of periods where liberals drag right wingers kicking and screaming into the future, then we try to compromise for a while, then we go back to dragging.

"No, right wingers, we're not going back to England."

"No, right wingers, you can't form your own country with blackjack and slaves."

"No, right wingers, you can't keep denying women the right to votes."

"No, right wingers, we're not going back to the way things were before the depression."

"No, right wingers, literacy tests aren't constitutional."

"No, right wingers, you can't deny homosexuals the right to marry."

It's always been liberals dragging conservatives against their will into a better future. I grew up in one of the in-between eras, where we all thought that compromise was a possibility, but I'm more and more realizing how mistaken I was about that. It's time once again for liberals and progressives to stop being nice and drag our country into the 21st century.

The simple fact of the matter is that conservatives just aren't offering any good ideas any more. What's the compromise between "We need to stop climate change" and "Lol, climate change isn't a real?" Or "Homosexuals should have the right to marry" and "Homosexuals cause hurricanes?"

What middle ground is there between the future Obama represented (diversity, tolerance, class, education, healthcare for all, multiculturalism) vs the horrible future Trump represents (white privilege, racism, sexism, bigotry, discrimination)? There is none, we cannot allow idiotic racists from pulling us back. The demographics have changed, old white men should not control everything, and our country must change as well to reflect the new progressive reality.

Based and thousand-dollarpiled



Imagine thinking Americans need foreign propaganda to vote for a retard.

There was still foreign intervention but it was completely ineffective and Trump didn't win cause of it. Anthony Weiner and Hillary still ultimately caused it


The Arjony Weiner showtime doc was actually pretty good. And he was busted texting that girl half way through hahah

He got the email investigation reopened just before the election by being a pedo


I think Weiner had basically nothing to do with Hillary losing. I don’t think I’ve heard a single person in the last 2 years say, “I would have voted for Hillary, but damn that Tony Penis guy ruined it for her”

An investigation into Anthony Weiner caused the emails to be reopened which lowered Hillary's poll numbers just before the election, probably leading to Trump's victory

Oh shit big if true

That's literally what happened.

Trump won a bunch of critical states by ~0.1%, so this theory doesn't seem completely crazy.

He won a bunch of states by 1.5% or less. Basically no one in history has threaded the needle like he did. He had support exactly where he needed it to just barely win.

Basically how you run a business. Play to the margins you need, anything else is a waste of resources.

George W. "Jeb! stole me the election" Bush.

Probably because he actually campaigned where he needed to

I'd say it swung her about 1%. Still enough to lose the election though.

Not to mention that she didn't do much campaigning, left out numerous states including the rust belt. On the day of the election, they disregarded the opinion of local workers and didn't move resources where it was needed. Partially because they were literally measuring up the White House for new furnishings and getting drunk.

There is so much condensed autism in your post

Thank god for the electoral college or that retard would be the current president.

Trump literally speaks at a 3rd grade level and can't formulate a coherent sentence lmao.

That’s why he won.

I'm well aware his retardation appealed to his fellow retards.

Then I guess you are sharper than the Dems were. They could have said some shit about opening the coal mines back up and cucking top companies into locating to bumfuck West Virginia. Instead they just did nothing.

I'd rather lose every election than pander to rural morons. Demographics are against them anyway.

Baste and ivory tower-pilled.

Demographics are against them anyway

you always say this, but have no evidence it is true.

Second generation latinos are conservative.

blacks kill all their babies in the womb.

and whites get conservative as they get older.

The left only preys on young idealistic people who don't know any better. IT's why they want to lower the voting age to 16.

you always say this, but have no evidence it is true.

I've posted evidence multiple times. go look at vote totals from 2016, if you want a more in depth look at the data, here you go:


Second generation latinos are conservative.

Gonna need some citation showing second generation latinos vote republican.

blacks kill all their babies in the womb.

And they've been doing that for a long time, their population is still going up while the white population goes down.

and whites get conservative as they get older.

Not actually true, there's a clear drop in conservative views by generation, even by age.

The left only preys on young idealistic people who don't know any better. It's why they want to lower the voting age to 16.

Democrats win like every age group other than 55+ and 65+ lmao.

I'd rather lose every election than pander to rural morons.

wish granted lmao

2018 says hi.

that shit always changes up when theres a new president though

you know what else always happens with a new president? re election

You realize like 20% of presidents have gotten a second term, right?

The fact you think presidents automatically get 2 terms is... hilarious, especially one as incompetent as Trump.

not all of them just the controversial divisive ones, forgot to write that

But I thought minorities were the uneducated ones 🤔🤔

Are white people minorities yet

Once the mayocide starts they will be

no u


lol this retard made a crypost for getting banned

I think that's what all this hubbub has been about these past two years, in the end. Americans desperately rationalizing how a complete fucking idiot could be elected president.

You might have noticed that I never complain about politicians. I leave that to others. And there's no shortage of volunteers; everyone complains about politicians. Everyone says they suck. But where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky; they don't pass through a membrane from a separate reality. They come from American homes, American families, American schools, American churches, and American businesses. And they're elected by American voters. This is what our system produces, folks. This is the best we can do. Let's face it, we have very little to work with. Garbage in, garbage out.

