DDF took over this sub??!??
0 2019-03-26 by PunchTrumpNow
Lmao, 99% of posts are praising Trump (orange piece of sh*t, as I call him). Kick DDF out of here NOW...
0 2019-03-26 by PunchTrumpNow
Lmao, 99% of posts are praising Trump (orange piece of sh*t, as I call him). Kick DDF out of here NOW...
1 -6x- 2019-03-26
Based r-slur.
1 PunchTrumpNow 2019-03-26
1 elksandturkeys 2019-03-26
Who is ddf?
1 PunchTrumpNow 2019-03-26
Dotard Defence Forces... Bunch of NEETs from T_D shilling for orange piece of s**t
1 elksandturkeys 2019-03-26
Ah...gotcha. Ya I seen an influx the last couple days
1 le_epic_xd_part_2 2019-03-26
Le epic fake outrage
1 PunchTrumpNow 2019-03-26
1 POST_BUSSY 2019-03-26
1 CantWakeUpJPG 2019-03-26
Epic fresh account my dude.
1 PunchTrumpNow 2019-03-26
1 PunchTrumpNow 2019-03-26
> 33% Upvoted
LMFAO. DDF are trying really hard!
1 le_epic_xd_part_2 2019-03-26
Less than you are
1 Redactor0 2019-03-26
Imagine trying some kind of r-slur-ed 69-dimensional chess but being this bad at it. 🙄🙄🙄
1 PunchTrumpNow 2019-03-26
1 Redactor0 2019-03-26
Tell me that on your main, f-slur.
1 loli_esports 2019-03-26
thank u for saying what we all are thinking but are afraid to say ur shelves