Europoors are SEETHING as the EU takes their reddit away

308  2019-03-26 by Zac1245


ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


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So will the internet be a safe space now?

Be euro.

Have no freedom of speech.

Homelands being flooded by refugees that are taking your women.

Government votes to remove your memes.

It's completely over.

Yes but no freedom is good.

But you don't neeeeeed freedom.


The only thing European posters were capable of was smugposting about the US being "uncivilized" and screeching about sport to call football. The sooner the EU bans reddit outright the better tbh.

screeching about sport to call football.

Also to try and teach the Americans English.

I'm not American 😘

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what is this, /r/lsc

I'm not American 😘

Turns out people from all over the world think euros are r-slurs, shocking, I know.

Non-americans who don't call it (an equivalent to) football can be counted on one hand. You're a r-slur for thinking it is a euro thing.

I think you're full of shit you l-slur

The Chinese term for soccer translates to "kick ball," so I hope you have a billion fingers.

wonder what you use to kick, hmz.

*try to - not try and

"Try and teach" is perfectly valid, you dunce.

Not in my grammar manual.

So you admit it is colloquially acceptable and is perfectly okay in informal situations. Unless you want to argue r slash drama is a formal setting, all the stuff you wrote after is just a big fat "yeah but akshually".

I want justice. I want massive American brigades storming the shores of worldnews to call Europeans rëtærds and fægōts that are just so "behind" America and so "regressive" when it comes to internet freedom

No they're going to keep smugposting about school shootings


Europe aren't imperialists, they're imperialists dogs. They're lower than that.

pls stop

You confuse me, your posts oscillate wildly.


Actually saw one Eurocuck saying they wish they had a first amendment.

we actually throw people in jail for hate speech.

Who is “we”


Do you support this new EU law?

I have never supported EU internet laws. Like who the fuck think it is good idea to force all websites to implement pop-ups?

The same people on an Idaho-sized island with delusions of grandeur who thought it was cool to approach fall of 1939 with approximately 27 soldiers after making a guarantee to Poland?

The same people who built a gigantic interconnected defense structure, except in one spot in the woods because "le bois sont muy muy thick here, the Germans ain't gonna come through"?


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Wait what

I doubt anything is actually going to happen, individual countries can still choose how they are going to interpret the "law" when they implement it in national law. Even if they take it seriously the only who are going to get fucked over are social media companies, since it's downright impossible to moderate everything.

What is even the point of the EU if individual countries decide how they want to implement it.

EU law isn't really a thing, because the EU isn't a governing institute, that's a common misconception. There are a bunch of treaties which are mostly about no trade restrictions between member states, this is what we call EU law. There are merits to being a part of the EU (no tariffs for international trade, the euro currency etc.) but there are also downsides, this is why right wingers are always pushing to leave the EU in basically every member state.

Wow you made it seems even more pointless than I already thought.

EU law isn't really a thing, because the EU isn't a governing institute, that's a common misconception.

There are a bunch of treaties which are mostly about no trade restrictions between member states, this is what we call EU law.

I'll take "Rætarded Takes" for 500, Alex.

What is EU Regulations and Directives is the answer, btw.

Ah yes because the regulations and directives in question aren't treaties.

No? The regulations are directly enforceable as law in the member states - so saying there is no EU-law other than the treaties is plain wrong.

Uh its not called the old world for no reason man

We threw the religious nutjobs out and they found a new country on the other side of the ocean. Now we are the old world I guess.

The us constitution is the greatest piece of literature since the bible. Its a new way to think same thing that makes it the new world.

The US constitution allowed slavery when it was already illegal in Europe. That is the opposite of new thinking.

Lol says the slave that gets put in jail for saying he opposes his government's replacement of him and his fellow countrymen by 3rd world invaders that want him dead.

You're a shitty troll, dude. The US has the most people in prison out of all Western countries and literally uses slave labor in them.

I'm not a troll. Europe is lost and so are you. Every K selected man died in ww2 over 500 million. You are all the descendants of the weakest in your gene pool and it's evident by all the tears your shedding.

My English grammar is better than yours and I think that's sad!