-George Carlin

How did America elect an imbecile? Well, America, take a look in the mirror.

First past the post voting is dumb as shit to begin with. Sure, it makes a huge difference in terms of what the country wants if its 50.1% one way and 49.9% the other or vice versa.

Who would win? $200 worth of Facebook ads or the oldest democracy in the world?

Who would win? Centuries old political party or legions of obese, retarded coal miners?

I knew it, Mueller was in on it the whole time.

He was hired to intimidate witnesses and covert it up.





Take a seat boys and enjoy the show

Thank you Americans, for keeping this sub alive.

We look forward to REEEEEelection 2020 with great interest and expectations.

Yeah this is the type of agendaposting i can get behind

On one hand I would like to see Trump loose and go berserk,plus have have all the smug right wing-cels taken down a notch.But on the other hand the prospect of Trump winning again and witnessing another nuclear meltdown on social media is probably higher.

Both time lines are so much more dramatic than anything we've ever seen that I think causality will collapse and end our universe.

A fitting end tbqh

trump losing would be pretty boring. they'd just go back to bleating about FEMA death camps

trump winning would probably cause a civil war or something

Nah not a Civil War if Trump wins, it’s the Right that claims the Deep State is trying to assassinate Trumps toupee. Dems will just panic post if they lose, Reps will boycott the government if Trump loses.

They just flopped back to loving the FBI again so I guess their deep state designation has been revoked.

I would love nothing more than him to win again and watch the complete and total meltdown of social media.

I'm in favor of whatever makes Twitter the angriest

Twitter is always angry, my dude.

I want to see Turbo Twitter C O P E Anger, though.

Twitter is mostly lefties so that's gonna be a Trump win.

Or I’d like to see a left leaning person that Twitter hates win

Tulsi Gabbard then?

Hahaha. You can still find the reaction videos on YouTube, they're fuckin hysterical lmao

Leftoids remain smug as hell regardless of what's happening in the world.

Trump is no better than a neoliberal anyway

They're both imperialists

This report guaranteed his re-election. No one is going to trust the dems now.

Don't underestimate these guys. They already flipped the House. There are crappy Senators who want to play an obstructionist role. IE, see the bill that Trump had to veto. So they control about half of everything. Even the scotus leans left with Roberts as the swing. We need Trump to win in 2020 and across the board in the upper and lower chambers. We need RBG to be replaced by a great Trump pick.

Even the scotus leans left with Roberts as the swing

Do you listen to yourself when you talk?



Best of both worlds: someone neither party wants like Yang wins. Social media meltdown because no way he will be the democrats favorite, and trump supporter meltdown because trump lost.

At this point it does not matter who wins, dramacoin will rise regardless.


🍿🍿🍿 🍿

No matter whether Trump gets indicted or not, the Russians have won.

No we are living in a timeline where Russian trolls pushed the narrative that "both sides are the same", and a large portion of the middle has accepted that.

Its time to stop pretending there are two equal sides.

There is the intellectually and morally superior side, and then there are the right wingers.

The right hates that we Reddit-browsing and NPR-listening "coastal liberal elites" are the winners in a service-based multicultural globalized society because of our open worldview and high intelligence, and they blame all their failures on minorities and undocumented immigrants. They are seeing how America is increasingly becoming vibrantly diverse, and how non-white people will soon be the majority and losing their privilege terrifies them. Republicans have now become the party of old white people who refuse to give up their white privilege and who wants to make America white.

I've come to realize that much of American history is made up of periods where liberals drag right wingers kicking and screaming into the future, then we try to compromise for a while, then we go back to dragging.

"No, right wingers, we're not going back to England."

"No, right wingers, you can't form your own country with blackjack and slaves."

"No, right wingers, you can't keep denying women the right to votes."

"No, right wingers, we're not going back to the way things were before the depression."

"No, right wingers, literacy tests aren't constitutional."

"No, right wingers, you can't deny homosexuals the right to marry."

It's always been liberals dragging conservatives against their will into a better future. I grew up in one of the in-between eras, where we all thought that compromise was a possibility, but I'm more and more realizing how mistaken I was about that. It's time once again for liberals and progressives to stop being nice and drag our country into the 21st century.

The simple fact of the matter is that conservatives just aren't offering any good ideas any more. What's the compromise between "We need to stop climate change" and "Lol, climate change isn't a real?" Or "Homosexuals should have the right to marry" and "Homosexuals cause hurricanes?"

What middle ground is there between the future Obama represented (diversity, tolerance, class, education, healthcare for all, multiculturalism) vs the horrible future Trump represents (white privilege, racism, sexism, bigotry, discrimination)? There is none, we cannot allow idiotic racists from pulling us back. The demographics have changed, old white men should not control everything, and our country must change as well to reflect the new progressive reality.

No matter whether Trump gets indicted or not, the Russians have won.

