Is male suicide a form of gaslighting? r/Gendercritical discusses.

494  2019-03-25 by Gugulen1


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Kiss my ass, Snappy.

There are much more straightforward ways to suicide; you should do some research before resorting to anal methods.

So let's paint a picture, shall we? We have a woman, let's call her Holly. Holly is suicidal and decides to overdose on prescription medication. Holly is found before it's too late, gets the help she needs and happily lives out the rest of her life. You go, sis. :)

Then we have Adam. Adam gets drunk one day after being dumped by his girlfriend. Ugh, that slur. He's going to show her though! Adam takes his dad's gun and blows his brains out. Adam is now dead. That's it, game over, folks.

"Let's be careful of not implying that men can be suicidal even in my examples."

Not a murder suicide

lol foids don't even know how real men deal with a breakup with a 12-second-girlfriend

This but unironically

Virgin Attempt vs Chadam Success

a day may come when the foids are able to recover but it won't be in my lifetime

Bruh, is she retarded, atleast I assume it's a she

GC so yes

Breakdown for selected subs and attendant mental / physica / psychosocial issues affecting at least 98% of them:

GC : Retarded femcels TrollX: Fat, retarded femcels MensLib: Castration and male feminist fantasies Drama: Enlightened radical centrism and Chadism / Tyronation Incels: Inceldom Incel Tears: Inceldom, but with denial SRD: Smug, sanitised white liberalism

Not all heroes wear capes

KIA: pedophiles banned from /v/

Ackshually it's about ethics in child pornography.

As a representative of the Kia

I thought that was /r/Libertarian/

Deregulation of the sex industry is an essential step in the process of building any great society.

No, those are pedophiles banned from /pol/!


Woah there this is a free speech issue

This isn’t nearly radically centrist enough, where’s the right wing crazies

They get banned or pretty much self-contained like T_D.

TD is fentanyl addicted boomers

CA brenton tarrant and inceldom

KIA gamers, weebs and pedos

gamers, weebs and pedos

Why'd you say gamers 3 times?

Seems pretty spot on. Now do MDE (good for dramacoin, trust me)

banned from reddit

Most of the crazy right wing shit subs were banned.

the right wing subs have been banned

Go back to your rapetopian communist sub you larping rich kid.

She admitted to major daddy issues in the comments

Holly is found before it's too late, gets the help she needs and happily lives out the rest of her life.

Yeah, on dialysis. Downing a bottle of pills doesn't bode well for the ol' liver and onions.

Implying a bunch of wine aunts care about their livers.

B-b-b-but drinking a glass of wine a day is hood! Antioxidants and shit!

A little bit of wine every now and again is good for you though.

A glass a day? No.

Antioxidants can be acquired through many other means that don’t involve fucking up your liver

I never said they couldn’t, just remember it’s literally your livers job to process toxins, and can do so without damage as long as you drink in moderation.

The problem is humans in general have zero self control so.

The liver may be able to process toxins, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get damaged by those toxins. Liver Steatosis is very prevalent in countries where alcohol is consumed regularly.

No shit dude I just said humans have shit self control usually. Unsurprisingly when you combine prevalence of alcohol and a lack of control you wind up with more liver failure.

That’s the fault of the people drinking, not the liver being inadequate.

Yeah no, the liver is fucking awesome, i was just arguing against why even if you could restrict yourself and OCCASIONALLY drink wine, it will still eventually damage your liver.

Just give up drinking all together.

I don’t drink personally, I just don’t hold it against people who like to drink on occasion. In my ideal world yea we’d give up alcohol as a whole, it definitely leaves society with a net negative compared to its few benefits.

It’s much easier to abstain from alcohol if you were never exposed to it, one of the many perks of an Islamix society.

Inshallah, brother.

Just give up drinking all together.

lol, no.

What's even the point of having a liver if you don't even use it?

Yes and don’t forget about brain damage.


Adam gets drunk one day after being dumped by his girlfriend. Ugh, that slur. He's going to show her though! Adam takes his dad's gun and blows his brains out. Adam is now dead. That's it, game over, folks.

Now, males will have you believe that their mental health concerns are often not taken seriously.

I actually can't imagine having this little self-awareness without also being braindead

I mean it is GC. Top post in that thread:

The guys that tell me men are told to hide their feelings and not talk about things that bother them are the same guys who talk for HOURS about their feelings. The reason people don’t want to hear it is because it all boils down to “my life sucks and here’s why it’s everyone else’s fault. Don’t expect me to change”.


GC has had it's moments but this is the least self aware they've been yet.

I'm pretty sure I've seen almost the exact same paragraph with the genders swapped on braincels.

Nah they have a meme of femoids overdosing on tic tacs next to a hospital to gain attention without actually killing themselves.

