/r/videos gets woke on the Gypsy Question

79  2019-03-29 by WreckingYourHome


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Best as I can tell, it's basically akin to the Jewish blood libel. I can't find any verifiable instances of this happening historically, but there are numerous accusations that later come out as false. I'd wager a Romani person did kidnap a kid somewhere at some point, there's certainly plenty of child kidnappings in all cultures, but I can't find any evidence it was more common among them than anyone else.

My guy coming through with the B I G C O P E.

plenty of child kidnappings in all cultures

Is being a MAP a culture?

Idk, I’d have to go and ask kotakuinaction.

Can someone fill me in on the kia meme I'm to lazy to look for myself

They just really, really want to fuck kids. It’s kind of tragic. See also: libertarians.

They defend lolicon hentai

Euros (specifically Western ones) always front on how accepting they are of others... until Gypsies are brought up. Then it’s full “okay akshuallu maybe Hitler was right about them.”

Eh I've got a few gypsy mates and they're starting to get very ironic about the violence, stealing and aggressive sexuality. The gypsters will spell the end of their culture.

I have no idea what you’re trying to say lol

Gypsies, by being constantly on the move, were always able to isolate themselves and cement their culture. Now everybody's got smartphones, and the people three villages over don't speak a completely different dialect like they used to, and that makes it very difficult to keep your cultural cohesion that was based on always being the stranger whereever you went.

That is unironically interesting.

I knew a Romani guy in college, but he got out of the lifestyle by (a) being super-Catholic as a kid, and (b) becoming a Rasta in college.

My Gypsy friends simply considered themselves as business men. So they do everything that earns them money.

And that's a good thing.

The amount of open prejudice even millennial Euro strangers will display about gypsies dwarfs any open prejudice I've seen against black or latino people in the USA, and I live in fucking Idaho.

Well you probably only see a few people a year living out there



even millennial Euro

Millennials aren't universally "progressive" in Europe.

The proto-fascist parties are generally disproportionately popular amongst ~18-30 year olds, the big exceptions being the UK and Germany. Gen X is more the progressive generation elsewhere.

It's not even comparable to blacks, you can't even imagine what it's like. Blacks are at least part of mainstream American society. They aspire more or less to the same stuff everyone else does. Sure, 13/50, but whatever. There are millions of normal black people who go to university, get a real job, etc.

Gypsies are completely outside normal society, they live in a parallel world. Any attempt at integration fails completely. Their only purpose in life is to steal from non-Gypsies, who they view as subhuman. Their entire culture is fundamentally incompatible with civilization.

Gypsies are completely outside normal society, they live in a parallel world.

Their cultural beliefs actual mandate this.

As a Romanian, I confirm. We have a saying "I'm not racist but I hate gypsies"

Then it’s full on “okay akshually maybe Hitler was right about them.”

Maybe only ? Why are you talking to leftist yuropoors ?

Euros (specifically Western ones) always front on how accepting they are of others... until Gypsies are brought up.

Especiallly Western ones? You should see what the Eastern ones have to say about them, they're the ones with the majority of gypsies.

Eastern ones don't pretend to be not racist.

based and blackpilled

There's a reason most of Hitler's allies were Eastern European nations

I’m British and gypsies, both Irish and Roma, are fucking scum. I don’t think you guys have an equivalent in America. These two groups are just pure scum and travel around Europe making everywhere miserable and disgusting.

They rob people, start fights for fun, pickpocket, break shit, move in on other people’s land and abuse the law (and bleeding hearts) to make it so they can stay there as long as possible. The think all non-gypsies are subhuman and deserve to be robbed and tricked, they’re blatant liars and just all-round disgusting humans lower than you thought humanity could possibly go, except for paedos or killer psychos.

Guarantee that if you had them in America even the most woke guy would make an exception when it comes to these cunts. Besides it’s not racism or anything, half of them are fucking white (the Irish ones), they’re free to leave their gypsum community and start being normal humans but they prefer not to because they’re all cunts.

It's kinda hard to not have at least some prejudice against gypsies after you have shit experiences with them over and over and over again with sizeable part of them.

It's kinda hard to not have at least some prejudice against ... after you have shit experiences over and over and over again with sizeable part of them.

I am gonna say the word

Not even comparable. Virgin 50% crime rate vs Chad ~80% unemployment rate.


are gypsies even really a race? they are just indian romanians right? does not count!

They claim Indian descent from like 1,000 years ago. They are just fucking European carnies.

What Indian descent??

Idk dude, they claim it as do their defenders. If it’s real it’s so fucking removed it’s laughable.

Not just their defenders, every racist in Eastern Europe unironically treats them like immigrants that need to fuck off back to India lmao

I don't say they should move back to India, I'm saying they should just move somewhero elso.

UK and Germany would be happy to take them.

Why wouldn't it be real? They look like Indians with some European mixed in. I don't see why it would not be true and why they'd falsely claim it. What would they get out of lying about being Indian? They're obviously not European.

findings appear to confirm that the Romani "came from a single group that left northwestern India about 1,500 years ago."

The Indian government even decided to proudly announce their Indianness:

In February 2016, during the International Roma Conference, the Indian Minister of External Affairs stated that the people of the Roma community were children of India. The conference ended with a recommendation to the Government of India to recognize the Roma community spread across 30 countries as a part of the Indian diaspora

Don’t even compare us to Carnies. You are ignorant and idiotic.

