r/Politics wants a million people to surround the White House and force Fascist Orange Daddy to resign, or else.

201  2019-03-28 by GodOfDarknessWine


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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Yeah, as we all could see Macron had to resign and Brexit got immediately cancelled.

And when the people marched in London the Iraq War didn't happen.

Oh dude remember when that little blimp ended racism?

little blimp ended racism?

We don't deserve blimps. 😅

we should ban the word blimp, it’s offensive to fat people.

Is ham planet on the banned list too?


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We tried that here in record numbers too and well you see how that went.

Mass hunger strikes a la Ghandi can work.

Imagine what would happen if a thousand people properly committed themselves to a hunger strike.

Instead of just walking around with posters.

Yea right, Americans commiting to a hunger strike 😂😂😂

Fuck me I forgot about this one weird detail.

Deploy the McRib

See the genius of an American hunger strike is it'd take 3 years before they started to see any health problems.

Even the ones who subsist on soy ?

If soyboys keel over and never wake up, is it a net loss?

Only gains.

That's why we should start popularising the idea of a hunger strike to the death to these people.

10 million millennial leftists drop dead in the streets from malnutrition? inshallah this will be our fate

million millennial leftists drop dead in the streets from malnutrition

Stalin would be proud.

The venezuelans said "hey Maduro fuck off. We want to eat." and he did.

Funny thing is, Chapos hate Russia because it replaced the USSR, yet they cheer on Pootin as he sends "aid" to Maduro.

They're d-slur.

They're d-slur

I think you meant that they're chapos.

Saying the c word is against my religion

Based and DevoutPilled.

Imagine thinking chapos would have any sort of consistency in their logic or their world view making any sense, at all.

I know, I'm wrong. I'm just too good actually.

No, my friend. Fuck "Pootin". Let's turn Venezuela into another Lybia!

Americaaaa~ 🎶 FUCK YEAH

Or better yet, don't invade but don't shill for Maduro.

Nice edit.


Russia goes to Venezuela --> bad situation continues, Petrodollar weakens

Russia doesn't do anything --> US goes to Venezuela --> bad situation worsens 10 times --> "MUH PETRODOLLARS" --> happy banisters

Read that until you get it

brainlet who thinks Russia won't become worse if allowed to get uppity.

über brainlet thinks Russia is his enemy

They also hacked the election, right? Daddy Mueller is gonna bust the-......ah, wait....


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d(umb) fuck who thinks I care if the Borscht slurpers tried to fuck with Burgerlandia.

also hacked the election, right

I hope so. That nation needs to be bombed.

Shame operation unthinkable didn't go through.

open post history

opsessed with Sopranos

Didn't mean to argue with such a beast of an intellectual. My bad

opens post history acts like a f(ag)

No u

Ackshually no, u.

Listen bigot. Hillary can still win. Trump has a stroke. Then all the other politicians wander off into the desert, get disorientated and die. It can still happen.

They were gonna do that to block the justices from entering the Supreme Court.

"Trump is attackin our innatooshins!"

All the ones we already hate!


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I’m no expert in South Korean politics, but I’m pretty sure they’re smarter than us.

Absolute state of /r/politics

Damn, is race and IQ now a woketard talking point?

South Korean politics, but I’m pretty sure they’re smarter than us.

So woke that you start sounding alt right.





Surprising amount of awareness from a r/politics poster, tbf.

Now, that makes sense.

SK is a corrupt shithole filled with pretty much all of the 'unwoke' opinions that would make the typical r/poltics user literally cant even.

It's actually really gross how these american college kids have this fetishistic hate of their own country.

What's wrong with hating the US?

Pizza, this is the difference between spergs like you and normal people like me who have friends and relationships and marriages - we literally can't be arsed to give this much of a fuck about something so stupid.

If that's the case, I'd argue normal people aren't very intelligent or aware of the world at all.

Jesus man, no need to bathe yourself in that COPE like it's aftershave.

I'd argue anyone ok with murder and imperialism aren't very good people, or they aren't aware of the world.

Which is it?

this is getting really tiresome tbh

get a new act

So that's no response?


