"For example, I think people as stupid as you shouldn't be allowed to breed. But I wouldn't physically try to stop you because that would be wrong"

89  2019-03-28 by charming_tatum


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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If your community is centered around hating people who are against extremism and support policies and governance based on rationality and evidence, something might be wrong.

I'm pretty sure the whole sun is a cover for tankies to call liberals nazis

That's all that sub does.

r/dirtbagcenter is the true Chad.


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We can’t say the d-slur anymore? Well shucks.

What a looser! Good workautomod. Cleaning 🧼 out 🧼 the 🧼 trash! 🧼

Imagine unironically making politics and protesting your identity.

Especially since 90% + are mayos.

That's probably an understatement.

You're right more like 95%.

depends if you put passing mischlings and mulattos as mayos or not

They're not that diverse.

The Atlantic had an article which said that SJWs are as homogenous as rich old conservative mayos.


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Going to extreme lengths to stick it to "the Nazis" is the expected end result of virtue signaling. Respecting womэn doesn't get you brownie points anymore, supporting gаy people isn't woke anymore, transactivism doesn't get you hailed as a progressive hero anymore; when your whole social group is based around being progressive, you need to work harder and harder to stay continuously "progressive"

These people are literally running out of marginalised minority groups, and it's fucking hilarious

It’s because there is a collective need for progressive movements to be marginalized or a minority. It’s a lot harder to rabble rouse when your beliefs are mainstream. Anyone can see that progressive beliefs are pretty mainstream today by simply looking at how companies like Nike, Converse, Gillette, and Pepsi are trying to use these movements to get advertising buzz. This doesn’t work very well with the sort of personality/social needs that many progressive partisans are feeding with their belief system. As a result, they must push to greater extremes to continue to maintain their sense of identity.

gаy people isn't woke anymore

Even Modern Family confirmed this.

these people are literally running out of marginalised minority groups,

The leftist is never satisfied, because his activism is a surrogate activity.

That is, the leftist’s real motive is not to attain the ostensible goals of leftism; in reality he is motivated by the sense of power he gets from struggling for and then reaching a social goal.

I unironically seethe at this being the state of modern leftists. I hate how telling people im politically liberal leads to associating with such fucknuggets

They've twisted liberalism into something messed up. They've become lefties.

If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.

How could one man be so prescient, based and redpilled ?

Not sure bud, but you and I should go out into the woods, go fishing, listen to heavy metal on my bluetooth speaker and take turns reading Technological Slavery out loud.

That sounds like an unironically great time.

If you're in Idaho this summer, I'll take you out to my favorite spot on the river. I can make a mean potato boat and I'll probably have my new AR-15 by then. I also offer deep tissue massages with pine sap.

How many inches are we talkin?

Um, sweaty you're gonna have to be more spific

Idaho is one of the only places in the States I want to visit that I haven't

Come over, dude. Miles and miles of endless forest, country girls with no daddy issues and and endless supplies of fentanyl, abundant wildlife, permissive gun laws, rural rednecks that say things like "y'all aint from 'round here, are ya?"

I heard Boisie is like whitewater heaven with a few class 4 and 5 runs right outside of town.

That sentence is also true if you remove the word water

I thought meth was more opaque than white

From wiki: “As a sophomore, Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a "purposely brutalizing psychological experiment.”

Subjects were told they would be debating personal philosophy with a fellow student, and were asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. The essays were turned over to an anonymous attorney, who in a later session would confront and belittle the subject – making "vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive" attacks – using the content of the essays as ammunition, while electrodes monitored the subject's physiological reactions.

These encounters were filmed, and subjects' expressions of anger and rage were later played back to them repeatedly.

The experiment lasted three years, with someone verbally abusing and humiliating Kaczynski each week.”

Are we creating the next Ted 🤔🤔🤔

Are we creating the next Ted

God I hope so.


That is, the leftist’s real motive is not to attain the ostensible goals of leftism; in reality he is motivated by the sense of power he gets from struggling for and then reaching a social goal.

based uncle theodore


The real problem is none of these people are willing to follow their ideology to the logical endpoint and bend over and let some ugly tran fuck them with her feminine penis.

All this nazi punching shit is just their inability to deal with the fact that everything they believe requires them to let a tran nut in their mouth and they just can't swallow the t-pill.

