/r/SubredditDrama mod spotting the chance to ban /r/Drama users.

292  2019-03-27 by SandorClegane_AMA


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Is he stimming? ๐Ÿ”ฉ๐Ÿงฎ๐Ÿšž๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป

Hitler was a sperg confirmed.

Someone give him a fidget spinner god damnit

Would have changed the world as we know it. Whoever thought Nationalism and domination could be a tism fixation?

Iโ€™m pretty sure the swastika is supposed to be a four pronged fidget spinner.

Could just be all the meth the nazis did

I donโ€™t think it existed, but I could see amphetamines for sure.

History channel had a doc about it. They actually used meth and opioids.

Wow, their chemists were ahead of their time. Our whitoids didnโ€™t start making meth until decades later.

coincidentally, it's still only consumed by wh*te supremacists

I'm trying to imagine what numb eyeballs feel like and I don't like it.

What it feels like, is a good time ๐Ÿ˜Ž

To invade Russia

Meth actually predates the invention of amphetamine by a bit. It was largely interchangeable at first I think, with amphetamine just being more common. Illicit meth though only really exploded in the 80s because of laws that clamped down on certain precursors to amphetamine, which made producing meth easier than producing pure amphetamine. Actually the easiest way to produce amphetamine is to produce meth and then make amphetamine from that.

Interesting, thank you watermark. I know meth is just like a racemic mix that is pretty simple to synthesize. And yeah an oral form would be somewhat interchangeable, hard to think anything but โ€œfreebaseโ€ when you think meth.

Amphetamine and methamphetamine are both racemic mixes whenever they're synthesized usually. Pharmaceutical preparations usually have another step to filter out the levo- melocules because those are not as psychologically active and largely just get in the way (an interesting exception is adderall, where it's half racemic half pure dex, so 75% dex). Illicit preparations almost never bother to do this though, they usually don't have much chemical knowledge to begin.

Freebasing is another step... not 100% sure what the process behind this is actually. It doesn't actual change the chemical that gets into the blood of course.

Yep yep, that makes sense. The adderall is a confusing one. Personal experience is that itโ€™s less harsh on the cardiovascular system, but thatโ€™s probably just dependent on metabolizing enzyme distribution. Wonder if the left hand has some weird kinetics on the dex that wouldnโ€™t be apparent in illicit racemic preparations?

Someone on here was telling me they were on transdermal methylphenidate, not a shocking development but still surprised they tried all of the pro-drug abuse deterrent before going with that. Everyone Iโ€™ve spoken to feels the Lisdexamfetamine route really didnโ€™t work for extended release as claimed.

Levoamphetamine is more noted for a "body load", physical effects. It causes you to be more nervous, for your heart rate to shoot up, little to no actual euphoria though. Dextroamphetamine is the main thing responsible for the euphoria and mental alertness. Adderall should indeed be less harsh on the cardiovascular system than racemic street speed, but not as light as vyvanze or pure dextroamphetamine. Unfortunately rarely prescribed, due to marketing from Shire which wants everyone to use adderall even though it's really no better. It's kind of seen as some weird shady shit from the 70's by doctors that people want to get to abuse and dance all night with, whereas Adderall is this new and fancy serious ADD medicine. Which is retarded, but whatever.

Transdermal ritalin, I feel they're trying to make up for ritalin's extraordinarily short half life with some kind of fancy extended release stuff. Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) is supposedly extended release, but they mechanism really is not *that* extended release IMO. I have a bit of trouble tell the difference really. It's like amphetamine with maybe an extra hour of effect overall and an hour gentle onset period. But it should hardly be used as an all day thing like they try to do. Honestly if they'd just drop that, split it into two, and make it twice daily it might work a lot better. Rather than pretending that it's an Adderall XR killer.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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Pretty on the mark, you know your stimulants. Especially the โ€œweird shitโ€ with Vyvanse, I never worked to isolate any variables but Iโ€™m guessing diet or something, or the metabolizing by the liver if it was busy. Totally different drug at the same dose too often. Lisdex marketing was โ€œ9-12 hours blah blah blahโ€, usually lasted about 7.5ish if Iโ€™m generous and thatโ€™s at 70 mg.

You should read up on Mydayis. Shiny new super-super Adderall XR to milk a patent. I switched off of it to medium dose Adderall XR due to insurance and there is 0 difference in duration. I donโ€™t think it will sell well, but I think they are just shuffling patents at this point.

wow never seen this about hitler before


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i see ur comment

๐Ÿ˜˜ wanna see something else?


Chicken Butt


still unemployed then?

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The best part of this bot is that I can fill in the gaps knowing just one word from the comment.

That and the fact that it dabbed the living shit out of you-know-who. Pretty based.



whose benis was more masculine: yours or Hitler's?


did you mean "h-slur"?

lmao b-slur, you f-slur f-slur.

