14 2019-03-29 by SuspiciousFondue
1 SnapshillBot 2019-03-29
This is why we need mayocide.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-03-29
I mean, only black reporters right?
That’s pretty funny tbh. Communications majors are becoming my second specialty, under Pibbles but rapidly rising.
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-03-29
Good, Mayos out
1 DeathBahamutXXX 2019-03-29
NP link
Oh shit I didn’t even catch that.
1 Pascal2512 2019-03-29
The only way to stop Segregation of blacks from society is to promote segregation of whites from society.
1 Tecacotl 2019-03-29
It's completely reasonable to try to make sure no mass shootings happen in the middle of your event.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-03-29
This is why we need mayocide.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-03-29
I mean, only black reporters right?
That’s pretty funny tbh. Communications majors are becoming my second specialty, under Pibbles but rapidly rising.
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-03-29
Good, Mayos out
1 DeathBahamutXXX 2019-03-29
NP link
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-03-29
Oh shit I didn’t even catch that.
1 Pascal2512 2019-03-29
The only way to stop Segregation of blacks from society is to promote segregation of whites from society.
1 Tecacotl 2019-03-29
It's completely reasonable to try to make sure no mass shootings happen in the middle of your event.