Man orders bagels pre-sliced, jews rage in comments

80  2019-03-28 by unrulyfarmhand


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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oy vey, this, but unironically.


This is more non kosher than bacon wrapped shrimp

What is the purpose of doing that? Are bagels too hard to eat otherwise? What is the point?

If you're a fatass, you can eat a ton of cream cheese or whatever because you can keep applying it to the different slices.

The midwest is truly innovative in finding ways to be a fat fuck

But it's light cream cheese so I can eat as much as I want teehee

Wait till you try the casserole

Wisconsinoid here, I had my 3rd heart attack of the day reading your comment. Please don't say such mean things.



In my office occasionally they get bagels and there's a mongoloid who rips pieces off instead of cutting them, this could be a good deterrent to his tardery.

I hate the women who pinch off pieces of donuts also

A few bagels can be divided among a lot more people that way.

Whenever I read a Twitter post and ask myself what did he mean by this, I count the responses from blue check marks and I have my answer

You can divvy each bagel up among a surprising amount of das Sonderkommando.

Bruh, look at this dude

I love the tweet calling out that this is just a way to feed 24 people with 12 Bagels. It's so Jewish in a roundabout way.

Guy better watch out Th Mossad is gonna come take him out.

One can only hope...

6 million tweets about slicing bagels the wrong way

Tbh that is a really dumb way to slice bagels

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i was picturing a bagel sliced in half along the equator and i was ready to laugh at a bunch of snotty NEW YAWK bagel purists but this is actually kinda fucked up ngl

They’re obviously all joking... this doesn’t belong here

It's wholesome drama



You're jewing it wrong

Honestly this is a justified reason for him to be put to death for crimes against Bagels. First of all bagels don't exist outside of tri-state region and Montreal. Secondly the amount of a-slur required to think this is a good idea means he shouldn't be allowed outside and should be institutionalized.

Those who died at Massala roll in their graves at this shit.

fuck you
