G-Word Fantasy Author is mad at Barnes and Noble for selling “Dead Guys” Tolkien and Robert Jordan (over 200 million book sales combined) instead of her shitty book that nobody has ever heard of.

174  2019-03-26 by CJ_from_Grove_St


I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 ass 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱


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I've seen better ones


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I look back on my time reading her books very FONDA LEE.

oh man!

Man oh man

Lol the article calls her out for adding a shelve to Tolkien's count

She's a writer not a mather

But she looks [a-slur]...

If you actually look at the photo provided by Lee, you will see that Tolkien’s books only take up approximately two and a half shelves, not the three and half she asserts. There also appears to be a wide array of Tolkien’s works on the shelves and it’s not just limited to the Lord of the Rings series.

As for Jordan’s Wheel of Time series it appears to only take up a shelf and a half, but if you count the actual books, there’s only 29. As I mentioned previously there’s 14 books in the Wheel of Time series. That means there’s only around two copies for each book.

Who knew that the most influential fantasy writer ever would have shelves dedicated to him.

How does it help society for the rich to get richer?

By allocating resources based on demonstrated value instead of the feelings of demonstrably worthless people.


It’s not about feelings. It’s about spreading diversity.

Tolkien is diverse you racist. The Fellowship of the Ring, had an elf, a dwarf, men, hobbits, and a wizzard.

It's about forcing people to read shitty books instead of the books that people want to read.

Sooner or later Commieism always comes down to this.

Better question: How does it help a bookstore to stock books nobody wants to buy? The reason there's umpteen shelves of Tolkien and Jordan is that people want to buy Tolkien and Jordan. I actually read and I've never heard of Fonda Lee. If we were talking musical acts, this would be like some random one-or-two hit wonder complaining that they aren't as prominently featured at a festival as U2, Foo Fighters, or some other long-time A-list band with a catalog of hits.

This isn't really about money, anyway, you filthy commie P.O.S. It's about Fonda Lee realizing she's never going to measure up to the greats and being a crybaby instead of appreciating and building on the success she already has.

Who says no one wants to buy them? Why not require people to read those books and learn if they are so bad?

Who says no one wants to buy them?

The fact that there's 5 shelves of Tolkien and Jordan and Fonda Lee has a portion of shelf nearby is what our friends in law enforcement would refer to as "a clue."

Why not require people to read those books and learn if they are so bad?

I know your handlers make require you to wear a helmet, but the rest of us aren't r-slurs like you are so we get to make our own decisions.

Why not require people to read those books and learn if they are so bad

Literal nazi shit lmao

You're not allowed to read the books you want, only state sponsored books

Not hate speech, that should be banned

Trickle down pussy.

Sure Tolkien largely influenced the fantasy genre and everything but calling him a fantasy writer is kinda insulting tbh

How else should I refer to him when trying to write a one line sarcastic sentence?

Imma need sources on this one, o-slur.

Fantasy is genre fiction. Tolkien wrote literary fiction. Just because fantasy as a genre is largely influenced by Tolkien's works today doesn't mean that Tolkien's works themselves were genre fiction.

I mean yeah obviously today you'd put Tolkien's works into the fantasy section at bookstores and market it as such but but they were not written with the intention of being marketed as fantasy from day one like fantasy genre fiction today is.

I read this whole thing four times. I've no idea what you mean and I have a feeling I'm being taken for a ride.

Alright, I'll try to explain further. Let's say I want to write a detective novel. I'll make the main character some smart witty guy like Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot. I'll have it take place during a vacation in some mansion or something like that. I'll have the victim die in a room locked from the inside. I'll have the main character start an investigation, interrogate everyone, and eventually solve the mystery. This is all standard stuff that goes into these types of novels, generic tropes everyone familiar with these kinds of novels knows about. This novel that I wrote is (detective) genre fiction. It doesn't explore any deeper themes, it has no real messages it wants to say, it's literally just casual entertainment for the sake of entertainment, paperback capeshit if you will. It has no "higher" pretensions. The people who buy this novel are going to be fans of the genre who will buy it knowing exactly what they're getting and will buy it specifically because that's what they want. This is, in essence, genre fiction. It's literally written for the sole purpose of appeasing people who like this particular genre (detective novels in this case).

