Senator shitposts about Commie Mommy's green deal in Congress. Twitter takes it very seriously.

159  2019-03-27 by TheColdTurtle


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Twitter is coping really hard this.

Vid of the speech btw

I strongly encourage people to watch it. Grab a a beer or whatever, you'll laugh.

"TON TONS! REPTO-MAMMALS!!" i fuqqin lost it

Reusable as well, you can use them for warmth

Holy shit that cow chart šŸ˜‚

I was happily listening to the intro then i accidentally skipped to 9:40 in

Please tell me those are the real images he used.

Absolutley. That is his own YouTube channel too.

whoever this man is, he is a treasure and the US must elect him forever

I have seen perfection.

fuck that was great

I like how AOC is constantly calling people out on twitter and engaging in publicity stunts and still tries to pretend she doesn't understand why she gets it jsut as good back as she gives.

Like did she really expect to stroll into congress making as much noise as she possibly could and no Republicans would tell her to go fuck herself.

Also the girl changing the pictures in this vid is hotter than AOC

Whats there not to get? We're going to build trains until we fix the environment, create more americans through immigration than ever before so they can eat burgers and grow fat and die, and repurpose every house to be compliant with California tax code policy.

hotter than AOC


Nah it's all part of the kayfabe which politicians and pundits all practice anymore.

This generation will go definitely down in history as the Age of Outrage.

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I legit love her low key laughter, i wouldnā€™t have been able to contain myself. I really donā€™t like climate change denialism this will most likely feed to, but, it was funny as shit and ultimately he is right about something: innovation > political posturing.

It doesn't ban planed and cows, though. Those are shitty conservative memes.

Itā€™s weird how her plan is legitimately retarded, yet conservatives managed to laser focus on one thing the plan never said (banning planes) and something else that is an actual issue (methane from industrial cattle farming).

I donā€™t get it. Sheā€™s got UBI and economy breaking public works projects listed but conservatives are giggling about ā€œhurrrhurr cow fartsā€.

The problem is that as retarded as UBI and impossible infrastructure projects are, American voters are also retarded enough to support them.

They're playing to their base.

Well yah. She's literally an actress playing a part

She's mixed race from New York

So yeah kinda

In a silly uncle kind of way, that's pretty funny

The solution for global warming is more families?

Even for a conservative Mormon, this is an impressively stupid take.

Wow, zero lies detected.

Oh nice, an actual r-word in the wild. Iā€™ve always wanted to ask; what possesses someone to watch 10 minutes of tauntaunā€™s (I donā€™t know how to spell space-capeshit) and aqua-man as solutions to global warming and latch onto baby-pumping thinking you can convince anyone for 1 sec that you arenā€™t some drooling dipshit your pretending not to be?

The Green New Deal is itself a galaxy-brain take. Minimum wage increase + better health care = stop carbon emissions.

Minimum wage increase + better health care = stop carbon emissions.

You'll never lower or stop carbon emissions until there is something to replace fossil fuels that the entire world, including the developing nations who produce the most of these, can use. So in that right, Congressman tauntaun here is correct - innovation is the only way out of this mess considering the USA can't create legislation for countries outside of it's borders.

All of which just so conveniently dovetails with his conservative e Mormon agenda.

Having more babies will not create enough innovation to offset the their harm to the environment.

Having more babies will not create enough innovation to offset the their harm to the environment

Well, you're wrong on two points.

1) Larger populations lead to larger demands for goods and services, including green energy technology. In fact, many green energy technologies that we currently used were not viable to produce until population and demand reached a certain point. Take electric cars for instance - asides from the demand for the vehicles themselves, there were issues with both power storage, power distribution and infrastructure required to support them. All problems that were solved because of the demand the growing population put on those services.

2) Given that you sound like a butthuffing chapotard, this argument may appeal to you as it's relies on the same argument used for universal education. To wit - we don't know where and when the next Albert Einstein or Jonas Salk is going to be born. Higher levels of population lead to increased base levels of education, so the individual that's going to solve the ignition problem we're currently having with nuclear fusion might be born in the next generation, or the one after that and then all our issues with carbon emissions are solved forever as a side product of everyone getting unlimited free energy.

So yes, increasing the population means that we're far more likely to solve global warming than we would be in successfully genociding the populations of africa, india and china, which is really the only other viable solution to solving the problem.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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Populating the planet to rush for the next Einstein is also how we're going to hit the technological great filter that accidentallies the whole planet, and explains the alarming lack of Von Neumann probes on our planet.

So kinda lose lose. Environmental fudgery or an /r9k/ kid making a quarkbomb or whatever in his basement because lol that'll show the planet

This is retarded even for /r/drama. The demand for stuff that will invariably cause pollution will outweigh demand for new technology.

All problems that were solved because of the demand the growing population put on those services.

So we really crank up the cultural enrichment my iPhone will have a longer battery life? No wonder libs want to open the borders.

Yeah, this is pretty much how capitalism works. Immigrants are a great source of cheap labor and a market for new goods and services.

America can easly lower carbon emissions. Nuclear now!

America actually has lowered it's carbon emissions, but it's really nothing in the big picture, if the apocalypse really is 10 years away we should currently be considering a nuclear option on China, India, and Africa

The same people who think the world's gonna end in 12 years because of climate change are pants-shittingly scared of nuclear power because their entire understanding of it comes from the Simpsons.

I've heard pro oil and coal people argue that nuclear is too dangerous.

Yeah because a bunch of single occupant households and single user cars will decrease you fuq stick

You get how multiplication works?

/u/cdace dinosaurs and machine guns are now part of the official record of the US Senate.