Window licking father gets his window licking son vaccinated behind the back of his antivax window licking exwife then posts it on reddit like the super smart window licker he is. Obviously someone recognizes the cumstain's picture

30  2019-03-27 by charming_tatum


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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Is he sure about that


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y'all ever destroy your marriage and almost doxx ur aspie son for free internet points?

Well, didn't the mong say it was his ex-wife?

the curse of (((g)))ussy is eternal my brother, it never passes terms like ex-wife are irrelevant, you are forever bound to the sinful hole.

it is his ex wife now lul

When someone said "snake handling" I thought it was in the poisonous, Pentecostal way, not in a cute little garden snake way. Redditors are pussies.