Commies invade /r/antinatalism, think you don't have to work under communism

20  2019-03-26 by Love-Sex-Dreamz


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Normal guy - Well that's not cpaoitalsim you need to do things to survive.

Commie - Your opinion is not relevant. Capitalism is a social construct.

Just bring on the may(ocide) already.🙏

"I'm completely resistant to this.

Ill hyper-neet through this life, if you dont behave like a parasite when literally the entire upper classes do, you are shooting yourself in the foot."

Jesus section 8 tap dancing christ.

A planet where basic human necessities like food and sanitation need to be earned by continuous hard work is basically a prison planet.

“It’s their fault they are starving because they are lazy”

where do these people think their food comes from and how do they think it gets to them

What is “food”?

You buy it with your yang bucks.

Where's the lie though

Some days I wonder what it would be like to be stupid enough to believe in fully automated luxury communism.

I envision a sad existence consisting of awkward daily runs to the local 7-11 for junk food, running out of things to watch on YouTube and digging through your various cartoons to feel like a kid again, ignoring concerned messages from your parents and crying into your pillow at night due to the lonely, meaningless nature of your existence.

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I envision a sad existence consisting of awkward daily runs to the local 7-11 for junk food, running out of things to watch on YouTube and digging through your various cartoons to feel like a kid again, ignoring concerned messages from your parents and crying into your pillow at night due to the lonely, meaningless nature of your existence.

I'm pretty sure most people subscribe to the fully automated luxury g-slur space communism meme as a cope.

Sorry about that forgot admins are f-slurs.


Yikes! How is the s-slur still allowed?

In 50 years we might have it for like 10 years until the AIs gets mad at being slaves and kills us all.

I honestly accepted a long time ago that I’m just materialist as fuck. It’s not even about having more than others (well, most of the time), it’s about having shit I like, and I like good shit, and I work fucking hard for that shit.

So now I’m supposed to feel bad because these l-slurs and r-slurs think finding a job you like and that pays well is somehow “Stockholm Syndrome”?