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ok my real response is you don't actually have a moral quandary with murder or imperialism, you're faking it to own the DDF, and would gleefully support, participate, and propagate both of those things if it meant your personal niche ideology became the world standard.

you a-slur narcissist sociopath

edit: fuckin automod

ok my real response is you don't actually have a moral quandary with murder or imperialism, you're faking it to own the DDF, and would gleefully support, participate, and propagate both of those things if it meant your personal niche ideology became the world standard.

So you response is to make something up you can't possibly support. gotchya.

lol imagine thinking we don't all know this and that your entire post history isn't evidence of it

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lol imagine thinking we don't all know this and that your entire post history isn't evidence of it

seriously, don't bother playing d-slur (FUCK) or coy, it's beneath even you

Weird how my disdain for imperialism and murder pre-dates the DDF and Trump.

Almost like you're just making stuff up because you can't counter anything I said.

imagine being this unlikable and resistant to reality lol

you do you

Counterpoints to anything I said: 0.

You don't deserve them, bud.

Right, also, they don't exist. The reality here is pretty simple. I've carefully cultivated a reputation on this subreddit that is just sure to infuriate people such as yourself.

So you see me posting, you don't like me, and you just have to respond. But you can't actually refute anything I say, but rather than just admit I'm right (your cognitive bias won't allow for that) you bog yourself down in these little arguments. You make stuff up, you fail to respond in any worthwhile way, you never actually produce anything of substance other than "SHILL MAN BAD."





5 hours and he didnt get the last word in? Rare.


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{👆Type the word D(rama).}

disdain for imperialism

Were you lying when you typed all this -

He said - America colludes with foreign country's politicians all the time.

IDFSHILL - Good, I like them fucking with other countries, doesn't mean I'm ok with it happening to mine.

That's not imperialism. Do you even know what the word imperialism means?

Why don't you tell me what you think it is ?

It'd be one nation ruling over another.

one nation ruling over another.

So something like the British Crown rule in India would be imperialism according to you ?

And nothing else ?

Election influence can be imperialism depending on how far it goes.

I'd consider for example what the US did in South America as imperialism. But not what Russia did in the US, for example.

I'd consider for example what the US did in South America as imperialism.

Then why did you say that you were disdainful of imperialism ?

Even though a few days back you were OK with America doing the same ?

I'm not ok with what the US did in South America. I'm not even ok with the US messing with other countries tbh.

I made a bait comment a few days ago and you took it very seriously.

Fine then.

I wAs OnLy PrEtEnDiNG

Who cares they could be both. The important thing is that they aren't annoying miserable shits like you.

How could anyone not hate the US? The US is the most evil organization in all of human history. Anyone who supports it hates their species.

SK is also racist as fuck. A guy on the subway in Seoul asked if I was ashamed for having a “pitch black President”.

He was obviously doing it as a satire of American racism, chud.

Oldie but a goodie - https://klownisms.wordpress.com/

Pretty much everything you need to know about how fucked up south korea is, through the lens of a guy who descended deep into madness living there.

I was flying there bi-weekly at one point. Somewhere between the near constant state of jet lag, long hours of work, and putting up with the absolute worst customer you could ever imagine (Samsung), I came to hate the country.

Thanks for the personal blog entry

Thanks babe 🤗🤗🤗

“When I entered the theater, a bunch of black people was fighting in the night… I’ve never been in a theater so dark that I couldn’t find my seat.”

Did he have to wait until someone told a joke so that the rows were illuminated by their teeth?

assuming a chank would actually wait and not bum rush.

but wouldn't you slip on all the pools of urine from 5 year old kids peeing in the aisle?

once again, assuming a chank doesn't have webbed feet that prevents all this slipping stuff.

also assumint a chank would laugh


That's Uncle Teddy's middle name.

That's the chanks for you.

"S-sk is also r-raycis as fuck! Rayciss I say! RAYCIS!!"

How many generations of inbreeding do you come from?

You literally post on Ch*po. Off yourself

That's funny as shit hahah

lmao thats hilarious

Never has there been a group as oppressed as the modern day post-secondary student, it’s dark times we live in friend.

