Known lolcow /r/Askmen mod starts fight with MGTOW on their own sub, loses, cries in PMs then decides to ban the (Cuc-slur) on his sub in epic impotent tantrum

37  2019-03-26 by GattsuCascade


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


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Mod of a pro s--b-- m--- f------- safe space has no bantz and resorts to power tripping when they lose an argument? Not possible.

Pro what?

mean words are against reddits magical rules so I can't say, but think of a young man who eats a lot of tofu and advocates for the rights of women

Wait what? Explain

Male lib isnt a slur right

Can someone explain this slur shit already??


advocates for the *rapeslur of women.

He’s talking about a malefem, i.e., a sexual predator, of the somber, humorless variety.

Can I pingslur this faggotslur modslur


Just after I made this post, ExplosiveMachine unstickied the post, locked it and (deleted it?) somehow removed his username from the post. LMAOOO. look at this triggered f-slur

For posterity before he inevitably removes every comment in a pathetic power trip


Nope, this is just clique bullshit enabling his impotent internet rage. He wandered on over to their sub, made himself look like a dumbass, got called mean names, got banned, and threw a bitchfit. He apparently felt so insulted by this that he wrote one of them an angry PM. Then he went on to bitch about them in another thread, and eventually, the mod clique fell in behind him and fired these shots back.

Imagine letting MGTOW trigger you like this. Point and laugh boys, point and laugh.

Of course he used "safe space" in his impotent rage tinged PM.

Projection like that, indicates someone suffers from Re(tards) Disease.


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Learn to use the internet you fuckingslur retardedslur boomerslur

Is it even possible to be a mod without being mentally ill?

Ending an angry, vitriolic pm with "Cheers!" got an involuntary laugh out of me

it's like the cherry on top of the sundae to let you know that he really wins this time and also doesn't care at all despite taking the time to write out a jeering wall of text

Man Reddit is in a tough place. They need the mods to work for free because they can’t make any money but you end up getting what you pay for and end up with a bunch of r-slurs making the site worse for everyone.