Literary fiction, on the other hand, is, and I apologize for sounding pretentious here, more """serious""" literature. It's literature that explores various themes, the human condition, that includes social commentary, that focuses on the characters and not the plot, etc. When Tolkien set out to write Lord of the Rings, his thought process wasn't "What does fantasy usually include? Dwarves, elves, orcs, wizards, evil overlords and epic battles? Gotta include all of that in my book!", yeah he had all of that in Lord of the Ring but those things weren't the point of Lord of the Ring, the point was to create a mythology, the failings of great men like Boromir and Aragorn, the camaraderie between Frodo and Sam, the nature of good and evil, the weakness of man, how the evil has within itself the seeds of its own destruction, all that literature class the teachers tried pointlessly to instill in our minds when we were kids. Literary fiction is essentially the types of books you had to read for school, if that makes sense.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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Fuck you bot I will never stop ever

Please refrain from using the b-slur

Genre fiction is one of the most pretentious and arbitrary rules just to put down good literature. I've heard asimov referred to as genre fiction before. Just call the trash that fits into a certain mold what it is, trash. Don't designate everything that has some arbitrary set of qualities beyond the pale.

So the fact that he wrote the book good disqualifies it from the genre of the books he wrote it in.

Got it. Solid.

He considers genre fiction as lesser to proper literature and is rationalizing all the reasons that the Ur Fantasy book somehow doesn't count as genre fiction.


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Youve gone too far

That's our word, f-slur.

Jane Eyre and Gulliver's Travels are genre fiction as well as being literature. They're not mutually exclusive cetegories.

People who are defensive about liking genre fiction (to clarify - nothing wrong with it as long as you're not being an f-slur about it, hell I personally read the entirety of Wheel of Time and enjoyed it and have no problem admitting it, no shame in turning your brain off and just enjoying entertainment) often point out the nebulousness of the distinction between the two, but I think that's somewhat missing the point. Just because you can categorize pretty much all of literary fiction to specific genres doesn't make it genre fiction. Genre fiction is written with the primary intention of it being genre fiction. You can technically categorize, say, 1984, as science fiction, but when Orwell wrote it his intention wasn't to write a science fiction novel, and people who read it don't read it because it's science fiction. The purpose is what sets it apart.

These are entirely contrived labels in order for people to sneer at novels. Just call them schlock and realize the genre has basically nothing to do with whether something is schlock.

r u fuckin srs?

Tolkien first wrote children's lit, then high fantasy, then an a-slur fantasy encyclopedia. His style can best be called 'good Harry Potter.'

Genre fic like The Worm Ouroboros and A Voyage to Acturus had already been shitting up bookstores for twenty years before Tolkien published The Hobbit. Come LoTR time, his friends had had enough of listening to g-slur little dwarves playing grabass friendship, Lovecraft had already died, and L Ron Hubbard had already written, like, 500 fantasy novels.

You can make the argument that Mark Twain wasn't writing genre fic when he wrote his time-travel novel in the 1880s, but bookstores by the fucking 1950s had a pretty good idea of what genre fic was already. Maybe young adult fiction didn't exist yet, but to say that Tolkien thought that he was writing War and Peace is as naïve as saying that he really is a serious writer.

Like come fucking on, guy.

I never meant to imply that Tolkien was working from literally zero and had no influences on himself, if that's what you got from my post? Pretty much every Tolkien fan knows about him and Beowulf, how he wrote Hobbit as a children's book for his own kid, etc.

Yeah, sure, I can see how you'd argue that he's not on Tolstoy level or something like that, but comparing to Harry Potter is just mean spirited and dishonest. If you were asked if Tolkien was closer to (for example) GRRM than to Tolstoy, can you honestly say you would say yes?

I would absolutely say that Tolkien is more GRRM than Tolstoy, yes.

Why the fuck is this site showing me an ad of some crying kid

Its actually just a picture of the author in question

No, a video popped up of some crying child in a car, I got it too.

tfw you get BTFO by dead authors

TIL people still go to bookstores.

I just order mine online.

Looks like we got ourselves a reeeader.

Wtf this is the third Bill Hicks reference on r/drama I've seen today

What you readin' for?

order mine online.

Imagine paying for books in 2019 lmao

I just order mine online.

If by "order" you mean libgen then yeah same

don't tell casuals about libgen i don't want it to go away

Nobody else besides us reads in /r/drama so we gucci

ebook masterrace here

I can’t get used to ebooks. I just prefer the feel of the real thing.

