Mentally Ill Suicide Quick 2019 line up

31  2019-03-28 by BussySlayer69


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. This Post -,,,

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Celeste is soy trash btw.

akshually it's a hidden gem that cured my depression and anxiety

R-slurs that think changing the (M) to an (F) will boost their chances of getting laid.

This is a trans-inclusionary safe space, sweaty


no 40%?

I don't know who anyone is in that pic except classic Linetrap 😍

im sad i didnt get 2 bang line trap before i stopped doing porn 😫

You stopped doing porn 💦? since when ⌛?

It's not 🙅 too late to go bang mommy 😍 line trap now before calling it quits

um i did it in 2016 til like 2017 or so. maybe one day.

um i did it in 2016 til like 2017 or so

😲 I didn't know you were serious about that. I just went and Googled and found a vid of you within 30 secs.

Why did you bang g​ussy? 😡

Why did you bang mayo g​ussy? 😡


Is the 2b cosplay still a thing?

yeah but its in the future, i need the outfit and some $ to get a pixel stick for the background

yeah but its in the future, i need the outfit and some $ to get a pixel stick for the background

e: also i'm kinda thinkin outfit like this

The second one is nicer

true, it seems easier to show off in as well

You have the right idea 😎

Plus, those transparent sock-legging things 👍


Sarah Webb & Mona Wales

Good luck o7.

I'm a bit scared but I'll give it a try