I have a criminal record

5  2019-03-25 by BenaGD

2 months ago I had every thing at my feet. Had all the girls, good grades and enough money to buy weed every couple of days. I was living like a fucking god. So this one day after school me and my best mate decide that were gonna smoke some pot that he'd bought. Now do know that my friend [we'll call him tom] is a dropout, we met that year so didnt know much about him besides the facts that he's my best friend. This will come back to haunt me. After going to tom's apt, we take out our weed and start smoking. That weed was probebly one of the best shit ive smoked. We were high as fuck. Now the only down side is that Tom acts pretty gay when hes high. So he decides to hit on me. At first I told him to fuck off, but he kept nagging me and I was high so we kissed, for lik 10 sec, or so I thought. In reality we made out for 5 minutes, he then starts unzipping my pants. Now I this point I did everything to stop this horny mother fucker, but I was too high. He then procceds to take off my pants and he took off his afterwards. At that point I realized I was about to get raped. But at that moment his mom walked in. Guess what this mf did? He starts crying and saying there is a rapist in the house. His mom freaksout, he starts crying and I passed out.

MFW when I wake up handcuffed to the hospital bed. Turns out Tom was 17, and Im currently awaiting trial for rape.


Atleast you didnt get raped

he didn’t get raped by 17yo laidback stoner tom, now he’s gonna get raped by 330-lb angry lifer Bubba. Bad trade if you ask me

He did the raping.

Rape is a victimless crime anyway

Guess what this mf did? He starts crying and saying there is a rapist in the house

well, he wasn't wrong.