/r/incest has been quarantined, what will we masturbate to now?

104  2019-03-26 by BeingofUniverse


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That vid of Commie Mommy dancing again, I guess. Starting to lose its luster.

COMMY MOMMY MILKERS 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

don't worry all, /r/wincest is still good.


this but unironically

It’s just shit tier gifs 2/10

Isn’t that sub filled with fake stories?

They're as real as your boner wants them to be.

Some guy wrote a blog about how most of it could be abuse and grooming advice.

Anything with Amy Schumer or Lena Dunham in it.. mmmmm.

if i cant watch poor brazillian people die or jerk off to incest porn whats the point of this site

Pinging lolcows and discussing bundles of sticks.

Too soon

and discussing bundles of sticks

Wouldn't that be fascism?

why jerk off to poorly written erotica when you could crank out a schlong song to superior chinese hentais?

if i cant watch poor brazillian people die

I needed this, this morning

A lot of bad things happened after the Chinese bought the site πŸ€”

TFW no family bussy.

I thought we were a family friendly site now?

Lmfao we all called it. Here comes the Pornodomor.

Get ready for Tumblr 2.0

It’s only been quarantined, not banned, you fucking pussies

inb4 r/freefolk, r/gameofthrones too

But king manlet said there's nothing wrong with incest πŸ€”

If incest is no longer kosher, i wonder how long it'll take for r/crusaderkings to get quarantined.

Why was it quarantined?

Pedophiles tended to post grooming stories under the guise of being progressive.

F(-slur) you are sick in your head and should be sterilised.

I alternate between /r/aww and /r/transpassing.

Thank God! If it was just stories about family members over 18 then idek maybe, but there were legit people posting about how to seduce their kids.

something something stop kink shaming reeeeee

Where is the resident pedo Hstark when we need him. He's set you strait.

There's someone on that sub complaining about T_D. People who get off to incest are trying to claim the moral high ground.

Didn't Trump basically say he wanted to fuck his daughter?

So they're attacking their own?

Your sister, mom, dad, brother, whatever. I don't give a fuck.