Round 2: Barr authored memo year in advance ruling out obstruction of justice.

15  2019-03-25 by IDFSHILL


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


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"Private citizen talked about Mueller investigation" isn't "round 2" to anyone but wetbrained conspiracy cultists.

"private citizen writes memo saying a sitting president can't obstruct justice, gives it to Trump lawyers, then is hired as AG and clears Trump of obstruction of justice."

Is actually what happened, retard.

Speaking of wetbrained conspiracy cultists. Here's exhibit A ^

Alright, let's establish a baseline of facts.

  • Did Barr author a meme that says a president can not obstruct justice?

  • Did Barr give that memo to Trump's lawyers?

  • Was Barr then hired as AG and clear Trump of obstruction of justice?

The only fact is that you're a conspiracy nutjob.

Exactly what I thought. Take a seat.

Derp derp derp derrrrrrp.

Pizzacel btfo yet again.

Pizzacel officially the new Prince of Rinse

Alright, let's establish a baseline of facts.

  • Did Skippy Podesta visit Portugal at the same time as the McCann Family?

  • Did Madeleine McCann go missing in that time period?

  • Did eyewitnesses provide a description of the last men seen with Madeleine that matched the Podesta brothers?

Get back on your meds.

Alright, let's establish a baseline of facts.

  • Did Skippy Podesta attend a "Spirit Cooking" event with Marina Abramovich shortly after his trip to Portugal?

  • Were the Podesta brothers seen with a large black duffel bag in transit and entering this event, but did not leave with it?

  • Is it likely they consumed the flesh of the McCann daughter at this event?

Spirit cooking isn't even a thing lmao, it was a fucking art project:

Not to mention John Podesta didn't go, it was his brother.

“I’m outraged, because this is taken completely out of my context,” Abramovic told me by phone this afternoon. She was at Sean Kelly Gallery, her rep in New York. The dinner, she explained, was a reward for donors to a Kickstarter campaign she had run. Tony Podesta has collected her work since the 1990s, and he attended, but John couldn’t make it. In fact, she has never met John Podesta.

I hope to god you aren't this dumb.

Alright, let's establish a baseline of facts.

  • Were the founders of Snopes at this event?

  • At the dinner, did Marina Abramovich put a "spell on the crowd that left some people nauseous for hours afterwards" as reported on here)?

  • Is it beyond the realm of possibility that Abramovich is controlling these people via some sort of MKULTRA conditioning?

Get the fuck out of here boomer.

I hope you have a good day. Try and get out a bit, it'll help the seething

I'm sure Barr just lied and the report actually proves that Trump is guilty of obstruction. After all there's nothing stopping him. When he handed in his report a gypsy witch placed a curse on Mueller preventing him from speaking about the report.

Barr was literally hired to shield Trump from obstruction. Explain to me, in detail, how firing an acting FBI director, then literally saying you fired him over the investigation, is not obstruction.

Keep the conspiracy theory alive retard. You morons are basically Pizzagaters at this point. You're QAnon. A Flat Earther.

TIL objective reality is now a "conspiracy theory."

As someone that spent 8 years debunking conspiracies, and as someone that is well versed in conspiratard tactics, I know exactly what you're doing because it's invariably what you retards do when losing arguments.

This type of tactic doesn't work on anyone but your fellow conspiratards.

As a mother I say you’re due for a time-out.

Fuck off breeder.

As someone that spent 8 years debunking conspiracies, and as someone that is well versed in conspiratard tactics, I know exactly what you're doing because it's invariably what you retards do when losing arguments.

This type of tactic doesn't work on anyone but your fellow conspiratards.

juicy pasta, pizza

Or release the memo

Why? Is Mueller lying? Did Putin get to him, too?

Yup and the lizard people.

Don't you dare besmirch intergalactic beings Pinko.



C 😂 P E








That headline is wildly misleading.

They're trying to imply that Barr had written his summary of the Mueller report a year ago before seeing the results of Mueller's investigation.

I'm glad you posted this though, pizza. I was missing the COPE from within r/drama. I even head to start posting retending that I thought the Mueller thing was a cover up.

I think its funny that every berger thinks one side is evil and the other side is good. Its their literally only mode of thinking available.

The country is such a disintegrating shit show.

I cant wait for S tier hurricanes to wipe it from the map.

I think its funny that every berger thinks one side is evil and the other side is good.

Well, that's exactly what we make fun of here. The pizzashills of the world.

Copy paste where at any point I've called anyone evil. Why is it you people that very clearly have low levels of education always type shit like this, you very clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Good pasta

I cant wait for S tier hurricanes

Fucking same. Neptune, wash us away!

That's not misleading, barr authored a memo a year ago literally saying a president can not obstruct justice, then decided Trump didn't obstruct justice after the report was released.

Even more damning is he sent the memo to Trump lawyers before he was selected to be AG.

And we all new about this before he was confirmed as AG.

Literally nothing in this article is new, it's a re print. This article is dredging up old stories so people like you can cope. It's honestly hilarious, even after CNN has lead you so astray, you still happily lap up their shit off the floor.

And we all new about this before he was confirmed as AG.

That doesn't fucking matter you retard. He still said it, how on earth can barr be considered credible on this subject when he literally doesn't believe a president can obstruct justice?

To be clear here, he was confirmed by republicans, to protect Donald Trump from obstruction, after literally telling Trump lawyers a president can't obstruct. Are you unironically a blind person? Do you not see the clear problem here?

To be clear here, he was confirmed by republicans, to protect Donald Trump from obstruction,


3 Democrats voted to confirm Barr, adding with 1 Republican who voted no

Lmao 3.

Imagine you're a US liberal that think SNL political skits are funny, that CNN is fair and accurate, you have been claiming people are russian trolls on twitter and reddit for years now because they think your common beliefs are retarded and then this reality happens.

Lmao that is why this is so juicy.

Imagine you're a US conservative.

Never finish HS.

Think math, the media, science, and reality are rigged against you.

Think a man that speaks at a 3rd-grade level and can't formulate coherent sentences, is blatantly corrupt, clearly a criminal with a long history of fraud is a good president.

Think obstruction of justice isn't a crime.

Agreed. Burgerstan is fucked

Math is only rigged against minorities

Round 2: Desperation

I'm just a fan of law and order. Criminals should be indicted.

The original, or SVU? I'm more an orignal series guy myself, the whole series is really just a guilty pleasure I couldn't honestly defend as even decent television.

Imagine thinking that the president should be removed from office for calling the Mueller probe a witch hunt, which it was, on Twitter.

We are hitting levels of cope not previously thought possible

No, he should be removed from office for being a pathological liar, incompetent moron, corrupt piece of shit, and complete clown.

The obstruction of justice (which was way more than calling something a witch hunt) is icing on the cake.

he should be removed from office for being a pathological liar, incompetent moron, corrupt piece of shit, and complete clown.

Should have his face put on Mount Rushmore tbh fam

I reserve judgement of everything law related until I get an explanation from my lord and savior, Preet Bharara

Thursday couldn’t come fast enough