r/The_Mueller is still SEETHING and full of COPE. One user now wants to abolish the Presidency. Chapotards and r slurred anarchists rush to push their bad ideas.

221  2019-03-28 by GodOfDarknessWine


womp womp


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Cant believe losers are still subscribed to that salty sub.

Drumpf is the loser. He didn't even win the votes.

Hillary won the true victory by staying classy. šŸ¤ŸšŸ’Ŗ

It's like still posting in /r/apocalympics2016 or /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu, it's over, go home.

They had about 24 hours of self reflection and outright salt, and than they spring right back into action to call everybody they donā€™t like a traitor and a Russian shill. They play a lot of semantic wordgames to act as duct tape to patch up their cracking world view.

I've lost track. Trump is at the same time incompetent and gets literally nothing done while also having dictatorial power that he abuses constantly?

Trump is whatever people need him to make people feel like they're fighting for something important. An amorphous blob of pseudo oppression.


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He's a complete r-slur who is also a criminal mastermind capable of completely juking Mueller and his crack team of investigators, but he is also a dumbass

This, but unironically

It's why he's got my vote in 2020

The word you're looking for is authentistic


Holy shit

He's Reagan Reborn

Remember heā€™s an r-slur but itā€™s his (((controlers))) that are 100% not J-slurs that are undermining and controlling the give me reality. No weā€™re serious itā€™s not the J-slurs, weā€™re l-slurs, not neonslurs like drumohlf

This is right on the line of where I can no longer understand a comment

I think he\s talking about long nose tribe

Sarah Jessica Parker has a fucking tribe now?

Parker's father, a native of Brooklyn, is J-slur his family's original surname was "Bar-Kahn".


I could figure out all of it except

weā€™re l-slurs, not neonslurs

Libcels, not neoconcels.

I mean uh dude b-slur.

Same as Obama was to people like my grandmother: simultaneously the stupidest man on the planet while ALSO being able to effectively conceal his Kenyan, Muslim status... somehow.

I don't remember my conserv-slur relatives saying oBAMa was stupid, they usually claimed he was just corrupt and lied a lot.

Yeah, the dichotomy with Obama was whether he was a ruthless dictatorial Muslim who would institute sharia law, or a g*y p(ussy) who couldnā€™t stand up to Americaā€™s enemies.

Same logic conspiratards use

Not Chaotic Evil, but an evil chaotic?

cogntitice dissonance is the absolute foundation SJWism

Trump/men/the patriarchy/Nazis/whatever are simultaneously mewling pissbabies and also the greatest threat to humanity in history

for thousands of years the church had demonstrated that you can command an army of idiots if you can convince to believe up is down, white is black etc, and what is the church today if no my academia and far left doctrine?

This post is far too serious friendo

No no no no, you're supposed to pet them, feed them upvotes and pretend that you care about their opinions and when they're least expecting you ridicule and laugh in their face and they're like "wtf I thought I'm WELL RESPECTED here".
The fucking retards.

gpt-2 finish this

This is considered a "hallmark of fascism" when it's something literally everyone does.

hey /u/idfshill, explain it

I don't think Trump is competent or some elite dictator, not really sure what you want me to explain.

i was just looking for you to cope and eat downvotes lol

Imagine caring about downvotes when you're right.

It is strange how people cant see how obstructing justice could lead to an investigation having difficulty proving a crime. If the report is good for Trump, it would have been released already.

and if it was bad it would have been leaked

That involves someone risking their entire career for a leak.

Releasing the report, because it will put Trump in a positive light, risks no one's career.

That involves someone risking their entire career for a leak.

have you been covering your eyes and ears for the last 2 years?

they've done it once a week since

You are claiming the Muller team has been leaking information for two years?

i'm claiming anybody in the federal gov't who thinks they have dirt on daddy ends up getting it leaked and then CNN runs it into the ground for a week, and then nothing happens

keep copin'


So you are saying [asinine take], and thatā€™s not the definition of socialism

Name a more iconic duo



GuIltY beForE pRoVeN InnoCEnT

If only congress could see the report to determine obstruction of justice. How long did the Starr report take to be released, sweaty?

when you're right

But you're on the left. You're basically required by law to virtual signal for social credit.

Does it ever get boring thinking you're right all the time? How about you start living in a constant mindset of contradiction, cognitive dissonance and depression, always changing what you believe depending on the day of the week until you eventually decide that nothing matters, like a normal middle class American young adult.

You're so close.

Redditors are stupid, who knew?

gpt-2 finish this

Welcome to the left's version of QAnon.

[+97] that comment.

So is Trump an incompetent buffoon or is he some evil mastermind ?