A meme which the GC poster here seems to corroborate.

Horseshoe theory proved right yet again.

So what she’s saying is atleast men don’t half ass shit.

Ugh, that slur.

what? girlfriend? dumped? drunk?? I'm so confused by this sentence

“Ugh, that (Bitch)(Whore)(slut)(etc)”

Basically take your pick.

oh I get it, you're supposed to fill in the blanks now yourself?



Why'd you put Gamer three times?

Are you sure it wasn’t just a typo...? The “r” is right next to the “t”.

I think their automod snags anything with a slur in it.

lol, she couldn't bring herself to write the actual word to avoid triggering the other femcels. Or maybe you get auto-banned if you say it 😆

Yea pretty sure their automod automatically removes slurs.

My first thought was "slut".

misspelled slut

So is she saying male suicide attempts are actually people trying to kill themselves while female “suicide” attempts are inefficient and just tools to get attention?


What she's saying that men aren't really suicidal, only women are. So women carefully plan their suicide (and fail) while men are stupid impulsive beings who decide to kill themselves on a whim (and succeed instantly). Yeah ...

I should make a virgin femcel suicide attempt vs Chad male suicide meme.

In mental health we literally classify most female suicide attempts as "suicidal gestures".

all I go from her example: men do even suicide better than women

...his girlfriend. Ugh, that slur.

Since when is ‘girlfriend’ a slur lmao

I think she meant "slur" as a placeholder for a generic slur directed at a female but didn't want to trigger her audience

How long until "slur" becomes a slur itself?

It’s over for slurcels.

i think she meant slut, that whore

Twitter foids would say they died by suicide because outside factors were the real reason they offed themselves.

The amount of cognitive dissonance is fucking laughable in those two examples, and that alone proves that everything she's talking about (including herself) is a complete joke.

I don't know about other people but I wanted kill my self because I have never accomplished anything in my life and because I am a societal reject

I don't blame other people for my problems cause I am the way I am

didn't ask to be born but I try to live my life the best I can following a path that seemed the most made sense to me and most of you guys make sense to me in strange way

  • flair "Straight male in a relationship with a Transman"

How does that work? So because the trans man was born a woman he is straight? Wouldn’t the trans man being a man now make him gay?

Depends on which subreddit you hang out on r/gendercritical he’s straight, r/asktransgender he’s gay

On that subreddit he’s both?

Like stray?

Ah, the Schrodinger's orientation.


Its a typo. "straight male in a relationship with a Trashman"

You know like a lady that drives a garbage truck, but you still call her a trashman the way you still call a woman mail carrier a mailman.

The dude is probably a neet and just really proud of his old lady with her full-time union job. Nothing wrong with that.

Im the trashman, I come in and just throw trash sll over the ring. Then I just start eatin garbage

If I was fucking a trans I'd do everything in my power to avoid using labels. What a mess.


Pussy is pussy

Honestly a weirdly self hating man makes more sense than a woman here.

"woman pretends to be a man to pick up lesbos, while man too cucked to speak up and tell her to woman up"

I don't have all of the numbers right now and I apologize for that, my dear sisters. This is a rant years in the making and it would take me entirely too long to adequately source this mess of a post.

This is why I fucking hate Reddit. If you don't have sources to back up your claim, don't make it.

And at the end she admits that it’s all speculation anyways. I swear to god if it were PC these people would still tout phrenology

You can tell how Jewish they are from the bumps on their head


You can tell how oppressive someone is from the bumps on their head


You can tell how oppressive someone is from the bumps on holes in their head


I unironically think we should move away from psychiatry and psychology, they’re more scam professions than real ones. You don’t find this drastic difference in opinion regarding major topics in the fields of medicine other than in psychiatry. Cardiologists don’t drastically disagree on the risk factors that predispose to myocardial infarction, yet you can have psychiatrists like this dipshit who can read such a stupid motivation for a major psych health issue like suicide and think “yeah, that might be it” I guess that’s what happens when your profession isn’t based on solid evidence.

You think she's a psychiatrist?

As a mental health professional, I approve!

Dear God hopefully this is a roleplay, or this shit is literally spilling into the real world.

Receptionist at a psychiatrist equals mental health professional

State Medical Boards are patriarchal constructs.

Reminder to never ever see a woman therapist. She is not on your side.

Unless you're Tony Sorprano.

Melfi wasn’t really looking out for Tony, she just liked the excitement of feeling like she was in danger and hearing about this mob boss’s life. If she wanted to make Tony better she would have sent him on to that other therapist as she originally intended to do.

also she got off on the fame she might get from being known for treating a famous mobster. you could see it every time one of her friends and family got excited when they learned she's treating him. like a doctor getting excited they get to treat a rare disease and get a reputation for accomplishing something unique.