What’s wrong with Carnies?

Carnies are linguistically, genetically and for the most part culturally identical to the majority population. They aren’t even an ethnicity.

By comparing us to them you are dismissing are distinct heritage/roots, language, culture, traditions, history and identity.

You are also implying that “all itinerants are the same” as if we are all the same ethnicity and get along. Funfair Travellers, Irish Travellers, Romani Gypsies, Yenish Travellers, ETC all have distinct cultures, heritage, languages, identities ETC and are distinct and separate groups.

You seem dismissive of Carnie culture. Recent mitochondrial DNA sequencing has revealed that the nomadic labor caste known as “Carnies” are in fact a divergent ethnicity and possibly a pseudo-subspecies. Further testing is required, but some papers claim that persistent oxidative stress due to consumption of both expired synthetic food additives and genotoxic byproducts from poorly manufactured methamphetamine along with several decades of familial inbreeding have produced a strikingly distinct genotype from the majority population they live amongst.

Most shocking is that they actually somewhat integrate into society, despite these obstacles.

I'm a carny. I"m just a regular American who works 6 to 8 months in a carnival and takes a vacation the rest of the year. Carny is just a job. There are gypsies who are in the carnival, though. They're actually pretty cool.

I like you. You have no idea where you are but you are nice and honest. Keep it up. 😊

indian romanians

Post this on any Romanian sub for guaranteed spergout dr@ma

They are just Indian untouchables who were so shit(literally) they got kicked out of the dedicated shitting streets country.

Like imagine that, they were so horribly broken even for India they kicked them out.

We are actually descended from a warrior caste who were sent to fight against the Muslim invaders. We just ended up migrating west after the war.

Are you retarded? They arent romanian, they are indian. Gypsies are all over, in England, in Ireland, in USA. They dont have a country, definitely not Romania. They look different, they have a different language they have different traditions. They have ZERO in common with Romanians


They have ZERO in common with Romanians

then why are they called romani?

checkmate atheists

They are called romales in gypsy.

Romanian stems from the word Roman, in contrast Romani stems from the word Rom, which means man in the Romani language.

“They aren’t Romanian” this is true, don’t get Romani (Gypsies) and Romanians mixed up.

“They are Indian” We aren’t Indian, we just have Indian roots/heritage. We have culturally, linguistically, genetically and religiously diverged away from Indians. We are European too. You can’t say we aren’t European but include Hungarians, Estonians and Finns as Europeans as they also have Asian roots/heritage.

“In England, in Ireland, in America” The US has 1,000,000 Romani/Gypsies and the UK has 300,000. Ireland only has 3,000 which are recent immigrants. You are making a mistake by thinking that Irish Travellers are Romani Gypsies, when they are not.

The rest of what you wrote is right.

They exaggerate it. It’s like how the NY mafia used to try to paint authorities as racist towards Italian-Americans as defends

We are an itinerant group in Europe with Indian roots/heritage. We have lived in Europe for easily over a thousand years.

We are called Romani.

Don’t confuse Romanian with Romani. Not all Romani/Gypsies are Romanian, in fact the majority of us ARNT Romanian.

r/videos is absolutely the most red-pilled default sub. whenever I can smuggle a thinly veiled racist or otherwise non-pc video past their r-slured filters and mod team, it's a guarantee the comments will be a shitfest and a feast for SRS

epic trolle!!! xDD

Nah, they banned me for calling a kid n1gfant.


gypsies need to be CANCELLED

If you give money to a stranger or dont pickproof your shit, you deserve to be fleeced.

I agree but only on the condition that if we catch them we can gut them where they stand consequence free.

Nah, you gotta take the L. Actually, you should thank them for teaching you a lesson.

I can tell you've never interacted with gypsies before as you believe the myth that they understand human speech. When they rob you you treat them like you would a dog that bites and put it down.

Someone who would gut somebody else because they were too smoothbrained to secure their own shit is no better.

So you're not disagreeing?

Stereotypes exist for a fucking reason.

What country are you from?

I'm from the balkans.

Your stereotypes as lazy and poor, like you said, stereotypes exist for a reason :)

At least he isn’t Romanian.

Im not Romanian I’m an English Gypsy

You have to have a license for that kind of thing there I think.

What kind of thing

Being a G-word in Britain. You have to have a license just to watch the BBC there.

What’s that suppose to mean

If you meant BBC, it means big black cock but in the UK it also stands for Britain’s Basic Cable. It’s like their only channel. I think they used to be Communist and state-owned media just kept being a thing? Idk.

But I’m just surprised they let people be Romanian/Indian G-words without a license. I mean, you can’t even have a basic semi-auto car pistol there.

You're absolutely correct on all counts my romani friend.

Man, I fucking hate gypos.

I fucking hate Gorjas

Theres a lot of annoying scamming fucks in high tourist areas and i awlays avoid and ignore them but one day a guy walks up to me, gives me a bracelet (tries to) and says that hes giving it to me because it had an elephant painted on. He asked me if a knew what that means and i said "is it because i have a big head" and he said, "No, elephands represent massive cocks" and my god i hadnt laught that hard in a long time so i gave him a few bucks.

Everyone else can fuck off but people that are at least creative or funny in some way about begging i might as well give them something for the effort