Daddy with another galaxy brain take, this time on wind power.

86  2019-03-29 by IAmAN00bie


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Daddy blows wind

You can blow me bby

Let's power America


The birds could kill it first. They kill so many birds. You look underneath some of those windmills, it's like a killing field, the birds. But uh, you know, that's what they were going to, they were going to windmills.

Oh no, the birds are gonna come and take their revenge on us! Please protect us, President Daddy! 😯

It's not over for hitchcockcells.

the funniest part of this is that it was during talks of the mueller investigation.

like it literally had nothing to do with windmills and daddy just went off on this hilarious tangent.



Healthy brain, the best

Thats actually a massive problem with windmills is birds get used to sitting on them and don’t notice and try to fly through them and die. Its done havoc to bird populations anywhere its been used.

It's amazing how many legitimate concerns about wind power he manages to bring up in a totally incoherent way.


Does it seem like trump would give a fuck about the safety of birds for their sake?

From what a short Google told me, a windmill kills on average 1-5 birds per year. That's pretty negligible.

Not if you’re a bird 😢

Niw mutiply by the number of windmills and take into account that many of these birds are raptors.




Is Daddy sending a coded message about Melania ?

He’s doing better than most married men in that case


Truly in awe at the intellect on thid lad.

Daddy’s a little ♿️♿️♿️♿️♿️♿️♿️

/u/ed_butteredtoast since you introduced this emoji here, you've really got us off to the races. 🤣



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He's actually correct. One of the biggest problems with wind power is that it's so intermittent and that we don't have a reliable way to store excess for discharging into the energy grids later, when we actually need it. Solar and Hydro are actually a lot more reliable, in fact one of the uses of Hydro is as storage for other forms of generation like wind.

The way it works in theory is like this - When the wind is blowing that energy is used to run pumps that pump water up to the top of a dam. When we need the power, we open up the dam and the water rushes down onto hydro electric dynamos.

Obviously there are a lot of problems with this solution, namely - where the fuck are they going to build giant fucking dams in states like Kansas where they could generate a lot of wind power, so the problem isn't really easy to solve.

Anyway, it kind of amuses me how smug people are in thinking they're smarter than Donald Trump, who is definitely mentally challenged. Think about it large portions of Reddit are below Donald Trump on the IQ scale and definitely not all of them are his supporters.

Pumped hydro? Pffft, just [fill a train with rocks](

Yeah, but you still need a hill or some large track of elevated land and the storage capacity is garbage compared to a dam. Not to mention the fact that a dam actually contains something useful (water) and not rocks.

I think Space Daddy's battery stations like the one they built here in Australia are probably going to be the mid to long term way to go. A super futuristic solution would be to store the energy off planet in space (and generate solar from there) and beam it to earth. Maybe in a thousand years or something.

Fuck Australia and fuck all white settler colonies

They are cancers on the Earth with inherently cancerous and exploitative mentalities

Fuck the frontier

Fuck white people

Fuck your guns

Fuck you

Show us on the doll where the mayo hurt you sweaty.

I don't care about political correctness.

what about an elevator, or a water tower?

Windcells BTFO.

Being blown the fuck out is what they want


You don't have to prove him fuckin right

Yeah somewhere in the part of his brain that the brain worms have yet to feed on there was some nugget of a shitty argument like this that got regurgitated off of Fox News that he was randomly throwing out

No in context it still doesn't make any sense what he was saying

Pumped hydro storage is pretty fucking rare btw because it requires some specific conditions to attain. It has really amazing efficiency compared to a lot of other solutions but there's not many areas of the country where it can be implemented. So they're looking into a lot of different shit right now with regards to energy storage solutions. And there's no way we would've ever been at 100% wind energy without solving the storage problem.

Literally Trump could make some fart noises though and you'd write about 30 paragraphs about how this was in fact Beethovens Ninth Symphony.

Literally Trump could make some fart noises though and you'd write about 30 paragraphs about how this was in fact Beethovens Ninth Symphony.

tbf, I only do it because it raises your blood pressure.

You can also set up an array of kinetic mass 'batteries', where wind power us used to spin up an incredibly heavy but balanced mass like a flywheel and then convert that kinetic to electric energy at need. Already used to balance sudden spikes in grid usage and for stuff like huge backup batteries.

Issue is scaling it to provide more than short term power.

But I mean wind is just a piece of a puzzle where you just use wind when you can because that means displacing carbon intensive baseload. I guess realistically you also have a pumped/kinetic system tied to it so you can use it as a bridge when the wind stops and you need to bring conventional baseload up, which takes a little time.

Idk just build more nukes

There is other options to do pumped storage. You could basically just have modified water towers that pump paired with turbines that pump up water during the wind and release it at other times.

Capacity is a huge issue. Just the material required to construct enough water towers to compete with a full dam makes it economically unfeasible.


Isn't the idea that the whole nation wouldn't be powered by wind but instead it would be a component of multiple solutions?

So, it's 10pm on a friday and I may have had one or two more drinks than I should have at this point and I feel like writing a novel to in response to your one line question.

Anyway, all these solutions have the same problem with storage which makes them only usable in limited applications. So, you can say they're part of a total solution, but what part? 4%? 5%? 10%?

Of course, if you can figure out the issues around storage and transmission it becomes a lot more attractive. The main benefit of something like a gas or oil burning plant is that the fuel itself contains the energy and it can be shipped to where it needs to go and stockpiled there to meet demand. If we had the same capabilities with just electrical storage, we could easily build a shitload of turbines off the coasts of the country and probably power damn near everything.