I agree. I'm a woman and I wouldn't get near male therapist (certified male feminist) or a gynecologist (certified creep), unless I had a rape fetish.

This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This. This.

This, but unironically


Male here. You are doing it correct. Men should be banned from studying gynecology.


Males who study gynecology are the kind of males who would wear "i'm not a gynecologist but i'll take a look" t-shirts if they weren't studying gynecology.

If that's not enough of a reason to gas them, I don't know what is.

And I totally agree with you. You don't have to justify something so obvious. I am on with you with this gassing project. When shall we begin? Do you have a list ready? Should we crowdsource a list? How about funds - we should create a gofundme. Whew! Too many things to do. Let's spread the word around and gather the crowd.

Holy shit you really are crazy.


Keep crying about how women are the problem, you'll still be alone.


So you have a milder form of anti male bias than the linked sub in question. Women are about as likely to commit rape as men are.

All biases are justified. She is a woman.


Did you think I was seriuosposting?

I don't have any bias towards male medical professionals. I'm mocking this guy's mgtowesque take on female therapists by doing a gc-esque take on male therapists (they have rapists in their name for a reason).

Jesus! Why do you even say that. Just use your female card. He'd be gassed instantly.

You're trying too hard to make me into a lolcow. I know a good lolcow material and I ain't one, sweety.

I know a good lolcow material and I ain't one, sweety.

But why? What would it take you to turn yourselves into a nice,soft,cute, cuddly lolcow?

Fair enough. I didn't see the post you where responding to. I can see where he is coming from but it is feminist therapists that should be avoided like the plague not female ones. I actually think female therapists are likely to be more empathetic towards men & visa versa.


LOL!!! And yet, 99.999% of rapes are committed by men, across the world. Your perceived victim-mentality is shining bright.

Accept thia study shows that just as many women rape men as the reverse

Your ignorance is shining bright.

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Accept this study shows that just as many women rape men as the reverse

The data on prison rape is also interesting. Woman staff have sex with inmates at a higher rate than the reverse, woman staff sexually abuse boys in juvie at a vastly higher rate than the reverse and women rape each other in prison at higher rates than the reverse.

Your ignorance is shining bright.

Accept this study shows that just as many women rape men as the reverse

LOL!!! And you believe it?! Hold a second, let me catch my breath from laughing out loud.

You must be a murican, trump supporting and from the deep south to believe this right?

Yes because the data used is from one of the most comprehensively done surveys on rape and sexual violence(NISVS) and released by the CDC. The level of arrogance when you have no idea what you are talking about is astounding.

This is an excellent example of people not doing proper research, but hopping on the first study that confirms their bias. The truth is, that 99.999% of rapes in the world are committed by males. To believe otherwise merely highlights the fact that you have no clue what you are talking about.


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You seem to think the fact we have been ignoring half the victims and half the perpetrators is funny, you seem to think male rape victims is a joke. Your kind of disgusting attitude one of the reasons why men have tradiitionally reported.


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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Half of all rapists are of the feminine gender, according to you :P Let me guess, you one of them anti-feminist males (note how I did not call you a man), who misreads his own reports in hopes of being able to play the victim :P This is hilarious. Man, you Muricans are getting softer and softer. Can't even fight off "rapist females" now :P

So now you are shaming male rape victims. You really are a reprehensible piece of excrament. I haven't misread it, you just haven't read it.

Male rape victims, under special circumstances, I would agree. But let's face it, you claiming that half of all rapists are females, is probably the funniest (and most incorrect) thing I have read on reddit all year so far. Not sure if you are being gas-lighted by someone, or if you really are this ignorant.


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Let me guess, you belong to a sub called r/mensrights

So what? the fact that women rapists get a slap on the wrist(a charge of sexual assault and typically a one year sentence) and that most counselling services don't accept men and the few that do are very woman centric and are not very welcoming environments for men is one of the very serious problems that need rectifying. One of the many reasons I am an MRA.

That is because 99.999% of rapists are men.

You keep asserting that but you are 100% wrong. Read the study or STFU.


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Always remember: therapist = the rapist!

Just make sure you check the genitals. I can show mine for science and reference.

Can confirm. I went to the female therapist after my divorce and loosing children. I was depressed. And I walked out suicidal. Some guy at bar to whom I shared my story talked me out of it. IMO, therapy bullshit is only for women.

I have no clue even to this day how talking about the shit in your life will help you cope with that shit while that shit is still all around you after 'yak yak yak' ed about it for two hours. I partly believe its all a scam.

Therapy for men is "suck it up". Hey, it works if you are able to do it. It ceases to exist if you are unable to do it. Sounds just fine.

Is this a seriouspost? I cant tell

It isn't serious post. But a true post. Having attempted suicide once, I earned the privilege of making a fucking joke out of death. I'll charge money to explain why you should avoid female therapists and you'd pay for it coz it could cost your life and there probably you'd value that.

