Pizzashill Cope Mega-Thread

68  2019-03-25 by thebuscompany

I think by now we’ve all seen the copious amount of cope getting posted by IDFShill, the shill formerly known as pizza. I know we all want to be supportive of our friend in his time of need, but I felt that in the interest of facilitating discussion and cleaning up the sub a bit it would be helpful to confine all of pizza’s copeposting to a single thread. So from this point on this thread is a designated safe space for all of pizza’s coping needs. Thanks for your understanding.

mods sticky pls


Cope also known as stating objective facts the DDF doesn't like.

Great! Thank you for cooperating.

never leave us πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

"Gee I've never seen this shtick before"


We <3 u bb

Somewhat related, I'm really glad you got unbanned


His posts don't even bring any interesting drama. He's just some standard leftwing nutjob that wandered in from a default political sub.

Imagine thinking I'm left-wing. Looks like we have yet another example of a person with a sub 80 IQ making shit up on the internet.

How come you leftwing nutjobs always try to deny that you're left wing? It's so bizarre. Like you think it will give your points more weight if they're coming from a "totally real conservative".

Nigger, nobody with an above room temp IQ thinks I'm "left-wing."

You can literally find me bashing SJWs all over my account. I'm a fucking mod of SRS sucks.

Being against morons (hint: that's American conservatives) does not mean I'm left-wing.

I'm not a conservative either, because only stupid people subscribe to isms.

"I'm not leftwing because I make fun of people farther left than I am".

Go warm up some hot pockets.

Again, no response to anything I said. Just substance free bullshit because you can not formulate coherent arguments.

This is now twice in one die you've flopped after trying to fight with me. Again, I highly suggest you go back to /r/stargate where your autism level is less of a hinderance.

And this is just way too over the top and on the nose. You're trying way too hard. Just sayin'

I'd respond to this, but I already put you in your place.

Beep boop bop beep whirrrr

I already put you in your place

You're gonna have to do better than that.

Like you think it will give your points more weight if they're coming from a "totally real conservative"

Imagine thinking thisπŸ˜‚

I never see conservatives bashing the left and saying "I'm not a conservative". It's always LWNJs that pull that act.

Literally the opposite of what you think is true. As someone that started in anti-SJW circles, conservatives literally refuse to admit they're conservatives and often try to claim they're libertarians or "classical liberals."

Even Rush himself has admitted this:

You're doing it right here. It's your main defining feature. You pull out the "I bash SJW's" card like a racist uncle claiming to have black friends.

The fact you actually believe this shit is even more evidence of extreme cognitive issues.

The idea I'm "left-wing" is not a view held by anyone that is not high on fent retard posting from their trailer in rural Alabama.

You're all retards. Conservatives are just bigger retards. "conservative" is a dirty word, liberal isn't.

Conservatives have the dead brand, liberals do not. The idea you think I care what some uneducated moron on /r/drama thinks is wild, the idea I'd need to lie about being left-wing for some random reason is absurdity of the highest possible caliber.

This is you, making random shit up, because you got stomped multiple times today.

Again: go back to //r/stargate where people are more on your level.

Beep boop bop whirrrrrrr

Beep boop bop whirrrrrrr

Autism speaks

It's time we listen

I think a lot (but not all, unfortunately) of your views and opinions are bullshit, but I appreciate the effortposting. You do have a way with words


What? There are a ton of posts that start off with "I'm a leftist myself but I think the left has been going TOO FAR in denying that white genocide is the biggest problem facing our generation!"
KiA used to have a survey where most people considered themselves left-leaning.

That's them bashing leftism. Not the point I'm making. But I hear ya.

No? That's them denying that they are obviously conservatives.

Oh...I don't know what KIA is so maybe I don't get it in this case.

newfriend detected

They used to be featured here a lot they actually made rules against dramanauts.

you seem to be confused about a lot of things honestly

u mad lib?

i haven't done a mad lib since 2nd grade, maybe?

I think his name is mcslibbin

Pizzashill is left wing? That's news to me.

Imagine calling pizzashill a leftwing nutjob indistinguishable from the rest, that doesn't bring interesting drama.
Pizza running around the political spectrum has been the most interesting story line on this sub in recent times.

This is why we need to gas the MDEfugees

Pizzashill is part of the based Nazbol gang. He unironically hates minorities, but also wants the government to give him free shit. His rants on the discord are fucking hilarious

How come you leftwing nutjobs always try to deny that you're left wing?

Oh god the irony.

Based pizza taking down the rightoid syndrome posters 😍😍😍

Bragging about IQ on Reddit lol

When did I brag about IQ?

You ad hominemed about iq immediately lmfao

So calling someone low IQ is the same thing as bragging about your own IQ?

Should I also teach you what ad hominem actually means? Free of charge of course.

I didnt address the bragging about iq im not the parent commenter

Now my turn: youre a fucking lolcow and get milked so regularly you must have asvergers or something

I didnt address the bragging about iq im not the parent commenter

You're responding to that same argument, and talked about IQ, that was clearly you taking the side of the person claiming I bragged about IQ.

But we just established you know you're wrong, so there's no need for this to continue.

Im not taking his side you binary retard

Man you are special. God bless.

I say "when did I brag about IQ."

you respond:

You ad hominemed about iq immediately lmfao

That is literally you taking the other guys argument.

No. Any socially aware retard would realizr Im making fun of you and youre immediate unrelenting self smugness for all youre classical youtuve trained "internet debate winning" tactics tutorials

Now have a great morning!

Anyone with like, basic cognitive skills can clearly see what you did here. You're now backing off of it because you know it's indefensible.

You aren't actually fooling anyone but yourself.

You gonna flip the lights or what tarmac monkey?

"you have a low IQ" is literally the only bants that the shill knows.

it's like he's not capable of using other words when his tard rage reaches its peak.

I'm really glad you got unbanned

You took the bait my friend.

I don't do shit I don't wanna do bud.

I know you lack the impulse control to not swallow every bait you come across, so just carry on πŸ€—

I liked you better as a martyr in the fight against foids.

glow in the dark MDEgenerare kys

I always wondered is he an actual NEET? He seems to spend an inordinate amount of time writing essays.

How is that even a question lmao

His e-girlfriend told me he works fixing roads but he denied it

It's always fun to poke that retard, but creating this post kind of shows he's living in your head rent free.

Nonsense. I’m a capitalist; if I could charge him for the space in my head I would.


Can we ban him again?

smh banning people on drama what has the world come to

it would be fun tho

The drama would be worth it. Plus he's not a person.