188 2019-03-24 by DoctahDank
1 SnapshillBot 2019-03-24
Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 goonygorilla777 2019-03-24
Fuck Drumf. Fuck Mueller. Fuck republicans. Fuck America.
1 TheSomaCruz 2019-03-24
Based libtard.
1 LieutenantBill 2019-03-24
delete that sub tbh
1 BeatriceStar 2019-03-24
Don't forget to delete r/gaming as well. More and more people humanize gamers and I'm very annoyed by this phenomenon.
1 sir_dankus_of_maymay 2019-03-24
G*mercide when?
Really, all we need is manletocide and mayocide. That way, we'd eradicate 99% of gamers.
1 jewdanksdad 2019-03-24
How dare you not link to the drama?
1 cheers_grills 2019-03-24
1 Acsvf 2019-03-24
We live in a society
1 Hayteez 2019-03-24
The man ain’t wrong tho
Or is that why it should be a snappy quote besides the aneurism?
1 Tytos_Lannister 2019-03-24
They targetted gamers. Gamers.
1 BeligerentEconomist 2019-03-24
I wish Snapoy could comment on every thread on Reddit.
1 BurningKiwi 2019-03-24
All anti circlejerk subs eventually turn into circlejerks themselves
I eagerly await the r/drama circlejerk where everyone’s posting exactly the same but it’s all serious
1 CLX053 2019-03-24
/r/gamingcirclejerk was a favorite sub of mine before they went off the deep end
Now it kind of reminds me of all the trumptards who do stupid shit or tank their businesses just to own the libs.
The gamingcirclejerk people are all sitting around playing fallout 76 just to own the gamers.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-03-24
Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 goonygorilla777 2019-03-24
Fuck Drumf. Fuck Mueller. Fuck republicans. Fuck America.
1 TheSomaCruz 2019-03-24
Based libtard.
1 LieutenantBill 2019-03-24
delete that sub tbh
1 BeatriceStar 2019-03-24
Don't forget to delete r/gaming as well. More and more people humanize gamers and I'm very annoyed by this phenomenon.
1 sir_dankus_of_maymay 2019-03-24
G*mercide when?
1 BeatriceStar 2019-03-24
Really, all we need is manletocide and mayocide. That way, we'd eradicate 99% of gamers.
1 jewdanksdad 2019-03-24
How dare you not link to the drama?
1 cheers_grills 2019-03-24
1 Acsvf 2019-03-24
We live in a society
1 cheers_grills 2019-03-24
1 Hayteez 2019-03-24
The man ain’t wrong tho
Or is that why it should be a snappy quote besides the aneurism?
1 Tytos_Lannister 2019-03-24
They targetted gamers. Gamers.
1 BeligerentEconomist 2019-03-24
I wish Snapoy could comment on every thread on Reddit.
1 BurningKiwi 2019-03-24
All anti circlejerk subs eventually turn into circlejerks themselves
I eagerly await the r/drama circlejerk where everyone’s posting exactly the same but it’s all serious
1 CLX053 2019-03-24
/r/gamingcirclejerk was a favorite sub of mine before they went off the deep end
Now it kind of reminds me of all the trumptards who do stupid shit or tank their businesses just to own the libs.
The gamingcirclejerk people are all sitting around playing fallout 76 just to own the gamers.