I never had a woman therapist so i wouldnt know, but to claim "therapy is a scam and only for women" is silly

Why didnt you look for a man?

She was recommended by well wishers.

Because it's not a true story, he's just a lonely incel.


Poor lonely incel...


Keep crying about how women are the problem, you'll still be alone.


Keep crying about how women are the problem, you'll still be alone.

Thanks. I am just fine alone.

Keep crying about how women are the problem, you'll still be alone.

Once again, thanks.

Keep crying about how women are the problem, you'll still be alone.

Thanks. Wonderful

Keep crying about how women are the problem, you'll still be alone.v

You should see a therapist

Keep crying about how women are the problem, you'll still be alone.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Imagine wanting women lmao

Son seek help. May be talk to someone

Keep crying about how women are the problem, you'll still be alone.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Keep fluffing your own ego by twisting people's words to try and make yourself look morally superior, bet it works out really great for you. You're a pathetic loser who spends all his days on Reddit starting fights by repeating the same nonsense over and over again because you're too stupid to come up with an actual argument.

Imagine being proud of being a pussy.

Jesus! Now there are rules? Taking pride is important.

I’m sorry you had to go through that, man. I hope you’re doing better now. Hang in there.

Geez, just one attempted suicide shows up and you guys start seriousposting.

How much do you wanna bet that this uuu guy is a decently well off wh*teoid who hasnt experienced anything remotely close to hardship in his life. I had a faggy friend like him who tried 'commiting suicide' by mixing a few pills in water and drinking it.Needless to say nothing fucking happened. How do people even fail at killing themselves if they really wanted to?

I am just fine and happy. And I really don't need any support or sympathy. But when it comes my way unexpectedly, I thank. So,, thank you.

I am very confused but also amused. Is this what Radical Centrism truly feels like?

Some guy at bar to whom I shared my story talked me out of it.

Yep - the best therapy is being around someone who's been through the same shit as you. It's always good to know that you aren't alone.

Better is stop giving a fuck that you are alone.

Honestly I wouldn't ever see a female therapist (and tbh, I would probably recommend the same thing in reverse), but with that said therapy isn't a quackery. It's pretty much cut-and-dry that multiple approaches are scientifically proven to be effective, however not all treatments done by all practitioner are effective for all patients.

I sucked it up. It's not the best and I'm pretty sure I'll end up having another mental breakdown at some point but oh well.

But they're all women...


i went to a therapist a few times.

after the third session she straight up rolled her eyes at me and said "Well it doesn't matter because you're not going to do any of the things I told you to anyways."

she told me to try meditating. yeah that'll help me not want to die, sitting quietly and thinking about all of the reasons why i want to die. thanks, bitch.

It's always the case when people are vague like that. Like when people say "I work in the legal profession", they mean that they're either a receptionist or a paralegal. If they actually had a title that carried weight, they'd say it.

I told some retard that I was a boomer and she replied that maybe I just have an "old soul" in the New Agey sense. Most awkward moment ever. If the patient thinks you're even more mentally ill than they are, then you're probably doing it wrong.

Dude, I went to a fucking traumatic brain injury conference last month, and the lady who coined the term "mansplaining" gave a 2 hour talk at it. It was a conference for medical professionals. Her talk went about exactly how you would imagine.

She was demonstrating her traumatic brain injury from feminism.

For the people, by the people

or this shit is literally spilling into the real world.

A decade in the field and they start leaking their own agenda into their sessions.

Honestly if they are to some capacity a mental health worker than this would be one of the very few times where someone's conduct on the internet being something they should be fired over. Not because she engages in "wrongthink" so her life must be destroyed, but because holy fuck imagine some poor sod going to get help for their "I-Want-to-Suck-Start-a-Pistol" syndrome and got stuck talking to THAT

I don't have all of the numbers right now and I apologize for that, my dear sisters.

And then they wonder why they're paid less.

This is why I fucking hate Reddit.


"" I've put years into amateur research about suicide ""


'Amateur researcher' but can't find sources

I said, years! 🙉


If I start looking at actual data, there is a chance I could find out I'm wrong. And I just can't risk that.

I know this probably isn't shocking to anyone, but I really need to rant about this.

I'm getting a lot of impotent rage from precious little broflakes, so I must be doing something right lmao

The stupidity it takes to make these claims in the same post...

Yes men are known to be the giant drama queens looking for attention.

only 39% of actors, 36% of directors and 28% of writers of plays performed are women

There are less such men, but such men are much better at it, so we'll see more of them.

That's cause dudes wrote them.

Oveedosing on tic tacs to get back at my BF dumping me 😈😈

That whole thread was hateful 😟

Even the Tumblr crew won't hang the TERFs. It says a lot.