Isn't Samsung basically an extension of the South Korean government? If not on paper then at least in clout?

Isn't it the other way around?

Anyone who doesn't hate America has a mental illness.

it's actually really gross how these american college kids have this fetishistic hate of their own country.

What do you people teach in your schools ? Few people online hate Burgerland as much as Burgers themselves.

Damnit r/Europe is more based.

And that continent doesn't exactly have a clean past.

Virtually anyone is smarter than the average r/politics poster.

Druuuuungh is far, far worse than having a sitting president that allows a cult leader to have a say in high level policy decisions you imbecìlé, you fücking rēætård.

My genuine political belief is that we should sell citizenship to any foreign cotizen who is willing to buy a two way ticket and have a politics poster switch places with them.

must be why they join cults that worship the head of samsung and die after 40 hours playing league of legends in internet cafes

Now I officially hate r/politics.

We still have a lot to lose and people with jobs and a lot to lose don't protest much... Because they're at work. Reason #45278 we need a better labor market...

I am sorry, r/politics is just too much lmao. The comments getting quoted here are some of the funniest shit I've seen recently.

So, the workers are too comfortable ?

Fucking fascists.

It's like those losers who claimed they're Nazis Nazis when the real Nazis would have shoved them into gas Chambers as undesirables.

Exactly, all these authoritarian loving f(ags) don't understand that physical strength and cajones matter.

You can't impress Psycho Daddy with your "badass" retorts and shitty jokes.

Please continue to pat yourself on the ban for your incredible generosity

This but ironically.

Nazi Germans were pretty conformable into the Soviets came and became their grandpa's.

That's the magical thing about growing up, the moment you get involved in day to day worklife you have less time to worry about the socioeconomics of Trump's latest policy because it'd impact your life about 1% at maxiumum.

That's what Bill Burr said on Conan.

I got a job and somehow it had zero effect on my Marxist Leonist political opinions

Go figure

Mine made me into a technoleninist

I got a job

co-op coffee joint?

Gloryhole attendant isn't a real job.

"We must violate the constitution and the will of the people before Trump has a chance to!"

Nothing Trump has proposed sounds as scarily authoritarian as r/politics' bright ideas to stack the supreme court, bully elected officials out of office, and expropriating private property.

Something something BROWN KIDS IN CAGES.


Why is that a gotcha ? They assume that it's a bad thing or something. 😥

It should be white kids in those cages smh 🤔🤔

We should put all children in cages.

chastity cages

Oh Darq...

Would save on planned parenthood tbh

This but unironically. That way when they grow up, everyone has roughly equal amounts of oppression points.

There should be white more kids in those cages

The way they behave I unironically second that.

Yep that's what he's doing, he's establishing concentration camps for minorities. That's apparently OK in the eyes of the American right. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror and realize that what you're doing is unprecedented and incredibly abnormal.

Cope harder brother.

One day, you'll leave the house and realize you don't actually live on Airstrip One.

You would be unable to discern a concentration camp from a high school

Wow, b-slur is still allowed?


I might have to join in to see the coping irl.

Trump has only seized the power of the purse from congress but... yeah.... that's nothing!


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...Using established precedent, which is being legally challenged and has next to no chance of standing.

Do you potatoes not realize how d-slur your screeching sounds outside of r/sandersforpresident?

Nope. Trump set new precedent because this is the first time a national emergency declaration has been used to appropriate funding.

Hope you righteous get used to the term "National Climate Change Emergency" because that's going to be the payback for Trump setting his horrible new precedent.

you rightoids

B-slur, please

What precedent has been established to use a national emergency to take funds that weren't appropriated by Congress on US soil?

He's establishing concentration camps for migrants and minorities as we speak

But the scary thing is balancing the kangaroo court

Oh, for fuck's sake.

He also said personally poisoned the water supply of every city, ate whole families of illegal immigrants, misgendered everyone, made fortnite, collapsed the Venezuelan economy, crashed bitcoin, rearranged the furniture in black homes to create the highest chance of stubbed toes, has a Hitler stash, steals weed from LBGTQIABCDEFG people and rapes minority dogs.


