"Ironic" comedy but unironically your average /r/Politics user.

34  2019-03-29 by SadFretful


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

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Tfw you smoke one too many rocks at lunch.

Gulag for them definitely.

Not enough passion 3/10

Conner O'Malley is a comedian. He writes for Jay Leno's new show I'm Not Dead Yet

Why are you such a spastic that you can't read the words “ironic comedy” you alt-right racist incel?

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Why are you such a silly billy that you can't read the words “ironic comedy” you alt-right racist incel?

Why are you such a silly billy that you can't read the words “ironic comedy” you alt-right racist incel?