We should organize meet ups between incel communities and GC. If they can stop reeeeing around each other for just a second, they will realize just how perfectly matched and deserving they are of each other.

Can you imagine? The social awkwardness would make great reality TV. Who wins? You decide!

Well that's pretty fucked up, it's the kind of shit that can actually have some immediate real life consequences if any of those crazy harpies have any suicidal men around them.

Seriousposting to say that yeah, this is seriously going too far. At what point does this being acceptable lead to someone getting themselves into a situation where they actually care about what gussy think as if they ever say anything important?



We should be like GCJ, this entire thread is seriousposting anyway

/uj /rj /uj /rj /uj /rj /uj /rj

You mean that know this but r/drama is actually a secert MRA sub that's why male suicide is so serious

it's the kind of shit that can actually have some immediate real life consequences if any of those crazy harpies have any suicidal men around them.

I know. Just think of all the unpaid emotional labour these poor oppressed women will go through. Just shows how men will do anything, even literally kill themselves, just too further victimise the hapless female underclass.

Lol, the ‘unpaid emotional labor’ thing is absolutely hilarious to me.

It’s definitely a goal of mine to have as much of this ‘labor’ done as possible - we have to control the means of reeeeeeeeee-production!

Yeah a 16 year old boy recently hung himself near me, Id love to see what these dumb bitches think about that, I'd love them to say this shit to his parents faces

Luckily enough they don't have anyone around them

OP of that thread flat out stated that she (or he, or it, w/e) has "no sympathy for males". Not giving a shit about half the population based on their genitals... literally incels

I have no doubt the OP wonders why men won't care about women.

y'allsexual spergs fail to understand others. mind = blown

Luckily for us, the OP of that thread seems like a very stable individual with absolutely no issues whatsoever.

They recruit teenagers not even out of high school (who of course are facing a lifetime of student debt in the USA) at beach parties

How the fuck does a highschool student have student debt. They're so fucking dumb they don't even think through their hypotheticals.

When your entire oppression complex is based on hypotheticals, those become just as irrational as you.

Before someone else says it, snappy quote?

lol youre retarded. she's saying they face debt in their future, not that they are indebted as high school student.

Til teens are forced to go to expensive colleges out of highschool.

who said they were forced?

of course facing a lifetime of student debt in the USA

implying there aren't alternatives.

The optimist in me hopes they are a troll. The pessimist/realistic me knows how stupid people actually are.

Even if they're a troll, there's tons of gussy in there unironically agreeing with them

True actually. Aren’t people great? 😬

“How can i hate on men even more?” “I know! I’ll use the higher success rate of male suicide, that’ll show them!”

Subs like that have made me fully embrace being a retarded shithead, because I've learned that reality doesn't matter, because natural selection no longer exists and western life is so easy that you can literally live under complete delusions and still do perfectly well in life. I guess "the truth" really is relative and objectivity is a thing of the past. Whatever man fuck this I'm gonna go jerk off

Okay, this is epic.

Enjoy. I hope it goes some way to filling up the black hole in your soul 😂

stfu I’m not reading that

fuck tou pussy

Whatever man fuck this I'm gonna go jerk off

Fucking rapists you!

Snappy quote?

Western society is full of egocentric zombies.

Agreed. But can you really blame them? It definitely seems to work well. I've never gained anything from giving a shit about other people, so maybe it's not worth it.

I've always given a shit about other people. Men, women, short, tall, thin, fat, doesn't matter. I always wanted to see people doing well but, the older I got I started to realize that "Western individualism" is not actual individualism, it's nothing more than hedonistic egocentrism. The more you care about others and society, the worse off you are.

I don't have many material prospects anyway so maybe I'll try to keep caring so I can at least feel like less of a piece of shit

Anyway, so I'm sure we're all aware of the sex difference in males versus women.

It keeps saying "males" vs "women". Doesn't necessarily make it a troll ofc.

True but I can imagine the more radical rad fems saying males as it’s more dehumanising and scientific sounding then men.

I've seen MGTOW and incels do something similar, but only reverse, calling men men and women females.

I'd say its purpose is dehumanization of the other gender.

Yeah I’ve noticed that. Always easier to hate someone or a group if you dehumanise them.

I don't think they are trolls but messed up women. Think of them as incels.

how often are they advised to bust a nut before making an important decision?

World peace would be accomplished in a day if foids learned to flick the bean before they did literally anything.


The absolute state of female incels.

A truly shocking comment from her history : "I fucking hate my father. "

Ableist shitlord making fun of a mentally challenged, genderwoke soul. 😭😢

How often are they advised to bust a nut before making an important decision? They are literally controlled by their sad dicks and they HATE it

This but unironically

How often are they advised to bust a nut before making an important decision?