That's not to say that we won't get there eventually, it's just that it will require some more innovation. That alone is a whole other kettle of fish because a lot of people are still hung up on believing that we can conserve our way out of global warming without doing something drastic like killing everyone in China and India. We have people who are evidently really, really bad at math arguing that simple population control measures are going to reverse a hundred years of industrialization. IMHO they're just as bad as climate change deniers - they're like a Jehovah's witness that admits they need a blood transfusion but instead decides that leeching is an appropriate method of treatment.

What we need instead is more people with higher standards of living to drive more innovation and provide larger markets to so that economies of scale come into play. This is how our capitalistic world works, which is of course, another bit of reality they struggle coping with.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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Interesting thank you, my take is as a nation we should do some investment in these alternative methods even if it is one 5-10 percent as in my opinion it would help spur innovation.

Also, I'd still disagree with him saying he's not wrong, it's just that there are other problems with wind energy and he didn't touch upon them.

Also since it appears you are from the future (it's actually 8am), what are the winning lottery numbers

my take is as a nation we should do some investment in these alternative methods even if it is one 5-10 percent as in my opinion it would help spur innovation

Eh, there is diminishing returns on this because there isn't a market for it yet. I live in Australia (sorry about the lottery numbers, it was drawn yesterday) and Tesla put in a big battery park down in South Australia last year. This technology didn't come about because we needed giant fucking batteries to provide peak power coverage, it came about because we needed smaller and more efficient batteries for electronic devices, which was driven by the adoption of mobile phone technology. The way it got to us was via Tesla, who started manufacturing them as a way to build expertise for delivering their electric cars, a market that is still developing and hasn't really paid them out yet.

Spending government money is always a funny thing - we can't really point to very many successes in them tampering with markets and everyone walking away with a good result. Instead, I think that if they are going to spend money it should be on raising everyones standard of living - better health care and education for starters leads to a more productive and wealthy society, which in turn drives demand for more technological innovation to keep improving their quality of life.

Basically, the richer and more prosperous our societies become, the closer we get to solving all our problems. The sum total of human history can be described by that last sentence, I don't see any reason why that axiom wouldn't hold true in the future.


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Solid points. Maybe my frustration is more that we should try something, I just don't know what.

Yeah, it's kind of hard to give up control to the markets when you want a very specific result. I understand the impulse, it's like the ultimate form of democratization, people literally voting for our future with their wallets, but that's pretty much how the world works.

I think the thing that broke me was when our state government introduced a completely useless ban on plastic bags for the sake of the environment. I order my groceries on line - they still come in plastic bags. Also, you can buy plastic bags at the shop still, they cost something like 20 cents for a 1 cent plastic bag. Basically, the net effect of government intervention was that grocery stories received a small bump in their revenue.

A better plan probably would have been to force these stores to collect and recycle bags. Sure this would have probably met stiff resistance from them compared to the activists who were happy to shift the burden onto their fellow citizens, but at least it would have actually worked at decreasing plastic bag usage without making poor people poorer and the rich people richer and on top of that, the results would have been able to be measured (something that everyone is always against since no one likes to have their ideas fact checked).

But that's government in a nutshell and why I've decided to take a more humanistic approach - improve people's lives and let the markets do their work. I sincerely believe that healthier, happier and wealthier people demand things like better living standards and clean environments, so if we focus on that, then we will get the net result we want.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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I get that. My thing is I truly don't believe markets solve all because people are just as retarded, and often moreso. I guess the solution is as always radical centralism

Oil only flows sometimes

He passes wind everyone he eats Big Macs

He's such a fucking mong

Prove him wrong. Checkmate libtards

Being genetically inferior to own the libs.

I feel so owned right now

Remember that millions of inbred retards think this guy knows what he's doing and that his goal isn't to dump as much government money into his pocket as possible

I never understand why we don’t simply focus in creating fans that are energy efficient enough to blow a windmill and essentially create free energy.

A windmill blade is the size of a building. Good luck finding a fan powerful enough.

Mr. President?

You look at the fact that we would have been powered by wind, which wouldn’t have worked by the way because it only blows sometimes and lots of problems come about.

Three years into a mommy administration and we'd already be at 100% renewable energy. Amazing.

he's right but for all the wrong reasons, like most conservatards. nuclear reactions in every single american house when

He is not wrong...

But why can't he explain things without sounding like a r-slur?

He is not wrong...

He is completely wrong.

Opens up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, important habitat for migrating birds all over the world, to oil drilling: I sleep.

Deregulates air pollution controls: I sleep.

Does everything possible to remove American action on climate change, which threatens the ranges of 50% of American birds: I sleep

Offers no funding for rebuilding habitat for critically endangered Puerto Rican parrots: I sleep

Tried to bring back DDT in the 2018 farm bill: I sleep

Interior Department kills sage grouse recovery plan, a product of compromise between states, energy, farming, and conservation: I sleep

Giant border wall in National Wildlife Refuges which would severely harm biodiversity, including jaguars, elf owls, and a moth named after Trump: I sleep.

Infrastructure plan includes overriding the Endangered Species Act: I sleep

Changes the International Migratory Bird Treaty so fossil fuel and wind power companies aren’t liable for killing birds: I sleep

Windmills kill birds: R E A L S H I T

You don't get it though. These are the birds that are gonna shoot guns at the windmills or something.

Nuclearize me daddy

This is the man the Democratic party keeps getting outwitted by.

Can someone just sit him down and explain to him how batteries work? Maybe over burgers, so he can sit still for a few minutes.

Nuclear is the future. Everything else is for pussies.