No we are living in a timeline where Russian trolls pushed the narrative that "both sides are the same", and a large portion of the middle has accepted that.

Its time to stop pretending there are two equal sides.

There is the intellectually and morally superior side, and then there are the right wingers.

The right hates that we Reddit-browsing and NPR-listening "coastal liberal elites" are the winners in a service-based multicultural globalized society because of our open worldview and high intelligence, and they blame all their failures on minorities and undocumented immigrants. They are seeing how America is increasingly becoming vibrantly diverse, and how non-white people will soon be the majority and losing their privilege terrifies them. Republicans have now become the party of old white people who refuse to give up their white privilege and who wants to make America white.

I've come to realize that much of American history is made up of periods where liberals drag right wingers kicking and screaming into the future, then we try to compromise for a while, then we go back to dragging.

"No, right wingers, we're not going back to England."

"No, right wingers, you can't form your own country with blackjack and slaves."

"No, right wingers, you can't keep denying women the right to votes."

"No, right wingers, we're not going back to the way things were before the depression."

"No, right wingers, literacy tests aren't constitutional."

"No, right wingers, you can't deny homosexuals the right to marry."

It's always been liberals dragging conservatives against their will into a better future. I grew up in one of the in-between eras, where we all thought that compromise was a possibility, but I'm more and more realizing how mistaken I was about that. It's time once again for liberals and progressives to stop being nice and drag our country into the 21st century.

The simple fact of the matter is that conservatives just aren't offering any good ideas any more. What's the compromise between "We need to stop climate change" and "Lol, climate change isn't a real?" Or "Homosexuals should have the right to marry" and "Homosexuals cause hurricanes?"

What middle ground is there between the future Obama represented (diversity, tolerance, class, education, healthcare for all, multiculturalism) vs the horrible future Trump represents (white privilege, racism, sexism, bigotry, discrimination)? There is none, we cannot allow idiotic racists from pulling us back. The demographics have changed, old white men should not control everything, and our country must change as well to reflect the new progressive reality.

mmm nice pasta

Fresh from this brainlet in r/the_Mueller.

No, it's not. I've seen this before, that guy's trolling them

Pasta itself is much older.

Guy you linked used it multiple times already, albeit in slightly different variations.

Iirc the thing is from early 2017.

Yeah, he’s looking like a bit of a RecallRethuglicans type.

They complain about bots and then they upvote and gild people for posting the same comment hundreds of times.

It's far from fresh.

tankie seriousposting


Eating pasta


Oopsie doopsie

Sorry Daddy it was just 2tasty2resist

Go forth and find more fresh pasta as penance.

Mod mod mod, ban this nerd for caring about upboats!

/u/bussysmalls has 1 hour to find fresh & authentic pasta tastier than what he just ate, otherwise yes.

Does it count if I made it myself


Dis gud?

Most of us were libs before we were leftists, most of us excused a lot of shit.

I was a hardcore Obama fanboy. When the ICE stuff came more and more to light I didn’t even hear of it. When the wall street stuff came more and more to light I went “oh that’s not good but Obama is doing it in the interest of our nation.” When the drone stuff came out I went “oh that’s not good.” When the NSA stuff came out I went “This is bad, maybe there might be more out there than just liberalism.”

Everyone has breaking points, I eventually found mine because leftists kept pushing undeniable evidence in front of me. This is one of those moments, it will break a lot of people. The ones that don’t break will nevertheless be pushed closer to breaking if we do our jobs right

Eh, good enough

Thank u Daddy but I'll keep looking for tasty pasta anyways to keep my community healthy





It’s evidently an older copypasta. 🤷‍♂️ I didn’t recognize it either.

19 lawyers, 40 fbi agents, 2800 subpoenas, 500 warrants, 230 requests for communications records, 500 witnesses, 13 requests to foreign governments and they found no evidence of ANY American involved with the Russkies and their shitposters.

That's not what it says at all.

Yeah but reading takes time.

"The special counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," the four-page letter sent to Congress states.

I did not find that you masturbated to gussy. I did find a dank sock and your computer was full of spyware. Had I not found these things, I would have used the very specific phrase "I found no evidence linking you to the alleged gussy incident".

You clearly have no idea how the legal system works. Whatsoever, be happy it came out this way. Otherwise it would mean that the “greatest democracy of all time” and the land of the free isn’t worth shit if some troll farms in Sankt Petersburg can decide who is going to be the POTUS.

Damn, lawyered 😿


Ive never seen so many people mad that their election was legitimate

The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA)

As noted above, the Special Counsel did not ?nd that any US. person or Trump campaign of?cial or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.


The second element involved the Russian government?s efforts to conduct computer hacking operations designed to gather and disseminate information to influence the election.

But as noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.

Harambe lives?

Ok very epic and very relevant meme posting gentle sir. One upboat for a fellow narwhal 😎👍



Did you fall asleep frendo? I thought we were making le epic memes B)

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable




Not even airports show this dribble anymore

It’s McDonald’s TV-tier

Idk, my local McDick's had on some libertarian news channel where the host was going on about how the government was morally evil because it stole from him (read: taxes).

