LITERAL whores shame men for not paying for porn. Their jobs will be automated anyways so 1k anybody?

17  2019-03-25 by Why_yang_will_win


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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I mean there are verified pornstars on pornhub that post both free and paid porn.

What do you mean people are doing porn as a side gig?! 😧 I wanted to become rich and famous and only work once a week by doing porn.

This hoe's trying to get royalties for every free nut that's been busted to her leaked porn. I'm not looking to make a business transaction everytime I wanna get down to business. SMH, foids try'na turn men watching porn into financial domination.

When the apocalypse happens you know anyone with the term "influencer" in their bio isn't getting their ass raptured.

My ex’s new boyfriend doesn’t pay for the Netflix account they use, I do. What a fuckin beta 😎

Yes. Instead of prioritizing, setting a budget, putting money aside, and paying someone for their content directly, you are adding your little clicks to the line the pockets of tube site companies run by men.

Which is super helpful for your favorite performer being able to get more props and outfits, having more time and energy to film, and ultimately add more hot content for you to enjoy

Yup. Definitely better to just click, instead of supporting directly. Not like it’s satisfying to actually interact and see your favorite performers be happy, less stressed, relaxed because of you. That would be super weird

I like this hot take where men are evil for running the porn sites, but please men send me money directly so I can be happy because of you.

The idea that all of the fans necessarily care about their welfare and how they feel is bizarre and comically naive, they're just sex objects. Which is fair because if you go to the sub for sex workers they also view the men as objects that money comes out of, while simultaneously complaining about the fact that the customers view THEM as sex objects. One standard for me, another for thee. This is the kind of person that gets on a national radio program and throws a tantrum and walks off when they want to talk about porn and not her dumbass hobbies that nobody cares about.

You letting another person pay for the porn so you can watch it?

Damn right I do.

THOT - That hoe owes taxes

I pay my eyebrow manicurist

That is not a thing. Eyebrows don’t have hands. Also I love how these foids think they have fans who support them just because they film themselves shoving a dildo up their ass.