Lefty Redditor decides to formally apologize to T_D for two years of autism. Chapo REEEEEEEEEs when they realize they've lost another one.

173  2019-03-25 by bussysmalls



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Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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Considering the anti reddit circlejerk at T_D they sure are quick to spend actual money for some useless medals as soon as someone posts obvious bait

Consider it ban insurance.

What'd you expect from a people who hate/despise at last count -






Soc Dems.




Mainstream Media.

And like/support -


Putin (Venezuela aid).


Osama bin laden/9-11.

Taliban (not when they kicked USSSR's ass however).


American soldiers are one things. Cuban and Venezuelan soldiers fight for the 99%.

Venezuelan soldiers fight for

Maduro. That's it.

And Maduro is fighting American imperialism

Of course, China and Putin aren't imperialists at all.

whoever pays them

Even Empanada Man's days are limited the second he can't pay his troops, which is why pretty much the entire Venezuelan GDP is funneled towards keeping them happy.

This is what I learned from Tropico.

When Cuban soldiers got to third world shitholes by Castro in order to 'spread the revolution' they proceeded to rape and loot those countries to their hearts content. Real People's Army there.

Well, it is the Cuban People's army, and if those Cuban People want to do some rapin, well, whatcha gonna do


Have we discovered a new, more retarded horseshoe theory?

CtH and TD? Forever snoodling

CtH and TD? Forever snoodling

Yep, it seems we have.

I think it's funny how they think liberals are stupid. Like yeah you're terrible high school education makes you so smart! I really dont understand why we care what a bunch of uneducated cretin say.

Chomo Narcotics Den really isn’t doing so hot this week.

Wow, I'm blown away.

Anyone who isn't a r/politatard or a chapocel would realize T_D isn't the Haven for the "alt-right" after going on the subbreddit for more than five minutes.

Anyone who isn't a r/politatard or a chapocel would realize T_D isn't the Haven for the "alt-right" is a digital retirement home for boomers after going on the subbreddit for more than five minutes.


tbh it was a more entertaining subreddit when it had edgy alt-right types as opposed to the comparatively moderate boomers.


I was certain the OP was going to be a suspicious throwaway account, or a poster that was a T_Der just lying, but if that OP isn’t actually a wannabe commie he has been playing a goddamn long con to look like one.

I thought the same thing. It seemed too on the nose but I think this an actual leftist having a gay little awakening

an actual leftist having a gay little awakening

Dear Penthouse, I never thought it could happen to me...

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I have so much to learn


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an actual leftist having a GUI little awakening

Dear Penthouse, I never thought it could happen to me...

A great awakening *

Doesn't need to be a throwaway. Lots of people who pivot from one retarded radical position to another when their horseshoe tips touch.

/r/neoliberal has nimbys as the ultimate enemy and good jeb memes, its the only real choice.

They're just libertarians without the balls.

You mean people who actually understand how to pay for roads?

More like people who want an unobtainable utopia but unlike libertarians who are willing to crack a sweat and break their backs to build that utopia, they want a fascist police state to do all the hard work of making said utopia for them.

lolbertarian COPE

go build a seasted

A lot of Chapo like hanging around neolib for some reason.

Remember a few months back when there was non-stop drama from PK on neolib?

It's not that surprising. You'll notice with people that hold extreme views that sometimes they shatter pretty hard and go full tilt in the other direction.

And chapotards wonder why people end up on the right 🙄 Everyone in that T_D thread is being perfectly pleasant (albeit almost creepily chummy), whereas CTH is just as likely to eviscerate you even when you agree with them.

I'm a slightly left leaning (barely) moderate, but if I had to decide which "team" to be on based on moron redditors I'd have to go with Team Trumptard if only because they don't completely hate moderates. CTH is legit creating more 2020 Trump voters than whoever the DNC candidate is gonna be.

Of course, only idiots vote among tribal lines, instead of just what policies they support. But there's a lot of idiots out there.

LmAo @ anyone who isnt a radical aznidentist

That's probably even worse, because they'll still try to talk to you while they have instruments in your mouth, but you wouldn't be able to understand what they're saying at all.

Seems kinda like a reworking of the "I am filled with guilt, white guilt" copypasta

Redpills cure emasculation.



Excuse me sweaty, I think you mean Nazis aren't people.

It is absolutely delicious how quickly they turn on each other, the Purity Spiral is no joke (unlike CTH).

I’m a Social Democrat, and have leanings towards Libertarian Socialism.

How much paint do I need to huff for this to make sense?

He's like an ancap but thinks that not having a state will make everyone anarcho-communists who will somehow never manage to acquire enough power to create a new feodal system.

It was a rebranding of Anarchism

That's r-slured

Can't mod say the r-slur?

I try to lead by example


Bussy smalls where art thou ? 😱

Hey, gotta do whatever you need to get karma these days.