Cosplaying is cancelled

181  2019-03-28 by EloeOmoe


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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Black cosplayers have being talking about this for 3 or 2 years now maybe longer this just w*ites trying to dodge the mayocide

Isn't there already something about cis crossdressing being trans blackface or something?

Drag Queens are Womenface according to ‘Terfs’ AND Trans. Transwomen are Womenface according to ‘Terfs’. I think.

Where's the antiwestern cosplay guy when you need him? Haven't seen him around in a while.

i heard he recently came back. still it's ironic that people are reeeing about cosplaying as differently coloured characters when there's an entire subgenre of black women dressing up as the white overwatch characters.

and yes they have really fat asses. it's pretty great.

White is just an empty canvas for us to fill with substance.

true. african queen mercy can spit on my face any day

White is just an empty canvas for us to fill with substance.

:O Wow, so wise! I love this

thic black womxn cosplaying as overwatch characters

Fucking where? You can't just drop shit like that without at least linking it for the rest of us my guy


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Dude b-slur lmao


oh no ​drama

Good shit my niggа 👌

Also, who the fuck downvoted that within literally 7 minutes of posting?


I love that guy because he probably posted that shit to 20 different subreddits, got downvoted and deleted everywhere but here.

I swear I saw a post from him within the last 2-3 days at least. He keeps getting popped for ban evasion lol

plzplzplz link. that sounds great


Oh my go, yes thank you manbear 🙏 🙏 i will remember this gift kindly.

Wait, that guy wasn't just memeing? I assumed that whole thing was a troll.

I'm inclined to think he's for real just because he hammers the same thing over and over again. It would be a weird thing to put so much effort into the same joke without switching it up from time to time.

It’s courteous of xim to put THEY THEM PRONOUNS in xis profile name; means I don’t have to waste a click finding a reason to disregard xit

Left wing nutjobs love lists and putting people on lists and compiling lists. So creepily authoritarian.

um no sweaty the alt-right super duper nazi 6000's are the authoritarian ones not us

Alt-rights don't need lists, they just write down Jews & n-slurs.

Yeah, but when a left wing nutjob makes a list, everybody laughs at his pathetic impotence.

When a right wing nutjob make a list, you lie down and hope he'll shoot that fat kid before you.

You guys just smash the newborns against trees. You don't bother wasting bullets, unless it's a congressional softball game.

You guys just smash the newborns against trees.

Are you speaking out against mayocide here? Reported.

"you guys"?

Reported for hatespeech.

I wish more right wingers had balls

Only because right wingers are in power right now. You wouldn't want to be in Stalin's list.

So we'd prefer Hitler's list then?

You have to look at the benefits.

With Hitler's list, you get you a cool tattoo and a ride on the holocoaster.

With Stalin's list, you get erased.

With Pol Pot's list, you get a commemorative photo taken before they take you out back.

I mean by that measure you typically got a ride on the gulag express with Stalin, not to mention millions got an all expenses paid mandatory vacation to sunny snowy Siberia..

you lie down and hope he'll shoot that fat kid before you.

God I hope I'm not really shitposting with school kids.

Shut the fuck up, you boomer. Your username is literally a Rocky quote.

DON'T talk to me before, I've read the funnies section OR before I've had my morning coffee.

good lord go off queen



Par of the course for far side politics actually.


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Ban cosplay.

this but unironically


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Seriously though. Off season halloween dressup is the lamest, most r*tard-slur tier hobby that placed like /r/gaming cum in their pants over. It contributes absolutely nothing to society and proves that all fandom people need to be round up and thrown in camps.

It's even worse than collecting Funko pops.

A lot of hobbys contribute absolutely nothing to society, that's why they're hobbies rather than paid jobs

It's even worse than collecting Funko pops.

At least cosplaying encourages dieting and exercise so that g-slurs have to at least kind of resemble the silhouette of their avatars.

Funko pop collecting is absolutely the most haram thing imaginable and deserves swift and harsh punishment.

Have you ever fucking seen the people cosplaying? dieting and exercise don't matter at all

It would be hilarious if they started calling for white guys to be banned from wearing the NBA and NFL numbered jerseys of black players as an extension of this.

Obviously they're working on it if they have black people cosplaying recklessly like this. I expect they remember how it went with guns in America.

Alright, making registers of noncompliant mayos, looks like mayocide is on its way boys!

racefacing, there's a new one.

I thought all cos-player girls are supposed to be hot? chick looks like a Puerto rican grimace.

You're only looking at the popular ones that people share pictures of.

Go to any con. Any of them. It's a herd. Of livestock. Because they are all fat cows. (And pigs, I guess, as well).

I just had a thought. What if all the hot cosplayers have convinced a whole swath of sweaty pigs that if they put cat ears on everyone will care what they think?

Then you'd end up with anime con.

Arn't the hot ones usually paid to go to cons?

Go to any con. Any of them.

Yeah, but don't actually do that.


Estoy muy hambriento. ¿Dónde está el hamburgler cuando lo ned?



IDK, you tell me.

In case anyone had any doubts that weebs are the plebs of society.

