Commy Mommy links to vid featuring g-slur child stripper and drag queens, replies are mixed

117  2019-03-29 by nuclear_shitpost


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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A lot of ugly people defending the drag princess.

Not mentioned in commy mommy's tweet: this particular gay child drag queen was forced to hang out with convicted murderer/corpse mutilator and drug addict Michael Alig by his deranged fag hag mother.

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I'm glad they managed to show the fall of western civilization in a 2 minute video clip

Muh westurn civilizayshun

Where did he say it was a bad thing?

He's a fashy cuck that we keep around as a "lolcow"

Can you think of anything more cucked than being far right?

Being far left. That's why I'm a centrist 😎


Yup that's going in my cringe compilation

Youre in the same basket too. Lolcow dumass tranniez and lolcow dumass fashys are essentially the same level of mental instability

Right but I'm a mod

mod me so you won't be the most r-slur on the mod list

Thats even worse lol. Literally an internet janitor.

It passes off dramacels so it's worth it

That sounds like a lot of work, how much do they pay you?

I get paid in redditor tears, its worth it ngl



It's over for westerncivilizationcels

It’s a stupid G-rated video of people dancing to a song made for little kids.

If Donald Trump retweeted a video of Honey Boo Boo, Riley Reid, Mia Khalifa, Daisy Taylor, Channel Santini, and Cardi B doing the same thing, would you have a similar reaction?

I don't know who half those people are. If he retweeted one of honey boo boo I thought it'd be amusingly lowbrow for a president but I wouldn't be outraged or concerned. There's enough actual criticisism of the man that you don't need to resort to "dijon mustard and brown suits" levels of 'scandal'.

Well Daisy Taylor and Chanel Santini are /u/trappysaruh wannabes FYI. It would be funny to see the drama if he retweeted a bunch of pornstars lmao. But yeah, for Trump it'd be part for the course, if another politician did it like Lindsay Graham more people might get their panties in a knot. Idk I'm taking this too seriously

Not mentioned in commy mommy's tweet: this particular child drag queen was forced to hang out with convicted murderer/corpse mutilator and drug addict Michael Alig by his deranged f-slur hag mother.

Kid is worth more as a skin suit and a martyr


Party Monster 2.0!

I want to lick Commy mommy’s feet

people say clowns are scary, but try to push drag queens. these things are horrifying.

This, but unironically

Incorrect. Drag shows are fun on a bun.

I think we’re missing the point.

Why is no one talking about Clown Suicides?


Gore is less disgusting then these creepy ass looking drag queens.

I'm way too high to watch that.

Jerod Johnson

a true muriKKKan hero !

"Here republicans, please accept my my gift of a box of ammo to use in the upcoming elections against the democrats."

This is some The Reason Trump Won shit.

AOC wants to ban airplanes and internal combustion engines, but supports child strippers hanging out with drug addicted convicted murderers. Clearly this is who the Dems need as the face of their party to help defeat Galumph in 2020.

AOC wants to ban airplanes and internal combustion engines, but supports child strippers hanging out with drug addicted convicted murderers. Clearly this is who the Dems need as the face of their party to help defeat Galumph in 2020.

Incidentally, if you think about it, the above comment could be the script for the next Mad Max movie!

AOC wearing an Immortan Joe style facemask but with her goofy smile plastered over it is a pretty funny mental image.


She couldn't have gotten elected at a worse time. The woman is like a sideshow to actual politics.

No she got elected at just the right time. Her + Trump + Omar is a drama trifecta. Add Jussie trolling around and we got a drama stew.

AOC/Jussie 2024?

AOC wants to ban airplanes and internal combustion engines,

No she doesn’t, that’s just dumb.

Sticking it to the cons.


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I just don’t understand like at all how democrats think a video like this is gonna appeal to 80% of America. They act as if it’s mainstreams in America. Centrist Dems may be ok with with g-slur marriage but not whatever this depraved video is.

Have you seen the DSA's twitter page? For people who claim to represent the proletariat they could not be more out of touch.

Uncomfortable truth: the real proletariat in the US hates identity politics

The ultimate candidate proles would vote for is some hybrid of Bernie and Trump: Medicare for All, a border wall, strong unions and blue collar jobs, and triggering the libs nonstop. Sprinkle in some pro gun positions, a bit of Yangbux, and a less retardedly interventionist foreign policy and you could just keep getting elected forever.

He would be left-wing without the SJWs and right-wing without the 1%.


twitter page

Nah bro, I don't hate myself enough for them shits

There's a reason why they want to get rid of the electoral college and concentrate all power in New York and San Francisco.

Percentage wise how much of the US do you think lives in NYC or San Francisco?

It's the most bizarre thing, the hard left will always vote the Dems anyway so everyone with a fucking brain knows Dems should appeal to the centre in order to appeal to the undecided voter.

Instead Dems will kick off that their 'centrist' candidate isn't Bernie again and see Trump 2020 and Ivanka Trump 2024

Guess we can welcome the Trumps as America’s next political dynasty. Sorry Jeb, it’s over for Bushcells.

Maybe she's a plant by the GOP

I wonder if the GOP pied piper'd her into Congress the way Hillary did with Trump?

The video itself doesn’t have anything sketchy in it, she could just claim ignorance if the people in it have done other sketchy things.

What in the absolute fuck?

>that video

clown world

This is borderline an MDE sketch.

"they're sexualizing young girls, and it's getting to the point where even I have a problem with it."

  • Sam Hyde

Mmm give me some of that delicious clussy, Pennywise!

is this the kid that they took photos of while he was with a naked 'drag queen' with their junk all hanging out?


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No, I believe that was a different child drag queen who also did fashion modelling in g-slur fetishwear catalogue.

getting hard to keep track of all this degeneracy these days

Getting child strippers mixed up because there's too many of them is the definitive first world problem. Not even Islam can save us from this, what with the Bacha Bazi and all.

Bacha Bazi

Afghani problem. One of the few good things the Taliban did was curtail this shit.

The Taliban exists to stop western degeneracy and that's a good thing.


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Western propaganda derides the Taliban because the West wants to pollute the water and make the people g(ay).

End the (((west)))


It's all so tiring

This but unironically 😢

different child drag queen


This is the world in current_year

Inshallah brozzer may Allah protect us from this western degeneracy

seen lots of dick riding for this fémale on reddit by ret4rd american college students, but Im not really seeing any of those 21 year old oxygen wasting sperms talk about this.

This is pure poetry to the ears my friend.

I would never expect this kind of degeneracy from someone named Cummings

Hates old white men. Posts memes from 2015

David Lynch's new film is looking especially weird.


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All adults involved with pushing this antisocial degeneracy and child pornography need to be tortured and executed in the most violent way possible. All of this garbage is a shit-test, they're calling our bluff. If we do nothing then we're letting them win. They wanted our attention, let's give it to them. This is a direct call for violence against all child abusers who hide behind the political ideology of homosexualism. Find them and kill them.

Can someone explain what in the blue hell is going on in this video and why Ocasio-Cortez retweeted this nightmarish horseshit?

Is that one kid a drag queen? Why is that acceptable?

Why is Burgerland full of so much degeneracy when most of its inhabitants are mostly center-left?

I am convinced that America is the bad guys and not Iran and the video is evidence by itself.

Even though I agree with the agendaposters in this thread, they’re still goddamn agendaposters!

Did any of you guys actually watch the video? Because it’s just some G rated music video to an annoying kids song. Nothing pedo-y about it.

This all seems like pearl clutching to me, that or some desperate attempt to smear AOC with some guilt by association shtick.

Bold strategy posting a video of child strippers lets see if its pays off.