r/holdmyfeedingtube is afraid of being quarantined after a threatening PM from admins. Mod makes sub all about feeding baby animals with feeding tubes and bans swear words. User are not impressed

120  2019-03-28 by leparsdon


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I'm unironically bothered by this

I unsubbed, but reddit keeps trying to commit suicide with all this quarantine shit.


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It has to be an early April fools joke right? To change the usage of the sub so drastically and to think they would keep their audience. If it's a joke it's legendary if it isn't than the mods are kind of d-slur.

They think the sub is getting too big. So they are deliberately annoying people in hopes they leave.

I'm not a fan of gore so watchpeopledie wasn't for me but r/hmft wasn't that bad and very rarely was it grotesque. Its super easy to not see shit you don't want to see, just don't sub. When reddit alienates its user base but fails to attract the boomer crowd it so desperately wants I hope we're able to celebrate together in some capacity

It's a prank bro. They are tagging submissions "stop reporting this" lol

You're probably right. Like an early April fool joke that people are more likely to fall for. Dankmemes did something similar

They also have /r/partyparrot in the sidebar which I'm assuming wasn't there before.


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bra, ussie,oobies, againa, kuuchiee

Slur culling isn't a prank, the admins unironically consider calling someone an f-[slur] harassment now.

The sidebar says

Something goes here eventually. NOT A PLACE FOR POSTING ANIMAL FEEDING VIDEOS. Stupid rogue mod went rogue but I fixed it.

now, so I don't think it was a joke at the time, just one mod freaking out over the PM from the admins.

As long as the admins Swartz themselves when their precious site goes down the tubes, it'll be worth it.


what even was the sub before this?

Like in between holdmybeer and watchpeopledie with no gore

Another animal sub! 😍

ONLY doggos tho! 🥰🤪🤤

hahaha get it we call dogs doggo!111!!11111!

OH FFS. 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️ I forgot. Hey admins, anyone want to ban this thing?


le reddit math meme xD

xD /r/woosh xD get it because i joke

And pretty soon that’s all reddit will be animal subs and a shell of its former self.

Reddit has been a shell of its former self ever since the digg and chan migrations, and at the same time the smartphone "revolution".

It's unironically hilarious to watch the admins kill this site in real time

They need to kill it faster so that there is momentum for migration to a different platform.


Imagine thinking you can somehow monetize this cluster fuck.

Reddit jumped the shark a few years ago but they could monetize it, only they are too busy trying to make all the money rather than some of it.

Basically they could ignore the SJW outrage machines every time a "problematic" sub gets mentioned in some woke internet publication like Slate or wherever, and focus on the ability to target advertise for companies that don't give a shit but just want money.

For now that would mean you don't get adds from the companies trying to play wokanmoics but you stay open and keep your user base.

The other issue is they are in the most nutty far left city in the most far left state. They are surrounded daily by these types and probably get social pressure to "change reddit for the better" blah blah.

What city?

I hadn't really bought in to the idea that Reddit was dying because it seems like their goal is to turn it into facebook-lite, which is working, but seeing their ranking drop from something like the #4 website in the world to something like #26 in the span of about a year really drilled in the idea that this website is on its last legs. Their business model just isn't feasible.

The admins are actively killing the site. All they had to do is cool it with redesigns and r-slurded rules, reddit wouldn't be going anywhere.

Those are real? I thought the mods were just fucking with us.

Sadly not. One of the admins responded in a tread about it.

Imagine having it be more profitable to do nothing and you somehow still didn’t do that.

The current COPE regarding it is the Chinese using the internet more.

Then global ad $ will flow to China instead of reddit. Still bad for their bottom line.

Are Chinese allowed to go on reddit?

If you think this is the death of reddit, you haven't been paying much attention the past decade.


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Wait, even r/casualChildAbuse Is facing the knife? There's no hope for r/drama now. We might as well get ready to move or disband.

Please say d-word instead of the d-word.

These motherfuckers ripped off drama's automod 😤


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fucking lmao



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Based mods, but can we say gamah?

At least they aren't wetbrained enough to upvote the automod that's removing their posts.

Don't be a d-slur f-slur, the a-slur is funny as f-slur, n-slur.

Dude xslur lmao

Based. Some mod should turn dra-slur into a theater subreddit.

Anyone willing to explain this whole situation with auto moderator bots to me? Don't usually visit this sub. Are the keywords for deleting comments usually this strict or is the whole site taking an odd turn?

(Came here from link after seeing what happened to HMFT)

Admins were caught deleting fairly innocuous banter containing slurs in this subreddit and a few others as part of an "anti-evil" taskforce. When asked about why they did it when the comments were not against site rules, they shrugged and said the rules were wrong. Since this sub is already on the brink of being banned, mods decided to have automod block common slurs so admins have no excuse to ban. People got mad at the bot so mods started adding more and more words to annoy people even more.

I was hoping it was something like that and not just random censorship.

Thank you for the explanation.

The admins are fucking kikes.

Reported and blocked, n-slur.

So tell me Rakkal, do you know what we care about on this sub? What we focus on to the exclusion of all else?

People who can't keep themselves from using slurs in 2019 god damn it aren't welcome here. If automoderator removes your comment you should reflect on how your language might effect marginalized groups and use it as a learning experience.

Found the ♿ 'd 🥢

What's three chopsticks

He is saying he wants 1000$ per month.

Oh me too

A 🅱️undle of s🚹ℹ️cks you Fageo greek yogurt.

I was hoping it was something like that and not just random censorship.

Thank you for the explanation.

Admins are really going serial killer recently, shame that Reddit itself is gonna be the final victim

Oh man imagine typing in reddit.com and you get there and it just says “Reddit has been banned due to violations of the magical rules of Reddit”.

thanks sweat-slur

Stop putting snappy out of work

I love snappy but snappy just has a snapshot of when the thread was posted. Ceddit updates with new comments and removals.

Snappy links to ceddit.

Shit you right. I'm r-slured


Early April Fools joke apparently.

I saw the update. I am skeptical lol


How do people not realize this is a fucking joke? I mean the animal thing is funny enough but then that redacted admin message is hilarious but obviously them trolling.

Can't spell quarantine without Quaran. I don't know if that had shit to do with the topic, I just thought it was interesting.