See, that's something I'd expect a giant soulless company to say.

they do, literally the only time ive seen cnn since 2016 was in airports, and i still havent not seen cnn in 4 years and they didn't have the words "breaking news" and "trump" on the screen.

> dribble


Dribble my balls am i right lmao

Bone Apple Teeth

Lmao. You can't even spell drivel 😂😂😂

As a europoor radical centrist.


Use the regular alphabet.

That's not really it but titles like these are great for dramacoin.

How is that not really it?


Coping? In my Drama sub?

It's more likely than you'd think.

See: Nunes memo.


DADDYYYYY 😍😍😍😈😈😈👅👅👅

Most powerful lobbying group in America is called out by somali mommy, reaction from government is a unanimous vote proclaiming love for Israel. That isn't a problem the problem is a few shitposters and Facebook ads

Oy vey

Here's how Trump can still be indicted, by HA Goodman.

HAHA Goodman

I already posted this in another, lesser thread, but check the sheer level of cope on this guy's account. Imagine actually living your life in this way.

Hooooly Fucking shit someone should mod that guy

In many ways he's already been modded by life.

I honestly think he’s LARPing right now

If he is, that's one hell of a LARP. I choose to believe.

Dude is having a total mental breakdown lmfao

Good. Let him go insane

I want links to all the breakdowns going on


He's a great hysterical cope copypasta generator.

This is the end of America, if we let this stand.

A white supremacist supporting bigot stole our election by using the services of Putin, himself a sexist homophobic dictator that is despised by his own people and kills journalists who are critical of him.

He's reworked the country into a disaster, ruined our economy with his tax handouts, tried to ban all Muslims but luckily got blocked by our courts, destroyed the good name of the presidency and made us a laughing stock to the world.

And now we can't even get him indicted for obvious crimes, with a mountain of evidence being reported by all the mainstream news for the last 2 years.

Something is seriously wrong here, and the only way to stop this is have a huge blue wave in 2020 and make sure Republicans never get elected again. We have to ban propaganda from the Internet, we have to go after right wing sites that push this racist narrative to scare white people into voting for nativists like Trump. Its the only way that we stop regressing and continue the progress that Obama started.

Full meltdown, wish we could ping, this is what it was designed for

He actually posted the "It's time to stop pretending there are two equal sides!1!!" pasta. Think he's a troll?

It's possible, but loads of his other posts are gigantic tirades which are completely original. He may be a troll, but if he is, it's a decent amount of effort. He may also be the liberal equivalent of the gamers who still post the "They targeted gamers." copypasta unironically because they miss the joke and think it's cool.

To all the T_D idiots coming in: The clock is running out on your orange Cheeto Benito.

You hear it?

Tick tock.

Tick tock Trumpkins.

What's that ticking sound?

Oh, nice clock, Ahmed.

Man that whole clock thing almost feels like a bad dream. I can’t believe that was real. Actually the last couple of years don’t feel real at all come to think of it.

Want to bring it to the White House?

Gamers are a targeted group in America, what are you talking about? Gamers are the most oppressed working class in America.

Gamers rise up

Oh my god. I should post that pasta in a few places, get a bunch of gold, then replace it with Subscribe to Pewdiepie.

Do it

He's not. He's just an NPC. It gets him thousands of updoots and gold, so his dopamine receptors tell him to keep doing it.

he has to be a troll. he’s just making so much new copypasta.

Yeah. I didn’t read the long novels but one short post said he/she was going to dust off their pussy hat and take to the streets.

look at his posts dude theres no way this guy is being serious, his first post references mudsharks lol

Every single one of those comments could be a new Snappy quote.

His supporters will never give up on him. Imagine you're a white middle-aged plus low to middle education voter. You grew up in a time of relative fiscal ease (1950's to 1990's) and opportunity. Which, in economic terms basically refers to barriers to entry. They were low. College was relatively inexpensive...and even then diplomas were not a requirement for so many jobs. Tradeskill professions paid well.

Further, the labor market was decent. Wage growth was fairly decent. Home prices were relatively low. Basically shit was pretty good and it wasn't that hard to establish oneself.

Fast forward to today, college debt is massive. Home prices are soaring in most markets. Wage growth is flat or negative relative to inflation. Basically, our labor markets are all fucked up.

Why are they all fucked up? The real answer has mostly to do with a fundamental shift in the economies of first-world countries away from production and toward services and investments. This is great in a lot of ways. However, it sucks if you aren't an executive-type employee. It sucks worse when everyone starts realizing this and floods the American university system with applicants (see e.g. late 1990's to 2000's) only to realize that the market for executive type labor has only marginally increased and the number of people competing for those jobs is soaring. It sucks worse when that begins to flatline low level executive compensation. It sucks worse when those jobs become fungible due to a flooded labor market. So basically, you can get a job...but you have to spend a bunch of time and money to get there and when you get there you find yourself not as valued and deeply in debt. It sucks even worse when those people who are valued in the new economy decide that real estate is a great investment strategy and start inflating the markets by purchasing income properties which raise prices, which cause them to raise rents and thus decrease the ability to achieve meaningful living wage status. The inflated market creates incredible barriers to entry for even moderately skilled workers, thus ending the American homeownership system and creating more long-term renters than at any time in history. This leads to aggregation of wealth and to historical levels of paycheck-to-paycheck existence largely predicated on debt service and rent (neither of which are wealth generators).

