“Why did my weebshit movie flop? The deep state of course!”

33  2019-03-28 by Ghdust2


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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Should have put a cape on her

Do any of the M[slur] characters actually wear capes?

Dr. Strange.

Also, Thor, sometimes? Maybe?


Lol is this an alt of that AlitaMyWaifu guy?

This movie wasn't great, but I've definitely seen worse. It tanked because the source material niche, the movie was in development hell for years, and it was finally released....in February. A month that is a notorious dumping ground for bad and/or underperforming movies.

I thought it was a fun romp. A riot even. Bout as deep as a puddle but some pretty nifty robot on robot violence.

Yeah it was actually a decent movie, shame it'll never get a sequel. Especially now that Fox is owned by the Mouse and Cameron probably can't strong-arm Disney into making a sequel if the Avatar movies do well.

I thought the movie looked decent in the trailer but I can't get past those horrible fucking eyes. Whoever decided to put that in is personally responsible for the movie tanking IMO

tanked 230+ million profit


Gslur all wslurs

Not to derail the narrative in this thread, but this title is a strawman argument. The guy didn't mention anything about the deep state, or even hint at anything right-wing.

seriousposting and using “strawman”


It's a type of fallacy.

do you know where you are? Looking for fallacies in /r/drama submission titles is peak seriousposting.

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do you know where you are? Looking for fallacies in /r/d-slur submission titles is peak seriousposting.

They keep changing the naughty word list, I can't keep up.

Swap vowels for emojis.

Embrace the zoom.

People who whine about fallacies sounds like college freshmen tbqh.

Whatever confirms your biases.

Muh no true slippery hominem fallacy 😡


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It tanked cause of the eyes

How much was the marketing budget? Because 400 million on a 175 million budget doesn't sem too bad

Friendly reminder that Alita isn't anime

Her eyes 🤢

I'm normally down for any kind of sci-fi no matter how garbage. But no way I was going to look at those creepy eyes for 2 hours. Can barely take the trailer.

Alita has earned 400 million, hardly a flop for a mediocre movie. Wouldn't be surprised if it nets a 425-450 million boxoffice.