Banning a bunch of slurs is unironically good for Dramacoin

16  2019-03-27 by yeliwofthecorn

Weeds out the MDEfugee R-slurs, outs the seriousposting C-slurs, and lures in a new batch of leftoid lolcows to balance out all of Daddy's B-slur boys.

For too long, quality drama has been missed on account of L-slurs, G-slurs, B-slurs, T-slurs, and Q-slurs - not to mention N-slurs, C-slurs, B-slurs, and of course M-slurs avoiding this shitfire. Now they'll get dug in and rage instead of just running away.


I unironically hope lots of n-slurs, w-slurs and m-slurs join the sub so I can make up brand-new slurs to use on them while rubbing it in their faces that they're too fragile to hear the old ones.

I hope we can get some U through Z slurs involved those guys are a great time

I still vote vote fagtardcel.


Make slur a slur 😏

Are you trying to get people into loop?


Dude bussy lmao

This is great for vocab - coin 👁👅👁