Learn the origin of CHUD you chud

10  2019-03-26 by TheColdTurtle


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


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Archer referenced it 1st

I’m on the fence about seeing Us because of all these blue checkmarks and woke journos constantly kissing this Jordan Peele guy’s ass.

It's good for a horror, horror always has a shit ton of plot holes, so don't think you're going to see Remains of the Day.

Remains of the Day.

I’m literally reading that book right now.


I like your green shirt

Blue. You were close though.

I'm blue/green colorblind 😢

Now take your dick out.

Your supposed to call me a chud before you ask for hog.

I refuse to use C.H.U.D. other than it's intended purpose.

Penis now 🤲🤲🤲

Didn't like key and peele?

I liked K&P. I’m talking about all the praise Peele’s gotten after he ventured into horror. On a side tangent, it pisses me off that Get Out is seen as satire of white liberals put Peele constantly tries to connect the movie to Trump on Twitter. He even said Kanye was in the “sunken place” because he supported Trump.

What about that contrast annoys you?

That the audience reaction is so far off the author's apparent intent, or that he seems to be trying to shift the meaning retroactively for cheap internet credit?

I haven't seen it, I'm just interested and have a baseline understanding of the plot. I could see it both being critical of white liberals and certain members of the black community, I dunno if it has to be one or the other.

I think there’s a simple solution. It was indeed intended as satire of upper class white liberals but Peele, being a blue checkmark, can’t shut the fuck up about Orange Man. So he just Tweets the Trump stuff to appeal to his Hollywood buddies. It kind of disrespects the point he was trying to make but whatever. I can see how the movie can be interpreted multiple ways. I’ve seen black people on Twitter and Tumblr unironically say the movie is about how black people shouldn’t date white people despite the fact that Jordan Peele is married to a white woman in real life.

it's about ethics in filmmaking

Ok, you’re right. That’s enough seriousposting from me.