Schizo post of the week: "This coin proves South America didn't exist 40 years ago. Take that Lizard people!"

130  2019-03-29 by le_epic_xd_part_2


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. This Post -,,,

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A bunch of bright boys suffering from Alzheimer's firmly believe that Reality and the past are constantly changing and altering themselves, justifying their faulty memory.

Alright.. So they think South America used to be further west? And people are trying to cover it up for some reason?

That's not even what the coin is showing, they just don't understand how spheres get distorted as a 2D image.

I know: they're coping wayyyyy too much about their shitty memory

It's almost like this is an artistic depiction and not to be taken seriously as a usable map.

Don't say the m-word, that's how the find and replace algorithm knows to change the old images to the new ones!

You mean I shouldn't use the tiny representation of South America on a tiny globe on the back of a coin as a usable map? (((They))) would like that, wouldn't they?

Also, it's over for treasure-hunter-cels

I saw National Treasure, I know just how accurate the printing on money can and should be. Anything less than accurate-to-life on a miniscule scale is evidence of an interreality cover-up.

An offshoot of /r/MandelaEffect that split from the main sub because there were too much skeptics.

The principle is that they all think the cause is supernatural and forbide people of doubting what the posters claim, like when someone posts about a "mandelanimal" (animals they don't remember so they think it's a new one) and another says that have known its existence since they were a child.

You know the idea of a warping reality somehow doesn't seem that strange to me. The people that think they are special enough to sense it are still retarded.

Believe šŸ‘ in šŸ‘ others' šŸ‘ lived šŸ‘ experiences šŸ‘ tyvm.

here's a nice edutainment video explaining why the Mandela Effect is complete horse shit and the real explanation for these things are "people are dumb and forget shit all the time"

See people without severe cognitive impairments don't need to watch a fucking YouTube video to tell them that

there's nearly 150,000 subscribers to just that sub.

apparently, there are quite a few who do need the video. besides it's a good video.

there's nearly 150,000 subscribers to just that sub.

people with severe cognitive impairment

it's still fun to recognise Mandela effect things in your daily life. It may not be evidence of a (((scheme))) to replace your world, but that doesn't make it uninteresting.

if you think it's interesting to think about how you improperly remember movie quotes you should probably find a hobby

These people can vote...

It's over for Sanecels.

Not only can they vote, but their vote has just as much of an impact as yours.

My vote means shit because im a Britbong.

Few countries have ever had the opportunity to vote on crashing the airplane of state directly into a mountain like the Britbongs did.

Easily my favorite British comedy of all time


I should have wrote "Airplane of Democracy into the Twin Towers of the state".

Please. It never began for them.

1981 Susan B as well. This is a good one. Iā€™m telling you there are rules to ME. The way these globes and other residue donā€™t update is that theyā€™re drawings or approximations, but all proper ā€œmapsā€ or items tagged as ā€œmapā€ in the database get updated but these things and pieces that donā€™t change arenā€™t tagged as ā€œmapsā€ in the system, theyā€™re drawings, illustrations, cartoon images, or visual images in movies or video sequence data so it isnā€™t tagged the same way as a binary object type. Itā€™s also why official logos change yet parodies donā€™t or original illustrations donā€™t ā€” they fail a basic find and replace. Like using Photoshop to look for a specific pattern or scanning through a digital PDF vs a graphical illustration PDF.

The "Reality Controlers" can warp reality but they can't make a program recognizing drawings of maps. šŸ¤”

These are the words and thoughts of a 100% sane rational individual

tfw you have enough power to alter reality, the past and the future but can't alter some coins giving your entire jewmagick plot away

Foiled again by internet autists

To be fair, warping reality is so easy your mother does it just by being overweight, while programming is pretty hard.

Do i care what "ME" is?

Mandela Effect

tendiesreeeeee autistic screaching reeeeeeee rise up mandela effect

Damn bro, what a cool cringe inducing username and vocabulary you use, 2016 was a hell of a year, wasn't it?

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tendiesreeeeee artistic screaching reeeeeeee rise up mandela effect

Damn bro, what a cool cringe inducing username and vocabulary you use, 2016 was a hell of a year, wasn't it?


It's the Mandela effect. Lots of people think that the Berenstain Bears were written with an e and not an a, so people have come to the logical conclusion:
Lizard overlords are distorting the laws of physics with transdimensional experimentations.

Retconned is the best sub on this entire website.

That sub is amazing! Thanks for bringing it to my attention šŸ¤—

No worries bb šŸ˜‰

It's in front of you. Literally. The truth has been in front of you this whole time. Look around you right now, and really look. Iā€™m going to prove what Iā€™m about to say to you at the end of this post.