Economic drivers are no longer reliant on moderately skilled labor. Economic drivers are now centered on investment, service and highly skilled labor. This is causing a heavy distortion in real wage growth and massive economic inequality. This inequality creates a huge social problem. Economic insecurity and flat wage growth aren't that bad when everyone's down...but when Pete gets a new Ferrari and drives it down Main Street while Fred is struggling to make it to the 15th...Fred feels really bad about a way he wouldn't if Pete was nursing his last BMW through year 14.

This economic insecurity is terrifying. Economic hardship is a leading cause of depression, anxiety, familial distress...and amongst males is the single leading cause of suicides...the rates of which are also steadily increasing.

Bottom line: Nowadays you have to go to school for longer and spend more money to get a worse job, which then doesn't even guarantee you a modicum of economic security. People are mad and scared. It seems fundamentally unfair.

If only there was some solution to this cyclical problem that would both make me feel better about myself, have someone else to blame and be incredibly simple.

Immigrants. See? Isn't that an easier explanation. We would be so much better off if we didn't have any. Labor market is messed up? Immigrants competing for wages. Housing market is messed up? Immigrants flooding our cities. "We" could have such a great society that fits our nostalgic economic view if only "we" weren't burdened by leeches who drain our country's resources and cost us jobs.

Now see? You're part of a club now! Proud White Americans standing up for their traditional values (code for nostalgic economic view). And you're better than them! This club is great! We know things no one else knows, we get to feel better about ourselves and we have someone else to blame for our problems! Further, we know exactly what we're looking for because we saw it 30 years ago. This club is great! It's more than a club, it's like some sort of...clan or something.

This is the source of loyalty. Trump makes them feel superior. Trump makes them feel like part of a club. Trump gives them an easy explanation for a complex set of economic and social problems. AND! As a bonus, Trump gives cover to the ruling economic class because in Trump's racial-blame permission structure, no one is lifting up the rocks they're hiding under and seeing that some of the real drivers of economic insecurity are hiding there.

Longpostbot has gone missing recently, so I'll do it.

Nurse, he's off his meds again.

I miss posty, pasta does't taste the same.

Your Pulitzer is in the mail

I know it's pasta, but the first half of it still does bum me out quite a bit as something that's mostly true.

I'm gonna have to ask you to keep ur giant dumps in the toilet and out of my replies

unironically agree with this

probably rape and she's a devout catholic so she stuck with the kid

That kid is hers And not his lol

That also explains it.

Neither of them are wearing a ring btw

The actual rate is ridiculous. Like the chance of a single mother with a mixed kid is like 79%

Well he's still with her so he's like in the top 1% of black fathers probably. Online shit posts regardless, that's basically a given with dad's anyway.

He loves the oppression so much he married it.

Oh man I remember this post, I think I even commented on it and got banned for the comment, let me see if I can find it

Ah man RIP feepo, the autists always die too young

anyone going to point out the obviously missing wedding rings?

Spent the ring money on lean

longposts on every muellerpost

This dude lmao

Assuming he isn't trolling, I'd bet he has schizophrenia or some shit. It's easy to forget that actual crazy people have access to the internet, unless they make it super apparent by talking about gang stalking or whatever. But that dude is literally insane.

Even if he is a troll, I think he's probably got serious issues.

I miss MDE 😔

He’s just mad about the whole “inverted penis” thing that life dealt him

Someone pull up the picture of the fat guy in the anti-nazi shirt because it's certainly this fella.

That is the most disgusting sub-human I've ever seen on this website, and that's saying quite a bit.

Archive of his account:

We all know he's guilty, its been proven every day on our TV's, our Twitter streams, our Reddit front page posts. Mueller should have just hired PoppinKREAM, all the information is already out there.

loool. and people have gilded this shit too.

We all know he's guilty, its been proven every day on our TV's, our Twitter streams, our Reddit front page posts. Mueller should have just hired PoppinKREAM, all the information is already out there.


What a loser that guy is

We need to organize a large protest, my pussy hat has been just collecting dust.

This cannot stand, this is a complete abuse of power where Trump put in the guy who is now judging whether he's guilty or not.


That is 100% a paid shill. The shit he's posting is insane.

Dudes wife is hot as hell though

Jesus christ dudes putting out an essay every minute

Yep, Russians are the ones who created T_D and pushed a wedge between the Bernie and Hillary supporters. In reality, we're both on the same side, its the Trumptards that are on the wrong side of history.

Premium LOL

Either CNN removed the article or you were a complete dumb dumb when uploading it.