So is your trust fund

Just take a break from the internet, you don't seem to be able to handle it well.


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Yeah the internet your lucky we even let euros on here at all

You are using the world wide web right now, which is a European invention. Damn, you're quite a chungus.

Europe has almost all the tech companies they even invented the computer when ibm used it to count the concentration campers

We Europeans suck at concentration camping though, you Americans didn't even need them to commit genocide.

So americans invent everything europe does since wooden boats. Got it. Hope we don't have to save your ass again. Maybe sign up with China they have the kind of freedom you like.

Define hate speech. Does training a pug to be a nazi as a joke count? Does pointing out that police ignore rape gangs count?

I know few cases.

  1. Having a sign with "gypsy crime is something good"

  2. Having a posters saying "Our negro slave has run away"

  3. Having a art gallery with these signs and posters.

I'm pretty sure they do have some form of law somewhere guaranteeing free speech. Probably been interpreted to mean Jack shit though.

I'm pretty sure the US could pass legislation like this even with the first honestly. Because the constitution does grant congress very broad powers to enforce copyrights.

The internet is in between states and you can buy things on it, that means congress can control 100% of it ez

As if that would make a difference. We've had the DMCA, which is substantially the same as the new EU directives, for over 20 years now.

Americans are only liable if a dmca notice is filed. Europoors are liable as soon as it is on site even without dmca notice so one fuck up in filter=bad while for USA the only issues exist if someone calls you out with a dmca notice and only then does it need to be removed.

That's not what the text of the directive says. This is all a bunch of nonsense.

it demonstrates that it has made best efforts to prevent the availability of specific works or other subject matter by implementing effective and proportionate measures, in accordance with paragraph 5, to prevent the availability on its services of the specific works or other subject matter identified by rightholders and for which the rightholders have provided the service with relevant and necessary information for the application of these measures

. . .

The measures referred to in point (a) of paragraph 4 shall be effective and proportionate, taking into account, among other factors: (a) the nature and size of the services, in particular whether they are provided by a microenterprise or a small-sized enterprise within the meaning of Title I of the Annex to Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, and their audience; (b) the amount and the type of works or other subject matter uploaded by the users of the services; (c) the availability and costs of the measures as well as their effectiveness in light of technological developments in line with the industry best practice referred to in paragraph 8

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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I do... A 2nd amandment too

Based and gun pilled my friend.

Much pilled

Where do you live.

Sweden out of all places...

Americans thinking they have freedom

eurocucks have the freedom to get raped

Doesn't Europe have both a lower immigrating rape and rape rate than America?

Nah rape capitals are in Europe.

That's a whole lot of cope there burgerboy

He is Swedish I’m pretty sure

Hey hey. Don't throw insults around.

Enjoying the Rapefugees i see.

Thinking Mexicans aren't foreigners

Then why is new mexico in the US?

So how many guns are you allowed to own?

At least they have their foreskin

Guess what: so do I.

It's not fair. You're not supposed to have freedom of speech and foreskin.

Freedom of Foreskin is a sacred and inalienable right

That's cheating

you willing to prove that claim pizza?

ew gross

Oprah called, she wants her facecream back.

Post hog

I also have my foreskin but only because i'm a woman so they didn't cut mine.

consider yourself lucky you aren't African.


Mfw I agree with pizza. Gonna keep myself very safe

Have no freedom of speech.

Homelands being flooded by refugees that are taking your women.

Government votes to remove your memes.

One of these things are not like the other.

Fuck off euro.

Nope burger here.

This is still a thing?

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I will set the high school on fire.

This is your internet on ♿️️ boomer ♿️️ 🥢🥢🥢try

Britain's getting out just in time.

Do you really think Brits would not/will not implement this?

You're talking about a country that takes people's gardening tools and small knives away, while police knocks on people's doors and gives them a warning over mean tweets.

No, they'll do their own implementation, only stricter.

I just wanted to make a cheap Brexit joke.

Apply for your meme license early.

the bobbies will have to take my memes from my cold, dead bussy.

Yes, without the EU they will be free to require a loicense for literally everything.