Zero times.... What the fuck is wrong with that woman?

This is the kind of hot take I live for

They've done a great job at r/GC of removing any contrary opinions, allowing this kind of pure nonsense to become more and more common. It's like a drama farm

29% of the population but 78% of the suicides

it's hell on earth for the white man

Is this the reversed version of DESPITE

i'd imagine r/GenderCritical has only the most pretty, classy, and charming women the world has to offer.

Theres something about femcels, man

It's called a front hole

Yeah but you need a LOT of flour to find it

But guns are just an extension of a man's penis and ego - and men love guns.

That's some fine psychiatry!

Anyone who likes guns has a small penis and fragile masculinity. REAL men obsess over mass-marketed corporate movies and videogames designed for children.

t. Average Redditor


guns get banned

rape rate rises

ohh no what will we do

Guns prevent rape?

They would if women actually carried them

> 2Aer nonsense

I mean it's kind of common sense. Men are physically stronger but not enough to stop a bullet

Men are physically better with firearms.

I don't understand why 2Aers don't just move to one of those countries where everyone carries. Rape free havens like Burkina Faso and Ethiopia.

savage-filled shitholes vs. somewhat healthy democracy

Nice false equivalence, dumbass.

You don't understand what a false equivalence is.

The number one victim of male death has always been women. 😔

i'd say we should give our apologies by collectively committing mass suicide, but since this is also a crime against women, i guess we're forced to keep existing 🤷‍♂️

Inshallah brother, we shall live on until Allah creates a new caliphate for us in which the gussy is not put on a pedestal.

Reminds me of the quote " Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. "


This is why I support female conscription

This, but unironically.

I wasn't being ironic

Some women will die, but it is a sacrifice!... I am willing to make.

-Hillary Clinton

I dont think iv laughed like this in a while

i talk to some weird GC broads sometimes and they will literally deny that their movement revolves around hating men, despite threads like this being posted every 5 minutes lol.

They are never going to admit it much like how other feminists are never going to admit how the movement is largely anti male. You think they look at why men aren't running up to become feminists or that support their cause more, as the answer is right in front of them.

Radfems always have to find a way to make themselves look even worse than troons. Hitler had more introspection when Berlin was falling than these nutters.

Remember to upvote. I wanna see this thread grt nuked with "y'all cant behave, sweaty"

Lmao you called it

killing yourself to own the foids

Doesn't get any more based than that.

He helped me get clean

There it is.

I don't get it.

I think he was trying to say that this shows how the userbase of that some generally have a lot of personal problems.

Yeah most people on reddit are fat/stupid white trash who went to like two semesters of a liberal arts college before being kicked out on their own stupidity. So they post because no one in the real world wants hear a single word come out of their ugly ass.

"Where are all the normal people"

Not in the comment section.

Pretty sure "get clean" in this context just means he helped her take a shower and washed her in all the right places.

By that bar are any gq posters clean?

Thanks, I was too retarded to get that.

Brain damage from the drugs......

more of a father than mine ever was

Always comes back to daddy issues

This, but unironically.

The best way to counter MRA talking points is saying you can't sympathise with men then oversharing info about ur dead surrogate daddy after the 12th bottle of wine.

He helped me get clean.

Tbh, he shoulda let you finish your journey of self destruction sweaty.

yall in title line

I'm out

She know what's up, she has sources.

She watched 13 reasons why.

Vindicative thot decides to commit suicide and use their suicide as a weapon after making about a dozen mistakes that nearly all could have been avoided if she used her brain and thought about things before doing them.

How realistic

Imagine falling for this bait and outing yourself as a bitter incel

Bait isnt bait when everyone agrees with it you retard


Yeah, that's all GC is. The same opinion on the same topic every single time.


What bait?

The bait left for drama brigadiers to circlejerk about. It’s obviously satire.

I’m not sure how you get bait from this, given that all the replies are serious and in line with the beliefs of that sub.

Than what is this post lol.

So if something is linked on r/Drama, then it must be satire/bait?

Did I say that? I said this specific post, what are you talking about?

So the post linked to is bait, because this post exists. Why does this post's existence mean that the post linked to is bait?

The GC post was obvious satire/bait, maybe it wasn't made by a r/drama user, but it could easily be any other troll.

Posts like this one spawned as a result of taking said bait. I'm just gonna end this here, there's honestly no point in arguing about it.

The GC post was obvious satire/bait

How is it? It's completely consistent with their ideology, just on the extreme side. The poster is a consistent poster on GC, and the replies are all completely serious except for brigaders. The only thing that would suggest it is bait is the retardedness of the post but we're talking about feminists here.

I'm just gonna end this here, there's honestly no point in arguing about it.

lol i'm just going to say something retarded and i can't back it up

Why do more women attempt suicide, but more males die?