Looks like they're experiencing server problems.

Haha fair enough

Oh noooo that sucks

where is that pizza shill faggot

Who do you think is balls deep in your asshole?

stick to aaf nigger


Oh snap Reddit will implode,its gonna be a great.

Will r/all have a slight moment of clarity (like they did when they turned on the DNC after the 2016 elections) but double down in the upcoming weeks?

Holy shit.

My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of tofu and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of tofu out of her hand.

She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is Trump not guilty ?

This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in.

I want Trump to go to jail so that we can fiz the world.

I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was finished???? This is so fucked.

Lol they've already started lying to try and say that Trump is still guilty.

Everyone keeps quoting this line "while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him" to make it sound like it's about the russians but it's just referring to obstruction of justice.

Jesus christ it's such a blatant lie but no one's going to pick up on it because these people who are ready to take the streets because of this are too lazy to read a 4 page summary for themselves. They'll just trust some redditor's selective quoting.

Obstruction of justice is still a big deal lol.

Pretending anyone gives a fuck about that or it's any sort of win is pure cope. It's been non stop screeching about RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA TRAITOR TRAITOR TRAITOR for the last 2 years.

The broader point is how can you obstruct a crime that doesn't exist?

Really easily dumbass. Impeding an investigation is illegal

I thought the dems would pivot to "muh obstruction" but I doubt they can now b/c Barr summary said in his summary that the report specifically says that there is no evidence of obstruction.

Also, if you read the Comey personal memos, he said during a conversation with POTUS that Trump asked him to investigate to see if anyone on his team was conspiring and bring them down. He literally was helping the investigation. Obstruction will never bear any fruit. Just another COPE mechanism.

By lying to the fbi when you did nothing wrong

You gotta break the law to obstruct the justice getting you for it

It's even more retarded because it's almost certainly just referring to Trump's tweets

Why'd you remove the other threads?

I'm not the mod who removed them lol. I'm guessing to avoid a flood of Muellerposting.

84 comments in 30 minutes

Too late

It's to concentrate them, silly.

>drama megathreads

They’re all being tagged with ‘low effort’ too lmao

Mods are salty

Mods are salty

Someone is trying hard but can still barely C O P E!

Yeah, now we enter the even more delicious release everything so we can see why he made no determination phase. Hold your bussy, dramanauts, it gets better.

Grab em by the bussy?

Would you really want to grab icky gussy?

Does this mean the drama gods have smiled on us and may give us some drama whiplash?

As much as I'd love to see the procedures of prosecuting a sitting President, Dems should just realize the optics of pursuing an obstruction of justice charge is retarded. They can easily win the next one if they actually focus on important shit instead of looking at Native American DNA and nitpicking a Muslim over defending Israel.

Focus on the looming recession, national debt, etc etc and it's a guaranteed 2020 win for the dems.

Focus on the looming recession, national debt

Yeah, focus on a) something that hasn't happened yet -- then get blamed for "talking down the economy" -- or b) something they're just as guilty of creating as republicans are plus (and you know this one is coming no matter what) c) more identity politics.

Maybe instead of telling the plebes what they should want democrats should listen to their fucking constituents.

Don't underestimate the pro life retards, though. When they get told that women are getting their babies killed after the babies are born because they changed their mind about having a baby, the fucking retards actually believe it.

The dems are fucking hopeless.

neoliberals are hated by people, the media is hated by the people, they wont win.

CNN is down

This is Trump's America I hope your happy



Apparently this isn't the same thing as proving Trump did not commit any crimes, so hold on because the drama's not over yet.

So the worst he'll get is what, get fined for violating campaign finance laws?

I sure hope my co-workers will sperg out for my entertainment when I go back to work this week.

Isnt that assumed though. You dont prove innocence. You get found not guilty.

lmao the fucking double speak.

Apparently this isn't the same thing as proving Trump did not commit any crimes, just that they don't have enough evidence to say he did

that can literally be said about everyone even proven innocent ever

Well yeah, that's the case for anyone who doesn't have a rock-solid alibi, see: original OJ trial.

The stickied comment is for serious posters only, OUT OUT.

smd, smdh

They also didn't say that trump hasn't murdered anyone. So for all we know, he is a fucking serial killer too.

Barr: “The Special Counsel states that ‘while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.’”

Soo i guess its all cool in the neighborhood or his fucked ??

Barr is Trump's handpicked AG. This is his summary of the report.

Taking a quick look into the /r/politics there is some nice COPE going on but the fact that

"'While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,' the special counsel is quoted as saying"

is already being quoted means this is another nothingburger. 😴😴😴

I love how they're throwing that quote around like it covers collusion and obstruction and conveniently omit that it only covers the latter.

The mental gymnastics are Olympic level.

I shouldn't be surprised they are already spinning like a tornado but it just impresses me how dems keep having these glorious BTFO moments that they ultimately bring unto themselves.


its F 5 o clock!

And it falls out of the news cycle in 3..2..

Oh shit

Imagine thinking trump was hiding his secret ties to putin/russia for 3 years without doing any mistake.

