Snappy should have to follow the same rules we do.

10  2019-03-26 by redxhed

Just like every other a-slur r-slur in this sub, I love these new rules; personally I even sent a letter to Commie Mommy to tell her how much I love them. BUT, and This Is A Big BUT, Snappy should have to follow these rules too. I’ve seen him say the b-slur, and the c-slur, and the f-slur, and the other f-slur, and the a-slur, oh and I forgot I also saw him say the other c-slur. MODS PLEASE DO YOUR JOBS AND FIX THIS BEFORE SNAPPY HURTS SOMEONE.



snappy runs on a different realm of existence than us


Stop being so ableist

Give me more fan fiction, and give it to me now.

find all ur fanfiction related needs at /r/trappysaruh


Transphobia 😠

i cant believe its current year + 5

And here I thought it was a solved problem in current year + 4 😠

Lol gaylord noob. I betcha you riped worse than grout, I can smell your butthole on your finger tips from here butt scratcher.

P.s I will hunt you down

(so we can have a nice evening together)

Only if you’ll sniff my fingers again.