r/Upliftingnews is currently having a nice quite discussion about pit-slurs

34  2019-03-26 by wazzupnerds


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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They shouldve donated money to kids who have been mauled by pitbulls

Sitting there being ignored. There is precedent tho. They would sooner pay to rescue the pib that did it than give a penny towards thousands and thousands in medical bills.

He’s really a big sweetie at heart! The only other time he’d ever maul someone would be with kisses! That kid just didn’t know how to behave around pit bulls, he was provoking him by showing fear and running away. Mr. Pibbs had no choice but to jump into action, because he thought that the kid must be afraid because he was about to attack Mr. Pibbs! He just thought he was defending his momma, they’re very sweet and loyal, that’s why they’re called “nanny dogs.”

Not true...Educate your self! First bread to farm...Then to protect children FYI that’s why they are known as Nanny Dogs. ATTS scores them lower agreshion then Chiwawas...Now those are the real evil dogs! Lol! My first pit only bit one person but they said they didn’t trust it, so probably she sensed that and reacted. The vet tech said she probably had a brain tumer. It’s all about the owner...Raise them right like I do and they are the sweetest. It’s people like YOU with the ignorant and racism that make them attack! I would never have any other kind of dog. Blame the dead, not the bread!!!!

You got me wrong sis!!!! I agree with every thing you said. I’ve been in 4 abusive relationships so I think I’d know a thing or 2 about avoiding dangerous situations, yet I’ve owned 4 pibbles and only one has ever killed ANYTHING and that was the neighbors cat who was honestly a bit of a dog racist and kept provoking Mr. Pibbs by coming into his territory (nanny dog protecting his momma ftw). My kids looooove our staffies too. When we get them back from foster care (baby daddy drama, dont ask, he was very abusive) they’re soo excited to be “””mauled””” with kisses!!!!!

Pit sister unite...Against the haters. If it ain’t Pit, it ain’t shit. The pit rescue said I should fix my pits, so I said fuck them. I live 4 rescue. There are too many pits dying...But my Bella and Zeus...They desurve puppies! So I moved to better mobile house park state over. No racist laws so more pits...Plus. Different state so hubby can live wit me again. Lol.

Lol look at u living your best life!!! Thank u soooo much for doing ur part to save the breed. I will admit, ive let one of my pibbles, Mrs. Butterfly, have some pups with my other pibble, Trasher, because I really needed the money for child support + methadone (don’t ask, my PO is making me do it. Apparently someone with chronic pain and on disability isn’t even allowed to take oxy anymore 🙄🙄). Don’t worry, I only sold to owners who will have the means to properly raise and train these beautiful doggies! In fact, my first client bought the entire litter for his pibble training camp. He’s a former NFL player so I know they’ll be in good hands!

Praise sis! Keep fighting and praise the Knot.

Because nobody gives a shit about kids. The government should assign every student an AR-15 and every parent a pibble.

They were actually originally designed as the “nanny gun” for their ability to protect children. Those ones that attacked those kids had a bad owner, also the kids probably did something to provoke them.

The pitbull thing might be the most confusing virtue signal ever.

It doesn’t have to be confusing if you realize redditors value canine lives more than humans

They are literally r-words who cannot distinguish the fact that dogs are animals who do not have human emotions motivations or rational thinking. They compare prejudice against pit bulls to prejudice against black people because they literally do not have the capacity distinguish human cognition from animal cognition.

They have to defend them, or else they can't defend despite-americans.

Inked up retards donate money to save thousands of dangerous models of guns that have non-functioning safety switches and go off when you drop them from being melted down, and put into the hands of new owners who live next to you. What could go wrong?

Quite the discussion.