I support making fandoms as fucking close tp.illegal as possible

blackface, the genre of theatre, was offensive because of the over the top stereotypes and use of the slave dialect. It wasnt offensive because they put paint on their faces.

I like how she links her e-begging page with her tweet.

the real reason this is happening at all. Desperate for money.

Every time

Being able to monetize oppression is a key factor of anyone on the left

I made a doc

Fucking NEETs having time to do stuff

tbh I've always been against cosplaying, so I'm okay with this

Social outrage is such a weird hobby

How do you see when you're banned from random subs. Just realized I am banned from there too lmao.

They just sent me a private message about it, so courteous. Guess they didn't want to risk me never finding out that I am banned.

Lmao, what fucking f-slurs.

Usually you just find out when you try to comment and notice there's no comment buttons.

Yea, thats how I found out lol.

FTAR is like the_retard with their level of comment policing, I got banned because they were jerking about some totally idiotic trope that the right uses as a canard to paint all lefties as morons and I tried to point this out.

I don't remember what the fuck it was, but it was on the same idiocy level as when the right wingers all claimed muslims bomb us because "they hate our freedoms" rather than them hating our decades of political meddling and outright aggression on the world stage.

TiL that dressing up a caricature of a black person and making fun of them on stage is literally the same thing as an instathot who wants to look like pharah

Imagine thinking this is a problem.

Now imagine thinking this is a problem that deserves making spreadsheets and harassing people.

They’re literally calling out a Mexican girl for dressing up as “a middle eastern” lmao. She didn’t even darken her skin.


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She has a cosplay on her twitter header of her in a black/brown wig and her face is painted a pale white,,,

Uh oh all of these links are down did she delete her Instagram or something

That's what I get for linking directly 😔

Ah, so a list of cosplayers to follow and cheer on? Very useful!

So, this chick would rather people racewash a character than have enough respect to try and look like them in their game of dress-up? Hmmm

Goddamn she's insane.

when your cosplay sucks and nobody likes you because you're ugly so you cope massively and try to blame it on social issues like racism when you're really just an ugly cunt

TIL you can report google docs for bullying and harassment.

aww she shut it down thanks to people like you

Can someone explain “blocking” to me? I’m not sure if I understand them at all.

Like, are they using “block” as in “cancel” or just block as in blocking these cosplayers’ twitter accounts?

And if it’s the latter how is that supposed to make any kind of social wave?

Like if I was a woke user who stumbled upon this gdoc, is Yak asking me to block (on Twitter) every single person on this list? Despite it likely that I would likely never run into these “offenders” when exploring my feed?

That’s exactly what she’s asking because in the “woke anime fan” crowd it’s against the rules to just make call out lists, you have to specify it’s a “block list for your own safety” as if seeing a cosplay will make you end your own life and not what it actually is, a call to harass the users listed

it’s as rslur as it sounds please delete twitter

As long as yelliwfacing is still ok.

An actual person did this lol.

mod them

Lmao She threatened to add anyone who complains about this to the list.

That's a big yikes from me [d-slur].

Cosplaying is cancelled

we can only dream

And people think t-words have mental illness

She should go to the netherlands during sinterklaas.

Do people really not realize that list makers inevitably end up on someones list? Sometime, somewhere some meone is going to be more woke than you and you'll be on their "problematic" list. You'll have no one to blame but yourself.

Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.

Wait I'm confused. So n-slurs can cosplay as white characters but whites can't cosplay as n-slur characters?

The fucking revolution and death squads can't come fast enough.

RaceFace deez nuts

She literally has like 4 different skin tones in her Twitter background image, someone ask her which one is real and which 3 she's appropriating..

I would, but I'm not a god damned idiot so I don't use Twitter.

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I miss cosplaying before the normals and whores invaded. People just made their shitty costumes, painted themselves to actually look like the characters and nobody gave any fucks.

Today, it's just people whining about offensive and trying to force inclusion and diversity into something that was already inclusive and diverse before they arrived. The icing on the cake is that now they're trying to become the gatekeepers when before there were none.

I don't know who this person is, I am on their Twitter blacklist, I hate blacklists, you block people before you have ever interacted with them, so you have no idea what their opinions are. That's a different story though!

I love cosplay, there are some amazing costumes out there, creative, gender-bending ideas as well. Paint I think can look good, but it depends how it's done. Anyway, I first heard, and saw cosplay maybe 15 years ago? As far as I was aware, anyone could do it, not everyone had the skill, and some costumes didn't look good, but I thought it was about having fun, and being a part of something.


The "good" cosplayers now are also basically just models. Most of them don't make their own costumes at all, they have someone else make them and they just wear them. Like a pop star having someone else write a song and provide all the lyrics and instrumentals so they can just sing it.


Women ruin everything! YES, seriously. EVERYTHING! Name something that used to be good and I promise you it got shit as soon as a woman got involved.

People are actually sending pics of themselves to this crazy tranny as proof that their skin tans easily instead of telling him to die in a fire?

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People are actually sending pics of themselves to this odd t-slur as proof that their skin tans easily instead of telling him to die in a fire?

And their twitter is protected already lol.


F-slur n-slurs being r-slurs as usual.