Brexit isn't happening lol

Hah our government can only do worse if it’s free from EU internet regulation. Every party except the Liberal Democrats favours big internet regulation.

It's over for euro-cels

it was over the day they were born

It's over for everyone-cels.

Regulations of the EU are usually externalized (see GDPR or airplane emissions), meaning that everyone in the world will suffer if Reddit, Youtube, Twitch, Facebook or any other service implements a filter. You are not exempt if you live in NA, Australia, SA or anywhere else in the world because you do NOT get a different service.

coping this hard

What do the f-slur implications of the directive have to do with coping you r-slur?

>e-everyone's gonna get affected!! i-i swear bro!!!

It's been over for euro-cels since august 1914.


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same old teams, since 1914 in your thread, in your thread, thoiy're [censored]...

Those same folks pretending to care about freedom of speech are the same people who organize campaigns to de-platform people they don't like.

...wait does this mean that people won't be deplatformed anymore?

pretending to care about freedom of speech

Ha ! They don't even pretend, that's why they call it freeze peach.


Literally nothing is dumber than the freeze peach meme they use.

Buttery males.

True, that might be even worse.

Thing is, unlike the rightoids their insults/memes aren't funny and though they won't admit it they get triggered to no end.

Take NPC, 👌, OK to be white, Milk as white power, SJW, Pepe, safe space etc.

More cringe happens when lefties try to use snowflake. 😮

The issue is, you meme them and then they get triggered and try to turn it into some pseudo-intellectual conversation where they can show off there degrees.

then they get triggered

Bbbut you're the triggered snowflake !

pseudo-intellectual conversation

Nope, "you're so bad hahaha" isn't even pseudo intellectual.

Lol that comic

Is that the same artist that did the “gamergate did something to my chicken” comic?

Don't know, although I'd like to see it.

Ironically, I got this from a non Burger sub.

That last slide 😂😂👌.

I never noticed before how her Twitter picture is a “MySpace angle” or whatever it’s called, where fat chicks take a close-up looking up to make their face look thinner

Ha ! You're right.

They can't use it now or they're going to get sued by Big Ice Cream.

Ironically the only anti-free speech policy I support is involuntarily committing anyone who unironically uses the phrase "freeze peach".

involuntarily committing anyone who unironically uses the phrase "freeze peach".

Did you know, that Typhoid Mary who was involuntarily committed, spread her disease through PEACHES and ICE cream ?

Yeah it goes back to that eye for an eye thing. If we kill killers, we should censor censors.

Nice try bucko but you just implied being blind is a bad thing. I'm reporting you for ablism.

Banning things that nobody was fucking doing, but if you criticize that you prove their point somehow.



Euros brought this upon themselves.

less euros on reddit is a good thing

Between this and Brexit coming up soon I can't wait to see bong culture destroyed

less euros is a good thing

Why does europe have to be so retarded to the point of killing itself

it's prolly the joos again. who do you think owns the major media corps?

Pure embarrassment as a European today...

Just today?

All the time

ting ting ting AHEM

Fuck the EU.


mfw when Europeans try to lecture Americans about how much freedom the EU has.

No we don't need your silly rights, our govt is made up of ordinary people...

"Bill of Rights??? More like Bill of Wrongs!!"

-Liechtenstein, probably


Home to Chad Prince who threatened to leave unless the people voted yes in a referendum granting him more powers.

The Princely family threatened to veto the referendum if it resulted in a vote in favour of removing the veto

WTF I love absolutism now.

Based and DivineRightPilled.

ordinary people...

2hours later:

wtf why did they do this thing how did they not know???

How can powerful people be evil/selfish/greedy ?

Says the moron who subsists on a diet of wandshit and capeshit.

Europe is not as free as America and they are jealous of our freedoms

This is pretty much correct.

Not having free speech sucks dick tho.

Not having to dodge bullets when going to work has its advantages, tho.

Rooting out the weak.


Really explain why half your kids die in a shooting. 🤔

Obesity is a problem and this solves the problem.

Fair enough. I am all onboard, now. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

The nature's genius is really showing here. The obese make bigger and slower targets and are therefore easier to hit. Pretty much natural selection at work.