That was my thought after I rented my first RealDoll

Has the situation improved or is it back to the ‘real thing’? 🤢

So you back to fucking books now?




I prefer getting whatever book I want instantly and for either free or incredibly cheap. I also like when girls come over to my place for them to see that I don't have a real library so they assume I'm stupid.

Instant gratification. The curse of modern living smh.

Well considering the item I get instantly usually takes me 5-12 hours to read, usually over a week or so, I'm gonna disagree.


tbh I'm not sure how to behave on this sub anymore. Even 24 hours ago I'd have called you something slightly insulting, yet still implying I harbor homosexual fantasies about you. Now, who knows?

I think I’ve been too serious in this thread so therefore deserve all the insults I get. But yeah it’s weird.

Birtch what did you just slur about me?

I don’t like ebooks. Not in a snobby kind of way. I just like the feeling of physical books.

Me too. If I smack someone with a Kindle or my phone I could damage my electronics. A thick, solid paperback won't break and usually hurts more.

Physical books give me less eyestrain.

Same, I get enough hours as is staring at screens.

Physical books blow, you have to constantly manage pages and physically hold it open or you lose your spot. I'll never go back to reading outdoors without an e-reader, the fucking wind.


Gimme your lunch money, nerd 👊

I still go to the local one occasionally, mostly to just browse when bored as a cheap date of sorts.l

I used to do that exclusively until I cracked open a book that had a blood stain on the text. Also my mail carriers kept stuffing the packages in my mailbox so I’d have some rhombus-looking shit for books.

Best places to buy books are charity shops imo. Dirt cheap and good karma because charity.

Yea they’re great places to snag some nice hardcovers and less common editions.

Foids am I right

Wheel of Time isn't even very good

I'm halfway through the series and I like it so far.

Wait til you get to about books 6-10 ahahahah. I love the series but jesus christ, you might be better off readin the wiki sections for those, and then finishing on the last 4.

6 has Dumai's Wells which is prob one of the best sequences in the series but yeah 7-10 are a slog with just enough plot to make it seem like you need to read all the thinly veiled BDSM fetishism in between

I just finished book 6 and Dumai's Wells was the best part of the book so far. I can't believe they tried to do my boy Rand like that but they got fucked up in the end so that was pretty satisfying.

It's one of the highlights of the entire series, that's for sure.

Ok it's 7-10 then. I always forget, it's been so long. I swear one of those books only like a couple days pass storywise, it's fucking insane.

I think 7 is fine too or I liked it anyway 8 is where the series shits the bed.

Book 8 is the low point for sure but it’s still my favourite fantasy series.

Same I reread those books so many times as a teenager, really wish Jordan hadn't died. I was happy enough with how it finished but really would have loved to see how he would have done it.

Same 100%. Brandon Sanderson did a good job but it just wasn’t the same.

It might be 7 that you are talking about because I'm on page 250 or so and the plot with the Aes Sedai still hasn't caught up to the end of book 6 at Dumai's Wells. It literally starts before the end of book 6, goes until about a day after the Dumai's Wells aftermath, then goes back a month to the Aes Sedai in Salidar. Literally nothing has happened of importance other than a character who is supposed to be dead getting raped and tortured.

That's probably it then. Even the book with Dumai's Wells I feel like I remember being really hard to get through, until it finally got crazy at the end.

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Book 6 was pretty exciting. I'm 25% through book 7 and the plot hasn't even caught up with the end of book 6 lmao.

Books 7 through 10 or so are an unbelievable slog

i liked it

You should because they are supposed to be really good and Brandon Sanderson is a great writer even if he is hated on r/drama for some reason.

it's a fantasy series of course it isn't

Fuck out of here

folds arms under breasts

Puts hands on hips and smooths skirts.

Tugs braid.

Fool man. Sniffs loudly.

Woolheaded lummox.

Say that to me again and I'll box your ears. Knuckles mustache.

LOTR is worse, it's a fucking snoozefest, just watch the movies and skip wasting hours reading about long walks and linguistic masturbation and food. like ya it was very good at the time, very influential, very epic, dont give a shit. it aged worse than morrowind. it aged worse than seinfeld. absolute slogs

This might be the worst take I've ever seen.

Wheel of Time is a fantastic book series. I’m dreading what the TV series is going to be like though.

Moraine is going to be the main character in the first season. So it's not looking good.