If he did become dictator for life, would it even be that big of a deal? Heā€™s pretty old, probably only has about 10 years left

Yes it would be a bit of a deal. Can you imagine a world where the leading superpower isn't Anglo ?

Do you want to live in a world where the chanks and Borscht slurper dominate ? I don't.

No Trump will somehow end up living longer than that.

Maybe but I wouldn't bet on it.



The most terrifying thing to these people is that trump will go down as merly just a president

Damn you're right. They want crave that big moment.

Thatā€™s true, I mean look at how apathetic and occasionally even lionizing to George W Bush the Mueller and politics crowd is. That guy started a war that directly destabilized the Middle East and killed ~2 million people. And because it happened in the past (read: when all the teenagers on this sub were in diapers) they think only what is happening now is the most extreme shit ever.

Trump swung some economic stuff nobody will care about, and even his wall is peanuts compared to what GWB did.

Ten years from now, people will barely think about Trump.

There's still time, I believe in you daddy!

I have never heard this discussed and the idea is quite shocking to consider, but looking at the state of things today and imagining where they may lead, it does seem weird to have such (nearly) unlimited power bestowed upon one person. Especially when that one person is such a terror.

I mean, for people who insist the guy's the biggest dumbass out there, they sure seem to take him rather seriously.

I wish... I WISH, my biggest worry in life was the terror that is the burger president.

Further proof that they're either trolling, Russian bots or mentally ill.

No sane human can think like this.

At the risk of serious posting it's odd how much centralized authority threatens them when the largest consolidation of power to the oval office came in the eight years prior to when trump was elected.

wants to abolish the Presidency.

Is it even possible ? Someone said that it's being discussed since Watergate.

How would one even go about such a thing ?

Constitutional convention and/or 2/3rds majority of States agreeing ?

I assume that it's literally impossible to do such a thing.

I am pretty sure what they imagine will happen in their heads is similar to what happened in a particular space capeshit where one guy became the Senate.

These days, they're giving MAGAtards a run for their money in matters of re(tardation).

Based and l'Ć©tat c'est moi-pilled.

I'm ashamed I even understood that reference

Considering how much redditors spam that part of the movie, it's not surprising you recognize it.


Switzerland has this ɔtistic method where their seven leaders rotate the presidency yearly.


We don't deserve swiss Swedes.

Switzerland is unironically the best country in the world

The most based and redpilled too.

Direct democracy, guns and didn't give all f(oids) the vote until the 70s.

based and redpilled

based and rousseau-pilled.

imagine having a government that acted in the people's interests.

They banned building šŸ•Œ there mashallah


Best women too lol

Sweden dawg, Swiss women can be kind of ā€œhardyā€


fuck the gnomes

Nothing ever gets done under the Swiss system, it's designed to eternally preserve the status quo.

Luckily their status quo is being rich in paradise

And it's beatiful

If you passed an amendment it's probably legal.

I don't think so, you're fundamentally altering the system of govt.

You can curtail the President's powers but I don't think one can abolish the office itself.


That makes sense.

You could but it would never happen.

The only restrictions on amendments you can pass are ones limiting equal representation in the Senate or anything on the topic of slavery before the year 1808.

The only restrictions on amendments you can pass are ones limiting equal representation in the Senate or anything on the topic of slavery before the year 1808.

I don't understand.

What don't you understand? Article V of the Constitution only places two limits on what kinds of amendments can be passed. Anything else is fair game.

Oh, well now I understand. Thanks.



But article 5 is amendable, which makes everything fair game.

Anything else is fair game.

Yep. Or in Latin, Expressio unius est exclusio alterius.

There is nothing in the constitution eternally embedding the current system of government.

That's what amendments do, though. They fundamentally alter the system of government. If they had the votes they could amend the constitution to, for example, strip the Senate of all power and have the House pick the President.

It won't happen, but it would be legal.

I didn't know that.

Can they turn the States into a parliamentary system ?

Sure. They just need 3/4 of the country to agree on it, essentially.

Thanks, I didn't know that.

That makes their fantasy even more laughable.

Hildog couldn't even scrape 50% of the vote and yet somehow they think they can pull this off if they "discuss it seriously".

Absolute state.

You can curtail the President's powers but I don't think one can abolish the office itself.

Why not? The Constitution doesn't put any limits on the substance of amendments to itself; it only dictates the (rather difficult) procedure.

Unless I am mistaken any ammendment to the constitution would override any other prior provisions, including if it abolished the executive. That's why the senate is now directly voted for, prior to something like the 24th ammendment the senate was appointed by the state legislatures if I remember correctly.

You're right it seems.

Well I guess not. A full constitutional convention could rewrite the lawful authority and govt system.

In theory they could crown a king or establish a communist state through it.