Itā€™s an image. Itā€™s positioned a couple of inches in front of your consciousness. Everything around you is an image thatā€™s being projected multiple times a second to give the illusion of a dynamic world that can be navigated seamlessly.

The best analogy I can give is it is almost similar to frames per second that is being rendered in a video game. But thatā€™s where the analogy ends. Donā€™t take it literally because itā€™s much more than that.

Have you ever closed your eyes before bed and seen consecutive flashes of light? ā€” Youā€™ve just seen the light that is being projected on the screen of your mind. The screen is real, and itā€™s literally a real thing.

I will prove it by helping you prove it to yourself at the end of this post with a simple meditation technique. But first, how does this relate to the Mandela Effect?

Everything that has been changing has only been changing on the screen of your mind, and your screen is shared with others. You didnā€™t switch timelines, thereā€™s only one. What has happened is the images in your mind has switched to a collective shared version, one that has been accepted as reality by the others in which your consciousness simply had no choice but to accept, because the pull is much stronger collectively.

Itā€™s a ping pong battle between groups of people who think reality is one way, and a group of people who think itā€™s another way. If one group at the subconscious level accept reality as one way, and that group has a stronger pull on the other group then reality or the images on the screen of your mind will alter to match the consensus thatā€™s been accepted by the group who believe thatā€™s the way it is. This explains flip flops because one group will alternate and have the stronger pull.

Itā€™s just images. Light. There is no out there in front of you. Itā€™s a projection. Happening many times per second. I challenge you to pay attention to the flashes of light that happens before bed when you close your eyes. It even happens when opening your eyes when you wake up. Pay attention.

We are here for the ride. We designed this place. This world is designed to capture your attention. What you call NPCā€™s is a real thing. You see, when we come into the ā€œsystemā€ we are assigned to a body. Most bodies are unassigned. The ones that are unassigned are then assigned a simulated version of consciousness that is designed to keep your attention attached to the system.

And this will manifest in many ways. The ā€œNPCā€™sā€ are designed to keep you focused on the images being projected on the screen of your mind. They keep you focused by side tracking you or being hostile towards you when you bring up questions that may lead you out of the system.

This design was intentional. The whole purpose of this world is to grab your attention to keep you in and focused in the world, namely on the screen. Thatā€™s the ride.

Let me just add one thing. The ride is not just meant to be a ride that you have no control of, its meant for you to experience it the way you want to experience it.

Visualize the number 7 in your mind. Where are you seeing the image? Think about it. You see it in your mind you say? Youā€™re actually seeing it on the screen of your mind. An image being overlapped onto the master image.

Law of attraction and visualization for the things you want is simply altering the master image thatā€™s being projected onto the screen of your mind. The system doesnā€™t manifest what you want when you think about it to much, it manifests when you imagine what you want with emotion and completely forget about it. Emotion being a primary communication channel with system.

Emotion in all of its splendour was designed to alter the ride and act as a communication channel to send messages to the system which is designed to give you the experience that you are here to experience.

The Mandela effect is us changing the images collectively. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now proof.

[Technique] Sit down in a quiet place. Close your eyes. We are going to detach from the screen. Draw your attention to the third eye area. From here you want to focus your attention inward or reversed towards the center of your brain. Now hold it. If you did this correctly, you will now all of a sudden hear absolutely nothing. You will have no thoughts. And there will be no time. Yeah you heard me, time.

Eventually the system will capture your attention again, and you will regain consciousness again. It will seem like a very long time has passed, hours even. Because you just disconnected from the time space continuum (literally). What has happened is that you disconnected from the screen of your mind.

You will feel a sense of calmness like you have never experienced before. The more you apply the technique the more apposition you will get from NPCā€™s who want to keep you trapped in the system.

This will be in many forms, so stay alert. You will see them in the comments here to doubt or try to discredit what Iā€™m saying.

Do the technique, prove it to yourself.

ā€¢ And to quote a timeless quote ā€œGo withinā€


The screen of your mind is like a film projector, and the film is whatā€™s being projected. Every second itā€™s constantly changing in this complex dance of co-creation.

We believe our perception and our experience of life is 3-dimensional. Itā€™s not. Have you ever been focused watching a television show, and you didnā€™t notice anyone pass by you or leave. Your attention was contained in a trance like state that you didnā€™t even realize the world outside your peripheral vision.

Itā€™s very similar to whatā€™s happening right now. As of this moment our conscious attention is captured and focused onto the screen. To keep us attached to the ride as I like to call it.

One of the most shocking things about the technique, is that you will legitimately disconnect from time and space. A couple of seconds will go by here at home, but in this empty place it will feel like hours have gone by when you get back. Itā€™s a place of pure consciousness.

You may ask how itā€™s possible to experience removing oneself from time and space while sitting on your couch.