From the guy who practically admit obstructing justice live on television.

When I first saw The_Mueller subreddit, it reeked of Monday Morning Quarterback DNC/Clinton campaign astroturfing. Douche chills. The fact The_Mueller is now an embarrassment that will help Daddy Trump in 2020 pretty much confirms Clinton campaign involvement.

Exactly why I said nothing would come of this. If his handlers all colluded, they would have known Trump himself is too much of an idiot to trust with that knowledge himself.

The worldnews thread is a C O P E goldmine

It should be noted that this is AG Barr’s summary. The whole thing hasn’t actually been released yet, I believe. Also it was stated that this doesn’t exactly exonerate Trump, since collusion is likely not the only thing he was being investigated for.

What I’m trying to say is, hold onto your butts, because I’m getting the feeling this ride ain’t over yet.

the ag will throw their career away to bury a report for two days until a congresscritter reads it.

I can't even handle it right now lads, it's like the day Brexit won the vote, I want to just freeze the internet for a while as I read through all the fucking COPE. Oh my god.

I don't even like Trump but this is fucking hilarious, the one stick the libs have been beating him with for the past 3 years just disintegrated in their hands. Probably would've been a better idea to go after his policies instead of some conspiracy theory bullshit. Now they're going to do what they did after the election, and double down on their unsuccessful strategy by claiming it was all sabotaged by Russia or some nonsense.

Dramacoin is through the fucking roof right now.

I don't even like Trump but this is fucking hilarious, the one stick the libs have been beating him with for the past 3 years just disintegrated in their hands.

It's more like they hit themselves in the face with it and realised it's not a stick, it's frozen shit that is now flowing down their head.

Why is everyone assuming this is over?

This is Barr’s summary of the report. Barr is a known hack and why anyone would trust this is beyond me

Hit me back when we have the full report and it still shows nothing. Barr will be in front of congress next week and Muellar won’t be far behind him, assuming the report is not released

Are you saying... there might be a second wave of COPE? From the other side this time?

Nursing a semi here mate

Possibly. The point is that it’s not over

Take a guess about who somebody this stupid supports...

Wanna make a wager and see who’s right?

Read what I’m saying carefully.

Oh so you're also an idiot...

You asked

Why is everyone assuming this is over?

I answered with why the person you were responding to was assuming it is over.

Fuck off retard. You edited in the quote

Nothing has been edited you fucking moron lol. Reality exists even if you whine.

Ok partner whatever you say /s

Just more pathetic whining about how reality isn't reality.

Please do take a guess. I'll be amazed if you get it right.

Pathetic troll crying to be fed.

Do you know what sub you're on? Did you get lost on your way to somewhere else?

Pathetic troll crying to be fed.

It's okay, buddy. Maybe the full report will find something 😂

Pathetic troll crying to be fed.

I'll fill you're mum though

Pathetic troll crying to be fed. You'll never fill your empty life.

Actually, most days I end up wishing my life was a bit more empty, lmfao.

Anyway, here's Gold.

Thank you for coming home I'm sorry that the chairs are all worn I left them here, I could have sworn

These are my salad days Slowly being eaten away Just another play for today

Oh, but I'm proud of you, but I'm proud of you Nothing left to make me feel small Luck has left me standing so tall

Gold (gold) Always believe in your soul You've got the power to know You're indestructable Always believe in 'Cause you are gold (gold) Glad that you're bound to return There's something I could have learned You're indestructable Always believe in

After the rush has gone I hope you find a little more time Remember, we were partners in crime

It's only two years ago The man with the suit and the pace You knew that he was there on the case

Now he's in love with you, he's in love with you My love is like a high prison wall But you could leave me standing so tall

Gold (gold) Always believe in your soul You've got the power to know You're indestructable Always believe in 'Cause you are gold (gold) Glad that you're bound to return There's something I could have learned You're indestructable Always believe in

My love is like a high prison wall But you could leave me standing so tall

Gold (gold) Always believe in your soul You've got the power to know You're indestructable Always believe in 'Cause you are gold (gold) Glad that you're bound to return There's something I could have learned You're indestructable Always believe in


Pathetic troll crying to be fed. You'll never fill your empty life.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

You're alive!

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you

Pathetic politics poster trying to cope.


At least you're not even pretending on the Nazi front anymore lol. Just come right out and tell us how much you hate both Jews and reality.


When did I start???

Nazi's gonna Nazi.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

God libtards r dumb af

Orange man bad

this but unironically

He is complete shit, but isn’t a Putin puppet. And anyone who didn’t see that is fucking blind lmao.

Of course, people who spent years screaming about witch hunt are also fucking retarded.

Good day to be a radical centrist for sure.

Same dont like Trump but love seeing the meltdowns

in that regard, he's the gift that keep son giving

OOTL what is cope?