Yeah thank god a lot of European countries have free speech

Daddy should just annex Europe. He can offer to sell half of it to China as a compromise.

why would we want garbage?

Worked pretty well with Great Japan.

Imagine being a eurofederalist irl.

Strong and steady lads

I like Swedish eurofederalist logic tho.

We need surrender our independence to the eurofuhrer so we can keep our independence from Russian, China, and US. Flawless logic.

It is better logic than thinking sovereignty is some kind if shield. We can vote in European elections. No one does at the the end of the day, but they have the opportunity to have a say. Do we have the same when one of the superpowers use their economic strength to influence us?

It's like saying that Texas would be stronger without the other 49 states.

The problem is that with federalism we would lose voting powers. The council will be defanged and the Swedes would lose so much voting power that it would make them irrelevant in EU politics and function as a province rather than a country.

Yes, but better have less weight than none.

What if the reorganized federal EU government has 2 houses, one that has delegated appointed by watch component state, and one that is elected in popular elections and more seats are given to more populous states. That’s a good compromise between small states and big ones

Yeah but a Texan and a Virginian are both Anglo-Americans with shared faith and foundation.

Pourtugese and Finns have no shared heritage, faith or foundation

a Texan and a Virginian are both Anglo-Americans

Sometimes, I guess

A Portuguese and a Finn have more in common (Christian history, the enlightment, European imperialism) than a black American and a white American.

Dude. They don't even speak the same language.

Neither do my countrymen up north, but we've been part of the same republic since even before the thirteen states were a thing. You'll find a lot of countries in the EU that have similar situations. Not entirely sure how that is relevant.

English is spoken by most Europeans.

If by most you mean barely half okay.

Compared to the demographics of America where black people and white people somehow still live in parallel societies language doesn't seem like a big obstacle.

Having a 50/50 shot at having no fucking clue what the other person is trying to communicate is a pretty big deal.

I'd say the will to understand each other is more important than a common language without it.

Well do they want to be European or Russian? That's the question. A divided Europe is a future Russian province. Maybe America will birthday to bail out the UK and make it a client state.

How about going the third way?


Conspiracy theory: the formation of the EU was Germany’s secret Plan B to take over the continent politically

Hopefully they take care of the unwanted danes afterwards.

That's not really much of a conspiracy theory.

Real conspiracy theory: the rest of Europe knew this and went along with it cause they secretly know Germany runs shit better than their own governments.


That it literally it lol

We need surrender our independence to the eurofuhrer so we can keep our independence from Russian,

They said, while the dominant power within the EU is utterly dependent on Russian natural gas for power.

France is dependent on nuclear energy.

I was talking about Germany, France wishes they were the dominant power.

The French cant even finish second

At the moment the EU resembles nothing more than the articles of confederation. There is basically two ways it can go right now. Try to make a single unified multiethnic state work (it doesn’t because Europeans can’t play nice) or fall apart

I remember I went to the UK in 2016 like 3 weeks after they Brexit voted. I saw self-proclaimed anarchists protesting in favor of not only a nation state (the UK) but in favor of a supernational state (the EU).

Euros are the absolute worst

Wtf how the hell can you be an anarchist but want to EU.

I don't know man. The Euros aren't like you or I.

Truly people of inferior intellect

Bolstered by the white American tourists that keep telling them how smart they are.

People are silent about New Zealand going totalitarian but now that Europe bans memes the world goes nuts

We should be against all censorship

everyone knows kiwis and bogans are a bunch of retarded south sea seppos larping as enlightened eurowannabes. We just don't tell it to their faces.

Ummm excuse me. Memes keep my family safe and healthy. When’s the last time a guns done any of that

I don't think anyone cares about Australia's leftovers. Like a decent sized wave could wash Middle Earth under the sea and nobody would realize for a few months

Nah people would definitely notice when our supply of alcoholic warehouse labourers suddenly dries up.

but I thought shitty corrupt government voting against the interest of the common citizen was a uniquely yank affliction?!