The screen is the system. The system is governed by rules and laws, and that includes time and space. So naturally it seems logical that if we take our attention away from the screen we are no longer governed by these laws. And thatā€™s what happens.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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Penis lol

I realize you have brain damage but Jesus man you are only confusing and hurting others like you with this nonsense.

The paid shills have arrived haha how predictable.

Where did you find that awesome pasta?


true, but where in that hilarious sub. Whatever topic you pulled that out of must have been a funny thread

Fair enough. It's funny but my attention span was too short to keep up with their wall of texts.

there's not enough time in the universe to effortpost about how stupid this is

So thereā€™s a secret conspiracy to... move South America eastwards? What?

Do you have a better suggestion on how to make a land bridge linking the East and West hemispheres so the NWO army can march to Washington?

Isnt there already a land bridge between Compton and D.C.?

Granted, I wouldn't want to March through fentanyl-America if I had chance.

Good point

A bridge made of tendies.

No need for food supply as they have all the chicken they want.


I just came in my pants. Better get mommy to fire up the washing machine.

I think one of the big theories is that the experiments at CERN caused our universe to shift over to a parallel but slightly different universe, so things are different but our memories remember how things were before the universe shift.

Example: most people remember the childrenā€™s book series as the ā€œBerensteinā€ Bears, but when you dig up old photos and books itā€™s ā€œBerenstainā€. This would be one of the things that changed during the universe shift.

Other examples include the monopoly man having a monocle, and South America being further west.

They also have theories like lizard overlords and magnetic pole shifts and other whacky shit.

Good summary. The only ones that kind of bugged me were the Fruit of the Loom one and some of the emoji stuff. I do have shitty memory though so I took it as that.

most people remember the childrenā€™s book series as the ā€œBerensteinā€ Bears, but when you dig up old photos and books itā€™s ā€œBerenstainā€.

Other examples include the monopoly man having a monocle

it's important to me that you clarify you're just using examples and not that you actually believe either of these things. because they're not true.

Lol totally and people here downvoting you

the whole mandela effect garbage was made up by some mayo to sell cutesy slogan t-shirts so when people talk about it it legit makes me mad

Thatā€™s why we need m*yocide

Yeah itā€™s because heā€™s a seriousposting f-slur

i'm sorry to have upset you

Iā€™m not upset, just disappointed šŸ˜¤

So people's memory fucked up, who cares. People don't remember Berenstain because -stain ending is extremely uncommon while - stein is. People misremember the monopoly man because he's a caricature of a capitalist and caricatures of capitalists usually have a monocle and he stands out for not having one. People remember south America being more to the west than it is because they're shit at geography, barely recognize anything besides the US as it is, and just remember south America at being 'that thing below America'.

These all have something in common, the memory merging something rare with something common. Please give me a single example of people's memories misremembering something common as something rare, or at least something equally as common. Why the fuck would we just happen to wind up in a universe where all - stein endings remained the same, it's just this one that become -stain, everything else remained the same literally and no other steins become stain. Doesn't that seem a little convenient to you?

Hi downvoting retards who can't understand that their memory is not literally a perfect photograph. Fuck you and your retarded. Lol you actually believe you switched universes. I can't believe anyone is really that dumb.

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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Deep-State disinformation agent spotted.


Please give me a single example of people's memories misremembering something common as something rare, or at least something equally as common.


DAE Japan, Italy, China, Africa, etc. weren't involved in WWII, France didn't surrender to Germany, and the Australian flag used to be a kangaroo?

That sub goes well beyond Berenstein - Berenstain all the time. They get extremely basic shit wrong and think it's proof they're teleporting between dimensions.

So do these people also think we live in a simulation or do they literally think someone is altering reality?

Excellent residue.

I literally cannot take whatever this is anymore. If itā€™s a simulation or purgatory or whatever! Nothing is normal, everyone acts differently. I have had 6 years of this nonsense. Being rejected for 1000ā€™s of jobs I am qualified for, people just randomly disappearing, weird weather that fluctuates 50 degrees in one day, all of these MEā€™s. People acting like robots, being led down a path I donā€™t want without any control over anything. What the hell happened? Itā€™s like some of us are stuck in this other universe and we know things arenā€™t right, yet everyone else acts like itā€™s normal. Iā€™m seriously at my wits end over this simulation.

Oh man. love r/retconned. I have a b entire meta sub full of places like this. Honestly these guys write better sci-fi than most published authors.

Lol they're banning innocuous comments if you've got drama in your history.

Everyone on that sub is actually insane, just because they have never seen something before they think it is a "new phenomenon" like its been born unto this earth out of some insane conspiracy from aliens (?). Like a strange animal gets posted and they all say that its new because they don't live in the fucking Taiwanese jungle where they found it, I guess everywhere outside of Missouri and Michigan doesn't exist.

But South America is right fucking there.