Ben "Fenty" Garrison does an AMA.

20  2019-03-28 by Quietus42


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


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No one asked him about his wildest Donald Trump sex fantasy or pictures of his butthole.

Super disappointing

TIL Ben Garrison looks like [](this). IDK what to feel, honestly.

He looks... normal.

that's just chris wallace wearing a stupid hat

I was hoping he'd look more rugged.

Cartoonists don't get much sun


Oh...I always assumed he was younger

I always assumed that he was 90.


On some pictures, when he's painting, he even looks, I dare to say wholesome.

For once being b& from t_d sucks 😭

"I enjoy drawing Hillary a lot, because I hate everything about her."

Hate sex fantasy confirmed.

The only person Benny is attracted to is Daddy

Everyone knows he's an ass man.



Hey, you're Morty from Family Man! I know you!

You have a crush on Mag

No she is stupid and vry ugly. I do my part.

A likely story

/u/ChipChippersonAMA get a load of this phoney!

You love mag.

All Mag lovers are anti-family!

No you are MAGAY


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Who's the idiot now? 😂

Why don't you go kiss a Mag, PHONEY

You like blue capeshit girl because she can look like Mag 🤮🤮🤮


It's a good show!

Except Mag!

It (Ben' cartoon) was much needed. Everybody was really damn tired of people pretending that Michelle wasn't ugly as hell.

Damn it, what's wrong with these people ?

Yes--I still have sketches in my sketch books of stuff I decided not to draw. Stuff that would get me banned from Facebook and kicked off Patreon, etc.

Ben's depraved secret sketchbook confirmed.


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Kicked off Patreon.

I'm genuinely curious now since Patreon allows for a very deep pool of degenerate shit.

Yes--I still have sketches in my sketch books of stuff I decided not to draw. Stuff that would get me banned from Facebook and kicked off Patreon, etc.

Looks like the world isn’t ready to see the Rocky Mountain Dachau blueprints just yet.