Today the internet is a little better Now that the eternal euro has been banished

be a sheep peoples that voluntarily gives away rights when the gubment asks for it gubment takes rights surprisedpikachu.gif

Dont forgrt eurocucks invented and VOTED for fascism back in the day. They just bed to be told what to do.

Oh no who will now shit post about how superior they're countries are and call burgers and savages. You wont be missed.

They targeted Memers.


I sure am glad I lived to see the ecological decimation of the globe and watch as everyone’s rights got stripped away so CEO’s could buy a new yacht

There are a certain set of big CEOs who like this and another certain set of big CEOs who do not. Ironically the neoliberals were able to position this as David VS Goliath.

Teddy K was right, the industrial revolution was a mistake

And it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Bottom text.

Sounds like net neutrality

ecological decimation of the globe

That's why the US/Canada/Australia are awesome. We have giant public lands, huge wide open areas full of rich, diverse biology. We even have these things called forests (for Euros reading this, a forest is a large collection of trees in one area, as opposed to an endless series of sheep farms and graffiti-ridden cities and suburbs)

You’re retarded if you think America of all places takes good care of the environment

It does. It sends all its bombs to other countries and sends all the CO2 up into the shared atmosphere.

Does the only take reddit or twitter too?

If it takes twitter too, I believe that it's more than worth it.

Next you know, the Euro chuds finally take a stand and vote these oppressive white males out for stealing their memes. They'll be completely unaware that the people they vote for will also want Brexit lol

Can someone explain like I’m r[slur]ed?

Someone makes a meme like pepe. Then they copyright it. Now you cant use it unless u get a license for that meme. Then u can post it. Thats my understanding atm

I think it's that you can't make/post any content that belongs to somebody else unless you either have a license or ask for their permission (idk if those are different tbh). Otherwise they can just take it down.

The shitty thing is that huge companies like nintendo would get so many requests that it would be in their best interest to just say no to everyone. Thus, nobody can post anything.

That makes sense, thank you!

but muh freeze peach.

Get fucked europoors.

I still dont see why we let europe have internet to begin with. All they do is use it to complain about it.

Imagine an internet without eurocuck smugposters. This will be our reality.

Alhamdulilah as always.

I'll have to go back to the damned Paradox forums to see smug Euros now.

redditors ruined paradox subreddits anyway so no big loss.

wtf I love the EU now

Imagine wishing an internet with Islamic State of Europe

reddit might actually be bearable, just need to get rid of the mayos

Saleelul sawarim

It's a good start, but there's still Portlandians, Canucks, Melbournites...

Implying you don't wanna get deep dicked by Eurocock


So is this going to collapse the American meme economy also or just the already broken eu meme economy

Imagine not being American

Tbh Europe will probably just get blocked/get a different version of every platform heavily censored and curated.

One can only hope

Euroslurs OUT OUT OUT 👉👉👉 🗑


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I love how reddit manages to suck up to EU in every aspect, berating Crooked Teeth Kingdom for trying to leave that shithole, while also crying about retarded EU regulations at the same time.

Good riddance. Those 2 days where Australians couldn't shit up other websites was heaven. Imagine years without europoors

Who would of thought that a super group of nations would lead to the people being more fucked over? I mean literally nobody could've called that. That no-deal Brexit is looking sexier by the day for the britbongs though.

I love how reddit manages to suck up to EU in every aspect, berating Crooked Teeth Kingdom for trying to leave that s-slur-hole, while also crying about r-slur EU regulations at the same time.

Reddit suffers from paranoid schizophrenia

"Le European Union is ruled by smart technocrats, u should be more like us Ameritard"

destroys Internet like a boss


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I predict the quality of posting across the anonymous internet to increase tenfold.

So fewer Europeans saying how much they hate America and how every country should be like Sweden? Okay

Damn these dudes used to straight run earth, and now they have become this.


Now who's going to tell me how bad the US is and who we should vote for?

They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

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So I guess it’s true about them being the most oppressed minority

good private profiteering is going cannibalize itself in unmanageable complexity.


Imagine having rights and freedoms in the same way that people in American do. Imagine being able to voice unpopular political opinions without being put in jail.

Eurocucks gonna eurocuck.