Really ?

I didn't know that. Thanks for this.

Well the congressional method is generally understood to install an ammendment at a time parliamentary style.

An article V has never been called as it'd be a new convention. The first republic Era was the articles of confederation, the second republic is the constitution.

The convention could be charged for a specific purpose but once convened they do have authority to write a third republic as long as it'd pass the 75% majority approval of the states.

It's never been done before so it's all hypothetical.

Huh. Thanks for this. I didn't know that.

I would guess they want a switch to a parliamentary system.

Youā€™d need a constitutional amendment, thatā€™s all. Itā€™d never happen though.

It's time to try the Articles of Confederation again.

Legally I don't think it's possible, but they could impeach him and then charge him with a crime. But that isn't realistic.

Yeah it isn't. And it would only fuel his base.

It's borderline impossible. The American constitution is pretty much tailor made to make passing any major legislation extremely difficult as getting a majority in both houses and giving the executive veto power is a massive hurdle. Since we've made it the constituon has been amended 17 times and there are still pending ammendments from the founding fathers age that haven't been fully passed or rejected.

That's what I think.

At first I thought it was just impossible full stop.

Now I've been informed that it is theoretically possible.

Yet practically impossible.

Yeah, that's the way the constitution is set up, you can essentially alter it however you want but the hurdles of doing so are fucking massive. It's an extraordinarily conservative document in the original sense of the word, which is good because it gives immense stability but bad because it's also extraordinarily rigid.

I enjoy this stuff, but I'm by no means and expert so anyone who's knowledable should correct me if I'm wrong. I also like to imagine how I would make a constitution if I was given the ability to, its such an interesting idea.

extraordinarily conservative document in the original sense of the word, which is good because it gives immense stability but bad because it's also extraordinarily rigid.

That's a good thing. You shouldn't be able to bum stuff.

Or you end up like third world countries where you have a dozen constitutions and 170 amendments or something.

Definitely, that is a massive benifit. I just also hate how there are genuinely serious constitutional problems that do need to be addressed that may not be able to because of the difficulty of doing so. Its definitely a better structure than most constitutions but it has its problems, and maybe it does strike the proper balance and I just don't realize it.

Better to have questions and lots of discussion.

Haste makes waste.

True, I just wish we could constitutionally amend the first amendment to allow limits on money in politics. Citizen United was the correct constitutional ruling from what I can see, but it doesn't mean that there isn't a huge problem with money in politics. Plus I'd love to have a legislature with proportional representation.

Citizen United was the correct constitutional ruling

Wasn't that the one that declared that corporations have first amendment rights and can hence donate as much money as they want ?

It ruled that money is considered speech, and it did allow corporate backers to donate with practically no limits. I do think it was the correct interpretation of the constitution, however it at the same time reveals a pretty big flaw in the first amendment. Otherwise our free speech laws are probably the best in the world, but that is one major issue we need to resolve. I'd honestly consider voting democrat if it meant they could push that through congress and the executive.

Yeah that was a messed up ruling.

honestly consider voting democrat if it meant they could push that through congress and the executive.

Your should if the Dems can override the ruling.

That much money in politics is dangerous.

Its a good ruling in the sense that campaign donations are a form of speech and therefore protected under the 1st amendment, its a bad ruling in the sense that unlimited money in politics is extremely damaging to democracy. I think I'm a bit weird, I'm extremely conservative in my ideas on how to judge the constitution but also have a lot of progressive ideas on how I would want to change it, the thing is I want to change it through the legislative branch and not through trying to pretend the contitution says something it doesn't which seems to be the modus operani of progressives.

Exactly, Congress should pass a bill instead.

It feels good to be an enlightened radical centrist.

Yes, because that's what God intended man to be.


Jesus, theyā€™re still pushing the narrative that rapist Bill Clinton was impeached over a blowjob and not lying to the entire country l?

He said he didnā€™t fuck her and he didnā€™t. Whereā€™s the lie.

Sexual relations

Since when is a blowie sex my n-slur

Since the rapist in chief lied to the country on tv twice about it

He wiped the case away tho. Innocent until proven guilty. The constitution is on my side, Chud!

... So lying to the country is impeachable? Hmm...

And he got impeached for lying to the grand jury and only the smoothest brains could take as lying with the available evidence.

Lmao what is perjury

Holy shit the perjury claim was always a stretch. Clinton out maneuvered the prosecutor of the grand jury, defined the questions on his terms, got the prosecutor to agree to those terms, and then answered his own question truthfully.

