posting censored rap lyrics until mods unban slurs. day 2

77  2019-03-29 by slaydastream

Get that call

Can't hold s-slur down

F-slur it all

I'm going down

I use me up

Ain't worth s-slur now

Truth be sold

F-slur f-slur me out

Death, f-slur

Let's f-slur

Just don't touch me

Just f-slur f-slur me

F-slur f-slur me out

Why don't you just

F-slur f-slur me out

F-slur f-slur me

I ain't s-slur

I know it

That ain't s-slur


F-slur f-slur me


I believe you

Every time

No one believes me

But that's alright

I'll prove them right

Like these f-slur

Like these f-slur

Come at me like

Can't hold s-slur down

F-slur it all

I'm going down

I use me up

Ain't worth s-slur now

Truth be sold

F-slur f-slur me out

Death, f-slur

Let's f-slur

Just don't touch me

Just f-slur f-slur me

F-slur f-slur me out

Why don't you just

F-slur f-slur me out

Well, I'll be

F-slur, f-slur, f-slur

I'll take you there

I'll leave you there

F-slur, luck, f-slur

Don't need it there

Don't matter where

We're there first

So what you worth

Not what you bought

Just like I thought

You ain't got s-slur

Don't trip, I got you

Yeah, I got that

F-slur, f-slur, riff

I got a complex

Just for you to

Have and hold

Like deuce deuce

Catch no no

Yes, yes, yes

You should just

F-slur f-slur me

Yes, yes, yes

You should just

F-slur f-slur me

Yes, yes, yes

You should just

F-slur f-slur me F-slur, f-slur, f-slur, f-slur, f-slur F-slur, f-slur, f-slur, f-slur

Get that call

Can't hold s-slur down

F-slur it all

I'm going down

I use me up

Ain't worth s-slur now

Truth be sold

F-slur f-slur me out

Death, f-slur

Let's f-slur

Just don't touch me

Just f-slur f-slur me

F-slur f-slur me out

Why don't you just

F-slur f-slur me out

F-slur bloom bam, f-slur bam blew, f-slur boom blam

F-slur new glam, f-slur glam new, f-slur goon gland

F-slur fluke flam, f-slur flam fluke, f-slur half shoe

F-slur glim sham, f-slur gam through, we statue

F-slur well-well, f-slur our will, we're idiot

F-slur well-well, f-slur our will, we're idiot

F-slur buy us, f-slur bind spell, we cakewalk

F-slur suspect, we foretell, we séance

F-slur he she they we make me feel

Ugh, ugh, ugh

Woe is why us he she they fuss

Wah, wah, wah - f-slur

Blah, blah, blah - f-slur

Woe is why them, why can't reach us

Blah, blah, blah - f-slur

Wah, wah, wah - f-slur

We have never been our business

Why don't you just

F-slur me out


Sorry do you have anything made by sir lil pump?

brave cmv

I'll put it on the list, but isn't most of his stuff just a sentence repeated?

Kinda, the only song I know by him is the one that he made with Kanye .

oh i forgot about that one. that's gonna be funny. im doing Monster tomorrow so I can do that the next day

Can buy no b-slur no wedding rang.

post ​b​u​s​s​y​


don't be afraid, just say it f​e​m​a​l​e​

you thought death grips did a song where they just said f*males?

oh you mean f​u​c​k? why are you afraid to get censored?

im posting censored rap lyrics. anything vaguely offensive is getting censored if i can think of a funny reason for it

My actual offensive posts are uncensored though...

Really makes you think

Fuck is this?

Alexa play Fuck Me Out by Death Grips

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Death Grips - Fuck Me Out ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀⠀►►⠀ 2:14 / 3:21 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️


You don't even have to slur out some words for some songs

Example, by our favorite Dramanaut Tekashi 6ix9ine:





That dick in me uh

Caused I touched a kiddy uh

STFU n-slur f-slur.

Op is a NlGGER FAGG0T.

I f slurred my mind, narrow my mind

d-slur grips are online

Ban this r-slur

Rap taught me the F-slur.

fuck isn't banned tho...

it's a no no word and this is a g rated sub

Wash yo ass