Oh, I'm sure theyd love a mouthful of feminine benis, just from one that actually passes for a woman

Oddly enough you don't encounter those too often

how would you know tho

Point me to 3 trans people who cannot be distinguished from attractive biological women, I dare you

While I agree that it's mostly buttplugs, programmer socks and 5 o'clock shadows, it does happen from time to time.

Nicki Valentina Rose and [Serena Valentina] and Sarina Valentina come to mind, although Sarina has gotten kind of fat recently.

They still kind of look like dudes, and probably even more so without makeup.

I guess? I don't live in America any more so I don't know how much damage all that artificial estrogen in the water supply has done to you guys, can't really confirm one way or another.

Wait, that's actually true innit? North American (younger) men are feminine as fuck, so it makes sense that they resemble women pre and post transition

it's a combination of hormones in the food supply and the feminist takeover of the educational system. raising the next generation of sissy sluts hungry for BBC.

Wait hold up, weren't teachers primarily women since pretty much the end of the Victorian era? You're saying they only now derailed the curriculum to favour feminism?

It's a weird position to take that all women, particularly ones from the 1800's were feminists or had 4th wave feminist ideals.

Fair enough. Are you saying 3rd wave feminism in particular is what caused this?

Cause I don't necessarily disagree, since it's definitely been taken over by bad actors

When being serious, it's actually hard to point the finger at any single specific cause. But, if I had to go with something I would say that it's a combination of the victory of liberal feminism and our long period of prosperity.

  • liberal feminism: When an army wins an ideological fight, they don't just go away, they just pick new targets. In this case, subsequent waves of feminists have been more radicalized and their impact on areas where they traditionally dominate (education for instance) is felt on ideological grounds, but probably mostly in the idea that masculinity is inherently dangerous. One way to be a good feminist is to disavow masculinity. This is probably why male feminists tend to be rapists - they have an inherent view of themselves as subhuman (because they are rapists), so drawing the connection to "This is the fault of toxic masculinity" and not their own failings as human beings is particularly attractive.

  • prosperity: Following from above, if you believe that masculinity is inherently dangerous and should be vilified, then it's logical to suppress or subvert it in order to maintain peace and prosperity.

This is kind of why lefty reddit gets so butthurt about Kermit Memerson - it's not because any of the advice in his book is actually fascist, it's because of the group he's talking to - disaffected young men, are a dangerous bunch of characters that they just wish would go away. The idea of empowering them in any particularly productive way just makes them fearful and hence why they react so violently to shit like "clean your room".

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Wut are programmer socks?

I never considered that my choice of footwear was a reason I haven't been hearing back from my job interviews.

Thanks for the job hunting advice.

Lol Rose is literally a man wearing an entire latex doll outfit, I mean fuck there is more latex there than person.

I think something like 3,000 cc implants for those boobs. No idea if they are saline or silicon.

Evidently some dude that posts to r/1000ccplus/ hired "her" as an escort and all she did was talk about her surgeries all night. Total addict.



Carolina Ramirez

Dude, there are a TON more transwomen that you would 100% mistake for a biological woman.

I'm not saying there aren't dudes with just make up and plastic surguries, but hormonal treatments clearly work extremely well as you can see.

there are a ton of wom*n

as you can see

Cause vica looks nothing like a young Russian boy with long hair and good lipstick, and is the pinnacle of feminine beauty one should use to prove that there are m*n who pass as wom*n. (Please, please tell me that you see this as a w*man, and not as a 20something skinnyfat dude with a flopping schlong](https://imgur.com/GYgGvsu)

And lovebird? This lovebird? The one with the manliest jaw in downtown San Fransisco? Sure it looks fine in 240p, but up close and in higher definition you can tell just how much makeup it takes to get /u/EvergrYn to jerk off to a m*n

And keep in mind, this is just the more polished visual aspect; the sound of their voice is an even bigger tell, which is why they get stuck using a cracky falsetto or a nasal vocal fry

Are you retarded or something?

Is there only one women that you're comparing these to?

Wow, you must be surounded day and night by top models if you think there are no ugly biological women or biological women with some manlier traits.