Really? I like her so that doesn’t bother me so much. I also heard they’re moving away from the whole multi wives thing to polyamorous relationships which sounds... interesting.

I like her a lot too but she's not the main character. The only reason I can kind of see them doing that is to not giving away who the Dragon Reborn is.

I also heard they’re moving away from the whole multi wives thing to polyamorous relationships which sounds... interesting.

That's just dumb. Jordan put tons of effort into creating all these unique cultures and people and they are going to change it because polyamory is "in" right now. I'm almost 100% certain this show is going to be a woke disaster. It should have been made 10 years ago.

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I like her a lot too but she's not the main character. The only reason I can kind of see them doing that is to not giving away who the Dragon Reborn is.

I also heard they’re moving away from the whole multi wives thing to polyamorous relationships which sounds... interesting.

That's just disrespectful. Jordan put tons of effort into creating all these unique cultures and peoples and they are going to change it because polyamory is "in" right now. I'm almost 100% certain this show is going to be a woke disaster. It should have been made 10 years ago. If they are going to start changing that much, don't even call it the WoT.

Tbh seeing what they did to the Shannara chronicles and the Sword of Truth series’ I never really have had high hopes. At least GOT hasn’t been too bad though!

I lack culture, look what they did to castlevania.

I need to watch season 2 tbh.

Lol they’re losing to guys who haven’t put out any new material in forever.


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Yo this (((AutoModerator))) is retarded! 🤪

Dude gussу lmao.

The last line of the article says Tolkiens being called racist for his portrayal of Orcs LMFAO

Tolkien was mad racist but I don't know what orcs have to do with it

He also hated Modernity with a passion

Tolkien and Ted, preach it

tolkien was an unironic anarcho-monarchist


They prefer to be called Orusin, thank you. MODDDSSSS BAN THAT CHUD FOR SAYING O-SLUR!!!!

Tbh the only thing Barnes and Noble should be selling is glorious manga

How bad do you have to be to be at the top of the privilege list by a mile and still fail to dead people?

Fantasy is a meme genre

Ur a meme genre

Are we calling it swordshit or wizardshit?


It's kinda retarded to think your unknown book would get more privileges than classic literature that everybody knows about

no, it really isn't. I love LoTR but it's full of racism, the pacing is terrible and that's just the start of what's wrong with it.

Queer romance author#ActuallyAutistic #Ace #Aro #Queer AF & #Kinky #EDS #Fibro Non-Binary, mixed-race Xie/Xem/Xyr/Mx Blood-Bound available

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no, it really isn't. I love LoTR but it's full of racism, the pacing is terrible and that's just the start of what's wrong with it.

Twitter bio: Q[slur] romance author#ActuallyAutistic #Ace #Aro #Q[slur] AF & #Kinky #EDS #Fibro Non-Binary, mixed-race Xie/Xem/Xyr/Mx Blood-Bound available



This would never happen in a proper Caliphate.

Words don't mean anything anymore, we've moved past definitions.

whats ace? Im not duckduckgoing that shit.

Also, of course they have fibromyalgia. UBI for everybody!!!

Apparently they're into kink while also professing to not feel sexual attraction.

Honestly the pacing of LOTR is pretty bad, but there’s some things you forgive when you’re being given genius.

I can only get through 30 pages of Jordan’s shitty prose before giving up. Dude had his wife as editor and it shows.

She has a point imo. Not that there's any realistic solution to the "problem", but her frustrations are unexpectedly reasonable compared to title. It's like you're doing moderately well in the special Olympics against other YA fantasy writers, and then in comes the undead lich of Michael Phelps to ruin your hopes and dreams.

Also, she cute

Bitter unknown author bitching about the Wheel of Time series 😤

Instant gratification. The curse of modern day living smh.

I love a lot about it. It absolutely should be sold. It shouldn't take up THAT much shelf space when we have newer, better authors writing SFF.

Me included!

lol literally whos pretending to be not just as good but better than Tolkien.

Balph Eubank was right; we should limit book printings to ten thousand copies.

Balph Eubank is called "the literary leader of the age", despite the fact that no book he has written has sold more than 3,000 copies. He complains that it is disgraceful that artists are treated as peddlers, and that there should be a law limiting the sales of books to 10,000 copies.

Wow, I really thought this part was a bit too unrealistic. Rand was right again.


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