Saying he committed perjury is like saying "well he answered the question like this but if he had the same answer to a completely different question that would've been a lie"

Itā€™s Thursday and those noobs are stil seething.

i feel like half of those posts are very clever trolls, but they could just be g*d damn idiots

Hopefully Democrats take over 2020 and put their money where their mouth is and reduce the president back down to being an equal branch of government

Yeah, the democrats will shrink the size and reach of the government. These guys are complete r-slurs.

Obama used executive power like it was going out of style lmao. It was a political gamble hoping that Hillary would be such an unbearable candidate that that power wouldnā€™t immediately be in the hands of the Rs. Fortunately for him Trump is to retarded to do anything of substance.

Ironically Obama ceeded a shit ton of power back to Congress (which wasn't bright politically and really bit him later)

Although he did have his AG draft the memo that functionally legalized weed in states that had legalized it.

Part of me wishes Trump wakes up in a bad mood one morning, calls his AG, and tells him to put boot to ass to potheads in all the weed states.

I don't care really about pot one way or the other, but this would be very good for dramacoin.

do these people not realize that obama expanded the executive more than bush did??? lol

How do these people take themselves seriously after this? I honestly can't imagine telling yourself that because a special investigation that literally all of these fuckheads were saying was going to be the unbiased truth, turned up with nothing so the reasonable solution is to abolish presidency.

Have you every caught yourself making a stupid argument and thought, "oh shit wait I just realized this doesnt make sense"? Are these guys literally incapable of that?

oh shit wait I just realized this doesnt make sense"? Are these guys literally incapable of that?

Yes. I absolutely blame the parents for this.

Too much positive reaffirmation and not enough stern noes.

"Could it be be that trump isn't an evil Russian backed dictator? No, we must completely alter how our democracy works."

The thing that annoys me is, that they've fallen in love with WMD Bush and other silly people.

Just because FUCK DRUMPF.

It because they're convinced it's some battle against evil since their understanding of morality is based on young adult novels. It's comfy to think the world is black and white without any nuance. Trump's a reeetard but they treat him like Voldemort or some shit lmao.

Trump's a reeetard but they treat him like Voldemort or some shit lmao.

Exactly. Rowling ought a be tried in court of law.

Was Rowling paid by the Russians to undermine our democracy šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

I'm positive.

They're like children, when they lose they want the rules changed.

It's like that time Harry Potter fought voldemort, but voldemort cheated by not actually doing anything wrong.

What a bunch of man babies, yeah I am not thrilled with the result of the investigation either but I'm not letting it rule my life

yeah I am not thrilled with the result of the investigation either

You are not thrilled that the president of the united states isn't actually a russian agent?

Him and recallrethuglicans are devoted mommy defense special forces.

Putting it like that makes it quite ridiculous. I think that thought process stems from just being tired of all this shit surrounding Trump and wanting it to end. Hell its been a ton of fun seeing people freak out about it but even if you gave me steak every day after 2 years I might want to eat something else.

I think that thought process stems from just being tired of all this shit surrounding Trump and wanting it to end.

A conspiracy theory can never end, it can only grow more complex and/or less relevant.

The "not enough evidence to prove Obstruction of Justice thing" is what bothers me more.

You can't really obstruct justice for a crime that wasn't committed.

How else would they phrase it r-slur?

Hopefully the cops beat your ass and book you on obstruction of justice when you cry "police brutality"

Take your meds kid

Have sex

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You vote in the shittiest two-party elections one could hope for, and when that fails instead of realizing the limitations of the American-style two-party democracy, you turn on the concept of a "leader" all together.

Imagine being this.

Unironically a good idea.

Supporting a super powerful executive using his office to rape suboridinates to own the conservatives

Like a baws

Is metoo over?

If Hillary had become president theyā€™d be trying to declare her consul for life

until the next liberal president comes along and they want to expand her powers

The moment is nigh for Emperor Bannon to cross the Rubicon with his civic nationalist army of liberation.

Why don't we just have a council of elders but each elder must represent one of the elements. And then they join together and become Captain America.

Uhhh we have that r-slur, it's called the supreme court

Shit, I kinda wanna abolish the presidency. Am I as r-slurred as chapocels

Remember when they made /r/The_Meltdown in anticipation of /r/The_Donald users losing their minds after losing the election, but when Trump one they basically shut the subreddit down?

They should just do the same thing here. /r/The_Mueller is a failed subreddit that has no need to exist anymore.

The mueller is what the donald

A reversal. Left cant meme

Mich like how they appropriated the righrs npc meme and turned it to maga prople are npcs we are the real sentient people!!!

I still don't understand why anyone would have thought Mueller was going to indict Donnie. It is like they forgot the whole impeachment is indictment and all Mueller was going to do involving POTUS is write a report.

I wonder if it will ever occur to these people that the president doesn't actually really do that much of anything.