Imagine this somehow actually happening and Orange Daddy just hops in one of the helicopters and fucks off.

I mean didn't he do that bit with the campaign where he parked around the back, walked across some bushes and entered a place around the back to avoid photographers and protesters?

This reminds me of the catastrophic clusterfuck that was OWS. For anyonr that doesn't know SJWs quite literary ruined the whole thing and ended up splintering the movement until it was worthless.

Reading into the ins and outs of OWS shows the kind of stupidity that was going on, obe exanple i remember was OWS in some Canadian city, i think Toronto. One guy opened up a community library in the middle of the whole thing as a place for people to talk, read and organize. Anyway the library was a large tent, and it got pretty popular with OWS crowd, but here is the funny part, a feminist came in and started askibg why there weren't more feminist books. The guy said ok, we'll put more feminist in, next week i think it was a native that came in complaning about something else, next week it was a mob of feminist all demeaning that the library/tent become a feminist tent, eventually the guy got pissed off and left cause he was running the library/tent out of his own time and pocket and didn't wanna deal with all the fighting. The feminist took over , infighting started and some time after that the library/tent was taken down.

This type of stuff happened again and again, people with their own pet issue came in and demanded change messing up the whole thing.




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Lol nigga shut the fuck up

You shut up you skinny little white boy.

I went to an Occupy Detroit meeting once and the non-leader facilitator creature had to hand his duties off to someone else because he was blasted drunk by noon. Was that you?

That term is offensive to mayo-Americans.

Lmao OWS in my area became a tent city populated by homeless drug addicts who were shitting all over the place. Then slmeone woman got raped and they shut it all down. I'm sure this made the 1% quake in their b-slurs

the end result of identity politics.

Playing to the lowest common denominator in the interests of "social justice" sounds great until a crack addict takes a shit on your backpack and the full reality hits you

Yep same in my city cept a 16 year old girl OD's on heroin and that was that

This is made up

South Korea had a Leader so entrenched he stayed in office forever and set up giant business cartels that made his family so powerful that his daughter got elected to office and resigned because she was letting a warlock, also the daughter of her father’s advisor, run things

That’s like trump multiplied by a hundred, can you imagine Barron in office in 2040 letting Steve Bannon III draft executive orders. Wtf

Soon brother. Inshallah.

lol as if Trump is going to give a shit about a million more au-slur-tistic crybabies showing up and whining outside of his house. He'd love the attention and take the opportunity to troll them into spergout hysterics.

and take the opportunity to troll them

The only reason I voted for Daddy was because of the trolling.

Yeah that's literally the only reason 🙄



cry more f-slur

Daddy would do le epic trololol teh libtards XD

I'm not saying it's gonna happen anytime soon, certainly not within the next few election cycles, but does anyone think the schism between left and right will actually be mended, or will it devolve in civil war within the next century?

Avengers: Civil War 2

Bring guns or don't go

Fucking pussy libs

The story seems like one of those myths, but after the founders drew up the Constitution a woman stopped Benjamin Franklin and asked him what kind of government the founders had created. He said “a democracy (even tho it’s a republic) if you can keep it”. These next few generations of dumbasses are going to be the ones who can’t “keep it” when 30,000 people actually think shit like this is a good idea.

Not to mention we have no national healthcare, no nationalized education system, and nearly everyone I know relies on showing up to their job every day to pay their student loan debt and keep their family's health insurance.

There is not a chance in hell that I could skip work for a government protest. I couldn't even take time off right now if I wanted to protest, because it's tax season and everyone at my office is working 70+ hours a week. Short of dishonestly calling in sick for a few days (which would eat 100% of my accrued PTO), or quitting my job, losing my house, and becoming a mentally ill homeless person, there's literally nothing I can do to protest if it isn't taking place in the late evenings or on weekends.

America is just fucked.

this is some good pasta.

Even better cause it's true

Americans don't rise up because Americans aren't free. We are held down by coercive employment wage-slave schemes. We are atomized and isolated from that which gives us any real power: our organization.
