Believe the Mueller Report conclusion is bullshit? Feeling the Democrat blues? Angry that he keeps getting away with this? All you need to do is...

20  2019-03-26 by HodorTheDoorHolder_

Come with me
And you'll be
In a world of pure fabrication
Take a look and you'll see
The liberal imagination
We'll begin with a spin
Traveling in a Hollywood creation
What we'll see is an acceptable nation
If you want to view paradise
Simply go on Netflix and view it
Coping with reality? Screw it
Wanna change your world?
There's nothing to it.



I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their


  1. There's nothing to it. - Outline

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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. There's nothing to it. -,,

  3. ItGetsBetter -,,

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Trump wasn't exonerated for obstructing justice. He's just gonna get away with it because he's better than me

You can't obstruct a crime you didn't commit r-slur.

could god make a crime so great even He couldn't commit it?

I'm enlightened and don't believe in deities so I don't know

Legally false

Wait please explain this more a-slur. Why is interfering with an investigation not crime, even if the crime you're trying to interfere with didn't happen?

I guess I sort of get it for a president, but this reasoning would never apply to anyone else.

Let's look at the extreme.

You're in your house and police knock on your door and demand to come in and search your house. You ask why and they say it doesn't matter, let them in or else you are obstructing justice. This obviously isn't the case due to your 4th amendment rights. They have to have a warrant based on already gathered evidence that went through a judge. So "obstructing justice" doesn't just include anything that makes police's job difficult.

Now with that established, what did Trump do to obstruct justice? Fire Comey? The investigation was started after Comey was fired. You can't obstruct an investigation that doesn't exist.

Were I and my family members meeting with a bunch of Bloods and panning to build a new project tower in Watts at this time?

it gets better in 2020 when Andrew Yang becomes President.