Are biological men with un-manly jaw lines suddenly not men but women by your reasoning? Are those extremely feminine petite biological women that are flatter than a flat-earthers wet dream suddenly men?

You're really grasping for straws here. Show me pictures of 10 random women from the street and I can point out all kinds of imperfections and "manly traits" on each and every one of them.

Is this how you cope with seeing something that might make your argument/view not so true? You scour every frame and find the most .jpeg-ed and unflattering frame.

Don't lie to anyone and to yourself that you would tell that Vica has a dick if you passed her in public or even stared for a minute so fuck off together with that high horse you're riding. Maybe try riding a dick, ain't nothing wrong with that, maybw you'll even like.

Lmao, someone's mad that they've been touching themselves to dudes. There's nothing wrong with that bby :) I've been an avid pansexual for almost a decade now, and I'm fine

It's your denial that's amusing "reeee, the best examples i could think of looked like dudes, but wom*n can look manly too!!!"

Stratospheric iq post

I think this is the end result of years worth of telling people that being politically active is more important than having your own opinion, and praising historical figures like MLK too much without acknowledging that the changes they made mean we now live in a more liberal society where large scale protest movements aren’t really necessary.

Hopefully the next political trend is militant apathy. I think we should teach the kids that being politically active about things they care about is important, but that they don’t have to care about everything, and it’s more important to understand issues and respect the political systems the country already has.

The root issue is tricky though, because it involves the way we idolise freedom fighters as heroes, which makes kids want to be like them when they grow up. Obviously freedom fighters were heroes, but the way we idolise them means we’ve bred a generation of people desperate to fight for something, when in reality we live in a pretty great society, so these people just have to invent bullshit issues to feel like the heroes they read about.

Sorry for s(slur) posting but I love exercising my massive centrist planet-brain.

Fucking christ humanity is fucked if the average person is as stupid and glib as you

"I want to torture, exile and murder minorities."

You: ...

"We should stop that person by any means necessary."

You: Woah, now, where's your sense of morals?

This but unironically

it's always the most exaggerated of situations

Not exaggerated, comically twisted into the perfect little shibboleth.

It's not even that, it's a strawman distanced as far as possible from any real situation.

I want to say the n-word

Protip, replace "minorities" with "infidels" and you have a neat little argument for why it's ok to shoot mosques

(Note: this comment is not advocating for violence. It is intended to point out how blinded by wingcuckery the parent commenter was.)

I think people as stupid as you shouldn't be allowed to breed.

Tankie - Fascist sympathiser.

Convenient, how they always forget that the Fabians and other early socialists, adored Eugenics.

While radical centrists like us just wanted people to fuck consequences be damned. 😎

Could you point me to the section of the bill of rights that explicitly states "yeah, openly conspire to commit ethnic cleansing, no consequences."

The part that the entire left is reading from regarding white people, with their open celebration of the upcoming nonwhite majority.

Hey look its pizza's alt

tbh if you haven't been here long enough to tell me and pizza apart you're a massive new>!can't say that on reddit!!<

I ran a profile scraper that analyzed both of your reddit and archived content. The results say you're 99% likely pizza, there's an 80% chance you have a physical deformity covered by clothing and that you were more than 90% likely raised by a single male but not your father. Numbers don't lie fam

My massive penis is like a deformity, you got me there.

Thata funny because pizza talks about his penis a lot

If I drop a snoozepost on you, will you start calling me Ed?

Because 😴😴😴

If I drop a snoozepost on you, will you start calling me Ed?

I'd have to compare ed's profile to yours but it's not out of the realm of possibilities

That title but unironically.

These are the only circumstances where it is ok to punch Nazis:

1.) He hit you first. 2.) You're in open war against them, and a.) he hasn't surrendered and your gun jammed or ran out of ammo. b.) he's been captured and i.) you need to extract information. ii.) you want to have a little fun before his execution.

Getting punched in the face is good for you. Punching nazis is basically doing them a favor and that supports white supremacy

but we are in open war my feed said so

Secure the soy.

Based and ROE-pilled

Fuck off, I don't need a flow chart to punch someone.


Nazis deserve to be curbed stomped

I'm all for violence against r-slurs but holy shit did that guy really just try to equate believing in Nazi ideology to owning slaves and then helping slaves escape bondage to punching people?