The EU, actually stands up to Israel and refuses to recognize Isreals "sovereignty" over Golan Heights. Seething IDF Shills brigade r/worldnews. ((They)) are reaching full COPE.

13  2019-03-29 by GodOfDarknessWine


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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In before false flag by Israel to drag us into another war for their benefit

We're gonna get Six Day War 2.0 now with added Nuclear Fun™ aren't we?

That is horrifying but it's pretty obvious that the tribe has been trying to get us into syria, the scary thing is they're aligned with Russia so who knows what will happen. We really need the boomers to go extinct cause they're the ones helping prop up this (((alliance))) which only benefits one group

The window has long since passed for the US to invade Syria

We've got a thousand troops in Syria all it would take is a few of them dying to escalate things

It certainly wouldn’t make sense for the SAA to attack them. And before you say anything about a false flag, there’s no way anyone could stage an attack on the Americans and make it look like the Syrian government did it.

The EU, actually stands up to Israel and refuses to recognize Israel

WTF ? I love The EU now !!

Europe causes nonstop war in region by unilaterally drawing lines in sand without regard to religion, ethnicity, or geography.

Also Europe: we will not allow you people to fuck with the lines we drew

Palestine never existed of course they belong to the Jews fuck the Saudi-European Union