Because in suicide, like in everything else, men are just better than gussy

I kek'd

Only pussies commit suicide : cmv

Haha holy shit, replace every instance of "male" with "female" and you have a boilerplate incel rant. Legbeards live in a totally different reality, it's baffling

CTRL+F 'males' - 37 times!!

Lmao GC gets more pathetic by the minute.

It's not moids fault foids can't even kill themselves right. But I do sympathize, it must be rough trying to kill yourself when you have 80% of tax funded society as a fucking support system and safety net.

God damn it foids are so retarded

I guess femcels really do exist

Whenever people with this sort of ideology talk about male suicide it legit makes me shake with rage, being someone who's tried twice themsleves and has known someone who has taken their own life. They speak in the most callus and heartless way possible despite apparently being also for mens issues. It's something like 3/4's of suicides are male. And they don't give two shits because that doesn't conform to what they believe. Makes my blood boil. It really does.

how tf have u tried twice

omg ur such a loser u can’t even suicide right!!!!

YOU SHOW HIM😤😤 maybe he needs an example, would you like to demonstrate for the class please?


Who cares though?

Am i the only one that thinks that a lot of subs likes gendercritical, two x etc etc are just full of people that could disappear and things would change for the better?

You think? I know for a fact


As if we needed any more proof that GC are just female incels...

-Hateful- female incels. The nice femcels at r/truefemcels gave us the cute name of "moids" ☺️

Femcels are a very interesting group to watch. Why do they all have daddy issues?

They smashed the patriarchy.

Man, what a bunch of irredeemable, loathsome cunts.

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read probably lmao

as a mental health professional, i approve!

I unironically think we should move away from psychiatry and psychology, they’re more scam professions than real ones. You don’t find this drastic difference in opinion regarding major topics in the fields of medicine other than in psychiatry. Cardiologists don’t drastically disagree on the risk factors that predispose to myocardial infarction, yet you can have psychiatrists like this dipshit who can read such a stupid motivation for a major psych health issue like suicide and think “yeah, that might be it”

I guess that’s what happens when your profession isn’t based on solid evidence.

You're right, let's all convert to scientology!

Those people unironically dont know what theyre talking about half the time

Misandry no real.

a rant years in the making.

Make suicide rates being higher than women's is just more proof that men are better at getting things done.

Imagine being so fucking narcissistic that you believe that people kill them selves just because they don’t like you.

Fair doesn't always mean equal and they know this, but will pretend they don't.

A radical feminist using right-wing talking points? Now THIS is radical centrism.

replace men with mayo or gussy and the post is true

Wow! That post makes me feel like less of a person.

Wtf, I can't put into words how disguisting that thread is. I read and wrote a lot of sketchy shit but this thread left me genuinely perturbed.

Same, that whole thread is fucking sick. one reply says that theyre a mental health professional and that they agree. wtf is wrong with these ppl

Eh, it's literally just an online incel community for females. It just lacks a sense of humor or even the slightest hint of levity, which is more pathetic than disturbing. Femcels need better copes, a more spiritual grand-narrative (as opposed to a materialistic one like Marxism), and their own St. BlopsIIcel if they ever want to be seen as anything more than literal joyless cunts.

Theirs is Jonathan Yaniv I thought.

Has a man (male feminists aside) ever used the term Gaslighting?

Menocide when?

Literally the most ass backwards logic I’ve seen in my entire life.

reads like an incel post.

I thought incel / overtly sexist communities were banned from this site?

the result of a regular man baby brain plus all the things that make someone a selfish, twisted, violent person. Plus the internet.

Its like the easy bake oven of life. Here let me put this fake idea in my tiny fake plastic oven and ding ding we have human thought.

This was a waste of my time to read, it started with a premise, made zero sense, and did not arrive at a conclusion.

Also, I have a cousin named Holly that committed suicide with prescription meds, so thanks for that, cunt.

David Bowie wrote a song about this called

Gun control would help solve the issue of so many young men being incarcerated too.

You heard it here first. Making something illegal would somehow result in less people being arrested and jailed.

The reason people don’t want to hear it is because it all boils down to “my life sucks and here’s why it’s everyone else’s fault. Don’t expect me to change"

So close to self awareness, and yet so far.

Feminists take pride in the compassion and empathy traits which are typically more common in women. Yet feminists seem to border on sociopathic levels of indifference toward humanity.

Holy shit I can’t believe anything I just read

I can't remember who it was but there was a woman doing studies on female family annihilators which you might find interesting, I'll try to find a link but my google fu is not good :/

The google fu = radicalize me now push the cats into my veins.