Having one ball is alpha because having 2 of something is like boobs and having 1 of something is like a penis.

Hitler had Parkinsons most likely. As a member of the master race, his brain was shutting down the production of chemicals he needs to live.

Is there a way to learn this power, only do it instantly?

Holy shit there is.

I'm ootl on this one, explain?

Its neurotoxic effects, however, were not known until much later, with the first paper definitively identifying MPP+ as a Parkinson's-inducing poison being published in 1983.

Also lol at this:

This paper followed a string of poisonings that took place in San Jose, California in 1982

Classic story. Chemistry grad student trying to do hard Pharmacology smdh tbh.


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Hitler did a shit ton of meth dude

And meth coincidentally raises your dopamine levels, which treats this disease that only appears when you have too little dopamine. Meaning part of why he was taking meth was likely his Parkinson's disease.


As it turns out, you don't become immunized from Parkinsons by taking Meth beforehand.

Sounds like a problem that can only be solved with even more meth

That's your answer for everything.

Not true. As a mayo I also have to endorse fentanyl.

Poppin xanniees

Using the amount of amphetamines he used to treat Parkinson's is like using a shotgun to get rid of a sliver in your finger.

...If this was far enough in the past that we had no biological understanding of the disease or available medical treatments for that condition just like having Parkinsons in 1945, sure. If not, then no.

Eventually you get adjusted to pretty much any non lethal dosage of amphetamine. The thing about amphetamine is that since it is a dopamine releaser, it has a pretty definite ceiling of effect after which more doesn't do much good. Cus you've already dumped all the dopamine in your system.

Stimming occurs due to high dopamine. If parkinson is a lack of dopamine why does he stim here?

Research works have suggested almost incontrovertibly, that Adolf Hitler suffered from Parkinsonism.


Alright but if i stim (not as much as this) does it mean i have parkinsons or high dopamine?

Pretty sure anyone can stim

I meant my baseline is that

I have no idea man, try l-dopa or tyrosine to see if you feel any better. L-dopa is the medication for parkinsons which is in the plant mucuna purens and gets converted to dopamine, and tyrosine gets converted into l-dopa then dopamine by the bh4 enzyme, maybe if you feel better then that suggests something. But I'm not a doctor

That won't necessarily produce a high or anything... The thing is that even if you add to dopamine reserves, it doesn't necessarily get released. The reason l dopa works for Parkinsons is that the production centers shut down, so the l dopa replaces that source of dopamine.

Maybe together it would help combat amphetamine tolerance but tbh I doubt it.

Are we sure he wasn't the original fent addict? ๐Ÿค”

The master race really likes meth

That's actually disputed.

That's total b.s. plus did meth even exist back then?

Youre retarded. And yes.

Aka a dramatard


That's not a nice thing to call SRD mods

This video is speed up about 2x. Still looks like a sperg but not as much

Man loved him some athletics... up 'till the point where Jessie Owens won.

He looks like he can't wait to go home to play with his model trains

I wonder if he has miniature Jโ€‹ews to go along with his model train set.

Did they have easy bake oven back then?

Barely able to contain the excitement as he gets ready to let the world know how offended he is, and climax at the very moment he presses the ban button for comments that make him feel bad.

I only see dramanats in that gif.

Why did you guys doxx Phedre?

me when a nice ass walks in and i cant go sniff

Just mething around

Does he need to pee?

this is me at some lame event geeked up but i just wanna go home and beat my shit for hours

What a sperg lmao

this cute boy can bounce his meth bussy on my dick any day

Jesus Christ is he downs or something

Meth did the holocaust

I'm still serving my latest 69 day ban ๐Ÿ˜ข

/u/snallygaster unbanz kthx

How is this the first time I've seen this? It's fucking hilarious. The subtitle is interesting too, the nazies actually did utilize meth for productivity reasons, especially the luftwaffal so their pilots could go bombing 24/7. It fucked em up after a few days though, so I guess it was more like 24/3. And then they'd have to go to sleep for 20 hours.

Gรถring was a junkie as well, but more of an opiates guy.

Apparently Hitlers doctor had him on a bizarre cocktail of medicine, stuff that would get him sanctioned by the profession today. Weird mix of quackery, alternative medicine, strong drugs, and drugs to try and counteract the side effects of all the above.

Easy to imagine it turned him from a hateful evil man into a monumentally incompetent hateful evil man. So once he was competent enough to get into power and later utterly destroyed Germany with his choices. Some of the tragedies may have been avoided.

That's quite fascinating. I haven't heard many of these drug theories until recently, if they can be well substantiated then they might go a long way in explaining the all the utter absurdities of the Third Reich.

Ze fuhrer just taking fat rips off that 100/0 cut meth


seriouspost warning, Blitzed is a genuinely good read, would highly recommend

This n-word tweakin ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Holy shit hitler has autism

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