Outrage in /r/news as terrorist are banned from a black candidate's political rally

41  2019-03-28 by Osterion


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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Like why even have a campaign if you're just going to n[slur] it up from from the start.

Can we just have a race war already so I can be done with ethnics?

Why not race war and right vs left war at the same time? Be done with ethnics and politics.

Was that what Chapo meant by “kill yourselves and everyone around you”? He may have had a point after all.

Well, it is his event. I doubt any white people care about the guy anyways, it is a good way to get your name out there though.

And most importantly, they're keeping their people safe from mass shooters


The most insincere outrage in a while lmao

There was the women’s spacesuit thing like Tuesday though

I wonder why democrats are so bad at courting white voters?

Why would you say it so blatantly though. Learning something from Club owners and just ban mayo adjacent things.

Like put up a sign that says “Game of Thrones Spoilers ahead”

It’s over for smells like wet dogcels