Ignorance feels like malice because from our perspective as women, certain things are so incredibly obvious. We expect too much from men. Lower your expectations a bit, realize they are basically retarded or like children (emotionally), and treat them accordingly. This little gem has helped me deal with the men in my life because I don’t get as mad anymore. A lot of the time, they really just don’t get it. They need you to spell it out for them.


oooohhhh terfs actually exist. My day is less sunny now. :(

I was about to call you all a bunch of tards for falling for obvious bait... Then I saw the comments.

Wait so they are deadass blaming men for commiting suicide? 🤔 can anyone tell me whats the diffrence between incels and these people?

I like how all the left conversations about shit are always so america-centrist. Like, male suicide is a more common than female suicide in all the civilized world, but it's just because there's no gun control in the USA.

love it or hate it, America is the only country in the world that matters

It's almost like the narrative comes before the facts, without much critical thinking. Really makes you 🤔

EDIT: I'm getting a lot of impotent rage from precious little broflakes, so I must be doing something right lmao

Ah yes the "people are getting upset at what I said, so it's clearly proof that I did something correct, and not that I may be wildly off-base or offensive in my comments."


"please don't use offensive language, it could trigger someone.", "hurdur, look at all those triggered men" - literally the same people.

So this is what a female incel looks like

Imagine thinking killing yourself is a contest

Jeez, she's disgustingly retarded

This is so true. Gun control would help solve the issue of so many young men being incarcerated too. But guns are just an extension of a man's penis and ego - and men love guns.

All MRA issues can be solved by men just not being so damn violent. But they cannot stop and cannot take a step back and realize men are the problem in our society.

Holy shit people actually think this... did I just discover the man hating sub?

Jesus fucking Christ. What the fuck. Is this real

it would take me entirely too long to adequately source this mess of a post

everything I am about to say is readily available with a cursory Googling


... if MRAs really cared about the male suicide rate, gun control would be their top priority.

If men wanted to reduce their suicide rate, they should do more childcare.

If femcels really cared about misogyny, they would get a sex change.

They should all seek medical treatments. Whatever they are going through, it ain't healthy.

Never fall for their "lovable" doofus orthodox routine, males jews know exactly what they're doing and they do it maliciously and intentionally.

I love this game

That thread was cancer...

I'm in a few random meme-ish Facebook groups where women will throw out "I attempted suicide" as a qualifying factor for whatever they're saying. Kinda sad how it's a real problem but it's shadowed by all the attention whoring.

Being white and male is great. Just don't fall for women and their fucking bull shit.

The "men use guns so that's why they kill themselves more" is far overblown. Yes, they do but here are some numbers.

Suicide methods in the states: Firearms: men - 56% of suicides, women - 32%. A difference of 24%, how can that account for the 4x as many men committing suicide? It can't.

Suicide methods in Canada Firearms: men - 20% of suicides, women - 5%. A difference of 15%. Again won't account for the at least 3:1 ratios

How about feminists and women stop making arguments and thoughtless posts and comments like this, and try to prevent suicide rather than "oh let's get gun control that'll stop them killing themselves". Maybe, but they'll still be fucking suicidal and depressed. Don't fix the outcome fix the problem.

> Well, I have to admit I don't think we as women can peacefully cohabitate with males. I think it's very naive to think otherwise. I'm a separatist all of the way... I think that's the only way. I dream of my world without males in them, but in the meantime, in reality, I don't think we should empathize with them. What's the point? I don't think they're worth it. I'm not saying we should seek to emulate males. If I were to say that, and I'm not, I would be for a lot more than separatism.


This is one of the worst cases of the femin virus I have ever seen.

Lmao terfs are utter scum

> I saw a post on r/unpopularopinion that if MRAs really cared about the male suicide rate, gun control would be their top priority. And I agree with that


What? All of the countries with the highest suicide rate already ban guns, how in the actual fuck does this solve anything?

This is the worst post of all time, wtf

When does the bra-burning start?

You mean the sex that commits over 90% of violent crime selects more violent means when attempting suicide?

Despite making up less than 50% of the population...

Ok so the femcel believes that men are:

the unemotional, unsympathetic ones in the first place

but also

I don't feel sympathy for males.


But don't forget that

I don't think we should completely train ourselves to become cold like men

which obvious means that

males can't control their emotions smh typical. 🤷‍♀️


And last but definitely not least:

Nothing worse than an uppity male, I swear.


Males commit suicide and we women are the real victims.

This is why we need tagging back. This exact reason.

Suicide explained by a sexist who doesn’t understand clinical depression and suicide 🤦🏻‍♀️

When I was a cop one of the many ironies of the job was this. A woman in a dv situ was a victim if she attempted suicide. A male in the same situ was committing and act of dv if he attempted suicide due to the effect it would have on his partner. So a males worth was what?

Lol I got banned from that sub for calling OP a troll

This post made me mad. Like legitimately mad. Fucking hell man.

Same, man.