Asocial Cardi B confessed to being a sexual predator.

103  2019-03-27 by BigFanOfMilkshakes


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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sexual predator

Robbing people

I guess maybe if that’s her kink otherwise that’s a silly thing to call her

yeah sexual predator means sex is the ends not the means

did b-slur a property predator

She also said she would drug them and trick them into having a threesome with t-slur after they were completely twisted.


I was wrong that's what she says she would do if her boyfriend ever cheated on her she didn't say she did that

Check this

Cardi B caused significant controversy after throwing one of her shoes at, and attempting to physically fight, fellow rapper Nicki Minaj at an after-party because Minaj had previously "liked" comments made by other users on social media, who spoke negatively about Cardi B

How can you not like her?

social media was a mistake

Will you throw shoe at me if I don't like your comment?

I’ll d-slur strike you

Based and memripilled

As they say:

You can take the bitch out the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out the bitch.

Chickenheads will be chickenheads.

I give this a zero percentage chance of actually effecting her in any significant way. F-slur privilege is the only constant throughout human evolution.

I think it could boost sales and positive press for being a feminist Robin hood.

if this was 2014 there would be several think pieces coming from that angle

Stupid Cosby ruined drugging and raping people

He didn't even think to rob them. Amateur.


Did you just use the IDontKnowWhatThisMeansSoIllAssumeItsOffensive-slur?

I was agreeing with you using Cardi B lingo.

It won't. More so fe.minist will defend her even.

I think it's sexist that people suddenly care about a rapper commiting xrimes when its a women doing it.

If you don’t think there’s a chance a bad bitch stripper will drug you and take your money I don’t know what to tell you. It’s the gamble they agreed to tbqh.

To be fair this is no different to saying to a Jewish person that if they allow Nazis to put them on cattle cars they deserve the concentration camps. Just because someone has the opportunity to be a predator doesn’t mean they should. So what you’re telling us is you’re a racist who hates Jewish people. Yikes!

To be fair, everybody hates j-words

This, fuck the Unit 731.

ust because someone has the opportunity to be a predator doesn’t mean they should.

So you are saying that people shouldn't be opportunists? What are you - a commie?

To be fair this

Who the fuck says this on this sub?

allfugees 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


this is the real take

Sex is expensive. What she did is just the 'fine print' you choose not to read.

Yeah, she wasn't even a fancy stripper. She was a straight trashy one.

Just basketball american things

White hookers do this too. It’s just a hooker thing.

wh*te melanin deprived

Please check your slurs at the door, bußyboi.

Is this a Tim and Eric skit?

I’d like to think she has no understanding of statutes of limitations. I’d also like to think there’s an open investigation of her where the detective was waiting for a confession, and something about the way she did it added a massive charge (like kidnapping) that could extend the statute of limitations and possibly even create federal criminal problems for her. I know none of this is likely but I hate when famous people thinking they can get away without prosecution simply because they are now famous.

ok i think its time to start a list of Americans who haven't raped people, it might be shorter

Well we can start by eliminating all the men

Male here. I don't want to be on that list. Are you available for a rape session tonight?

I’m calling gendercritical to show them this comment. Consider yourself on a new list for when the femcel uprising happens.

male here

r-slurs out be better

Male here.

No hateful words!

Absolutely based

Well fuck.


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Back in the 19th century that was called getting Shanghai'd

She trashy AF

🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿Slay Kween 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