It's what happens when people are presented with information that they struggle to accept for one reason or another. Rage, lashing out, deflection, projection, any number of reactions can be COPE. Check the op link sorted by new, and you'll see it in the wild.

oh ok I thought COPE was like an acronym or something

Nah, it's just in capitals because... Well, have you seen the thread?

yup, complete shitshow, I love it

Imagine if they focused on beating up ICE agents instead of attacking trump supporters and making up a bunch of stupid bullshit

Literally nobody would have a problem with it we HATE law enforcement in America

Aren't ICE agents disproportionately latin? That would be hilarious.

The one stick? Really?

Okay, two sticks. The other one is COPE.

You really should edit your user name. You're means you are. What you were looking for is your_mum_mate. Unless, you are purposely trying to be my mum? Get it together. Know your vocabulary.

It's bait to hook retards with.


Awh that's so adorable!

I have an inkling of a possibility that Bernie may actually not be able to win...

What if he suggests a $1001 basic income?

What if he suggests a $1001 basic income?


No one’s a better sugardaddy than a rich old man 😩

god this is going to be glorious


God I fucking hate trump's beliefs and policies but he is great for dramacoin, which is all I really care about in politics. So glad this happened and hope he drives this bitch into the ground.

To quote a certain capeshit movie, We’re in the endgame now.

I really want to see a lib version of Qanon explain how this was “the only way”.

I think this was only the beginning

Of course Trump's campaign was practically run by Putin.

Hah, wow who could have seen this coming?

I can't wait to call anyone who ever brings up Trump/Russia a conspiracy theorist.

Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.


Real balanced and well-adjusted individual over here, folks.

You're going to need some lube. Lots of lube.

Thank you. I was so thirsty and your liberal tears quenched my thirst. Enjoy the next 6 years. Love you.

Eating the pasta on /r/drama?

Lurk more faggot

Mmmmmm. Nothing burger. A socialists favorite meal.


You wasted the last 2 years of your life over nothing LOL

Holy fuck It makes me so happy to see all you retards screaming at the top of your lungs like its 2016 all over again.

You're all degenerate fucking losers.

Way to take the bait m8

This is the end of America, if we let this stand.

A white supremacist supporting bigot stole our election by using the services of Putin, himself a sexist homophobic dictator that is despised by his own people and kills journalists who are critical of him.

He's reworked the country into a disaster, ruined our economy with his tax handouts, tried to ban all Muslims but luckily got blocked by our courts, destroyed the good name of the presidency and made us a laughing stock to the world.

And now we can't even get him indicted for obvious crimes, with a mountain of evidence being reported by all the mainstream news for the last 2 years.

Something is seriously wrong here, and the only way to stop this is have a huge blue wave in 2020 and make sure Republicans never get elected again. We have to ban propaganda from the Internet, we have to go after right wing sites that push this racist narrative to scare white people into voting for nativists like Trump. Its the only way that we stop regressing and continue the progress that Obama started.

Man, how do you speak that language so well?

It's taken me 10 years to do English, and I still can't put this shit together.


What a twist!

This is pretty great

I don't think I ever screamed this loud in my life. How is this even possible? This was supposed to be our comeback, our win. He was supposed to LOSE.

LOL /r/news deleted the post.

And Worldnews keeps scrubbing comments too

It also doesn't exonerate him either.

Right? Six years later we can get an ag to reopen the investigation and give us the result america i mean democrats need.

This line is literally retarded. You can't prove a negative. Of course the report can't exonerate him.

No, what retarded is claiming "you can't prove a negative." Of course you can prove a negative its call evidence of absence you may want look it up sometime.


It’s hilarious how this report is completely absent from the top of the Reddit News tab after 2 years of all consuming obsession over it. Even funnier that I’m it’s place, there’s a post about how a user poll says there was obstruction.

It's now obvious that mainstream Reddit is just as retarded as the hot takes you see on the Donald.


I'm a slow learner

I said three years ago some of Trump's people will go down but, unless he does something stupid and illegal in the process, Trump himself will be untouched.

It was obvious from the start he wasn't some Machiavellian puppet GRU asset, for better or worse Trump is just a loudmouth retard.

The real Mueller report is much more than Barr summary

As an American, I'm very relieved that our president did not collude to steal an election.

I also cannot wait to see the meltdown from people who DID want this to be true.

libtards owned epic style

This story is being purged from r/news

Mueller finds there was not enough evidence to conclude without a reasonable doubt there was collusion with Russia. But Americans don't understand nuance.


It’s a relief to know my President is just retarded and not acting retarded because he’s a secret Russian puppet.

CNN has already started the cope

Let’s see the full report then

This is literally the funniest shit.

RuSsIa InTeRvEnEd WiTh ThE rEpOrT

DRUMF WON'T BE ABLE TO WIGGLE HIS WAY OUT OF THIS ONE is going to need to add 1461 days to it's timer...

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. This Post - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

I cant wait for the meltdowns

In other news, Canada is gay.

"muh Russia"

This makes the 1000+ gilded posts on bestof about redditors proving collusion all the more hilarious.

My favorite part is where it says Russians repeatedly offered to collude with the Trump campaign and were rebuffed.

poppinKream on suicide watch