dude b-slur lmao

166  2019-03-25 by darkinard

welcome to 2021



w-slur t-slur 2-slur


At least we can still say trussy

And troon

ah fuck it’s been years since I dusted that one off

I might have to dust off minge will all this censorship

ooo ooo



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This is gonna be like that time 4 chan came up with new racist slurs

admins are redguards, confirmed

As a non-NEET can someone explain this to me - I fuckkng hate asking this question because I think the answer is obvious. The T_D, metacanada, etc, can advocate for killing minorities; CTH advocates beating flag bearers; blah, blah, but I have to us g-slur, b-slur, s-slur, etc. Is this supposed to save spez's job - my obvious answer but I want to know if I am missing something? Sorry for being a mayo moron.

What is g-slur? b-slur?


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You are also encouraged to snitch on other users that are using bad words. Welcome to 1984

See what happened below when I used the fully extended -slurs you asked about. I hope you learned as I’m not doing that again. I’m just not in the mood for even a temp ban. Fought through one once and that was enough and still perma-banned elsewhere. I have a beautiful wife waiting to f-slur in my bedroom. You NEETS from across the horseshoe spectrum can battle this one out.

G-slur is a homosexual. B-slur is a f-slur doggo.

Can we take chud?

Oh man I wish 4chan gave a shit about CTH and made this happen. It would be truly devastating for those dorks lmao

Shut up chud.

Do you Understand that you Don't just say that to someone? Everybody has come together against Slurs. Be better than that. Understand, chud is harming your fellow users. So stop it. Seriously stop it. You need to learn. Let's be better. Maybe be more friendly As a a community. Offending others is wrong.

Alright, I’m going in. No pun intended, but nothing good can come out of this anyway, so let that be something I guess.

What specifically about this is a chud, so I know how to use it in a sentence?

It's a (presumably) Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, aka the original definition of CHUD.

Hey dude, I noticed that you didn’t post your hog. Could you do that for us? Thanks :)




Don't forget the skypes

Gas the skypes race war now!

Anyone who knows what roody poo means without having to google is a boomer

how do we feel about repurposing y'all to be our new slur?

Im confused about this is the slur ban sitewide?


You candy-ass roody-poo.

Roddy Poos, Basketball Americans, Based boys, ONIONS

Word filters are fun


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wow it’s real

Yeah this isn't a joke and many comments have been removed so this is our life now.

know why?



f- word (homosexual people)

g- word (homosexual people)

n- word (black people)

t- word (transvestites)

that's pretty rètärded


What about m?

M****r would fall under intellectual disability, naturally. But calling someone an “//Da md” would be using about the worst slur currently in the English language, so please don’t do that.


f- word (mentally deficient people)

g- word (mentally deficient people)

n- word (mentally deficient people)

t- word (mentally deficient people)

r- word (mentally deficient people)


Now it makes sense, thanks.

What is the g word? Do you mean g*ÿ?

that’s so gäy


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lol that's amazing


what about gooks?

What's the slur for Ch*po?

We're taking back roody-poo.




R word- (all of the above) 😎

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I'll post it again then


f- word (homosexual people)

g- word (homosexual people)

n- word (black people)

t- word (transvestites)

r- word (mentally deficient people)

g- word (womanly form of "bussy")

f- word (womanly form of "male")

Happy Easter r/drama!


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Wow! It worked! Let's try this: fémale.


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Or just in another language, femelle. That one's actually the feminine version of "it" in French though, so it's actually a slur to use it to talk about a woman.

T'es français ?

is foid banned? or femoid?

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Retarded faggot female bot.

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Oh it only repeats one word you said. I was hoping it would print a list of all them.



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Absolutely retarded.

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Du bist ein Jude.


Hey. Transvestites is an offensive word now. You are banned.

Oh snap I just played myself.

Don't say THAT t-word, it's not part of the diaspora anymore! You're gunna get banned!


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Imagine being literally so fragile you can't hear the word >!can't say that on reddit!< without crying and shitting yourself, lmao

What’s one word someone has used against you to highlight the way society discriminates against you? Just trying to gauge your authority on this topic.

G*mer, so I think I know what I'm talking about

Yeah... Enjoy your fabricated oppression.

First of all, how dare you

Second of all my f-slur dad is a mod here and he's totally going to ban you

weh weh

Don't worry, reddit will protect you from those mean-ass words that hurt your precious baby feelings, sweaty

You have a lot of growing up to do.

LMAO, call me when you stop crying and shitting yourself over words and we can talk about who the grownup is.

I’m not defending the censorship. But belittling people for letting words affect them shows that you’re a child with very little understanding of the world. Enjoy your blissful ignorant life.

I wonder if I can still say that redtaboo is a fragile bitch, or if she's too fragile to let us have the b-slur

what word?

On top of being a cck slurping inbrd fentanyl addicted r-slur right*id, you also can’t appreciate the greatest admin of all time.

Leave red alone. You fraking f-slur.


in my peoples language we say 千卂ᎶᎶㄖㄒ to mean peace



Miss Obummer get down

I can't even sort of tell whether this is real or being done ironically.

According to my chat with wfwfwfqwfqwef I had in comments, its real. Admins are deleting our comments and havent explained why.

Right but how could you possibly know whether the comments confirming it's real are ironic or not.

Or is it like half-ironic where the admins are doing something fucky but we don't know what so the mods closed the sub and put in overly exceptional meme restrictions to shitpost about the admins being nibbers?

Science doesn't know fam

There's also a comment with a pic link of an admin removed comment, so unless its either shopped or some other stupid s-slur than it seems legit.

aiight this does look legit instead of a case of homosexual operations


Yeah, they even have another pic where it shows it is removed by the Ministry of Truth Anti-Evil Operations thing that admins use


sorry, can't say that on a christian subreddit!

can we still call out the mayo menace at least?

The drama was coming from inside the house

Slurs are bad and nobody should say them because they promote violence

Leftist and anarchist subreddits saying that it's cool and good to slaughter innocents is okay though, because reasons

No bussy posting?


🤔 what do you mean by that?


I meant all people of color should be able to communicate with any bundle of sticks. Or anyone with no sticks. Or anyone that thinks they want sticks or thinks they could do without. Bottom line: gamers need a voice too.

I take an hour to go to the gym and come back to this. What's going on lol.


几-丂ㄥㄩ尺 千-丂ㄥㄩ尺



porch monkey?

Lol these cunts thought

What’s the g word ? And what’s a bussy?

Faggots and retards.

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It's over for bussycels :(

They'll never take hun, bosche, kraut, jerry, heinie, and pretzel-bender away from me. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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uh that’s not a slur

What the darn tootin'


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Ah sorry. Guys, I just came out as g-slur to my parents. I'm officially g-slur and proud!


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F**ale?! Are you serious?

As a feminine identifying individual I find this highly offensive.

Jk it’s hilarious.


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But can we say it in Russian phonetically?

Пост бусси лол

Inb4 /r/drama goes bilingual

What kinda f-word p-word a-word s-word is this?

What the f-slur!