"Water tastes crap" and other things fatties say

86  2019-03-29 by charming_tatum


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Brosef over there looks like a regular ass dude who has a weird water phobia.

Probably pisses in technicolor.

Brosef over there looks like a regular ass dude who has a weird water phobia.

It might be a form of lethargic, fatty rabies

Assuming his piss isn't pure molasses


Is that sub trying to be a knock off of this blessed and based sub.

Its were unaprovedcels go when r/drama goes private

Im still chugging fruit juice in between 16+ hour fasts, and if I can't take then low fat yoghurt. After my current fruit juice runs out I'll buy sugar free stuff. I'm mostly handling eating once every 16-18 hours fine and only need to add a yoghurt pot every 2-3 days on top. Just finished up my chicken and veggies curry earlier at 11.30, so I start my 16 hours from 12am ... So 4pm onwards for my next meal. A single 1000 calorie veggie pizza a day works great too, just need to start cutting back on the fruit juice next.

The absolute state of that sub. What, is that guy a child who has a whole stock of fruit juice.

Don’t most fruit juices have more sugar and calories than sodas?

Yeah many are at least equal if not worse. It’s why I cringe when I see parents will say their kids can’t have soda but they let them drink a gallon of juice.

He's sperging out in Deuxrama's modmail because the Drama moderators wouldn't unban him.

LOL Can anyone even help him in Deuxrama?

Sans, Goys, JC, Trappy, Distorded are all Deuxrama mods but they're all ignoring him 😂


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hahahahahahhahaa b|_|ssy n|gga

Aw but he’s fasting. One of you guys need to fall in luv with him and then break his heart. It’s the only way to lose weight fast. Tried and tested a few times... it works!

He'd probably just eat his feelings. I actually tried to give him some good advice about making positive changes rather than taking drastic measures that are unsustainable but like a true fatty he was more interested in arguing over the best orange soda

Cannot comprehend how people like soda, made the mistake of buying a mountain dew.

"Is this antifreeze?"

Unironically the only good thing religion ever did for me was that I gave up regular soda drinking for lent one year when I was like a preteen and just never got back on the stuff as a habit. Basically my giving it up also caused my family to give it up because my mom didn't want to buy soda that would go flat before it was drunk.

I did that mostly because it seemed easier than giving up other stuff

Or get himself a drug problem. Think that’s more likely tbh.

Kombucha was a mistake.

Most of them are gross but if you stick to the ginger flavor a few are good

You think it is good for you, but you'd never use it for an enema. Think about that.

I guess the probiotics are good for you but I drink them because I used to drink soda and I used kombucha as replacement because it's highly carbonated and isn't just sparkling water.

Be fair, he could live in ca where water indeed does taste crap

My well water tastes great. The worst city water I've ever experienced is Reno.

Unironically the best way to cut the sugar and calories from flavored drinks without giving them up is to drink diet soda or trash soda like la croix. Doing that while working fast food halted my weight gain (and tooth pain) when I was stress drinking soda all day without realizing how fat I was getting

Don't let fatties know this though or they'll switch to daily 2 liters of diet Coke and think it'll solve their health problems. Or they'll whine about aspartame.

Fruit juice is the biggest lmao of all time tbh

There are studies that link diet soda to weight gain but they don't really know why. It could have something to do with the body being tricked into producing insulin because it thinks you've ingested a bunch of sugar or it could just be fatties thinking they can gorge a whole pizza because the 2litre they chugged was diet, I personally think the sweetener they use in diet drinks is disgusting and it's been linked to other things like cancer.

I enjoy la croix because I enjoy vodka and soda water so I'm used to the carbonated water without sugar but like I said in the original post, i quit drinking sodas totally by switching to Kombucha. I get a ginger one with 5gs of sugar in it. It actually tastes good and it's super carbonated. Its packed with probiotics so it's really good for your digestive system too

I've heard about the tricking-your-body thing and it makes the most sense to me as I always feel like I need to eat after I drink a diet Coke. I try not to drink soda outside of dinner though so it's not too much of a problem for me rn.

I've never tried kombucha, is it really that good? I always see it next to the overpriced "cleansing" tea at the grocery store and automatically assume it's not worth the $3-4. The health benefits do seem really tempting though as I live on a college diet without much variety. I might pick a bottle up the next time I'm grocery shopping

I've never tried kombucha, is it really that good?

It depends on your tastebuds and if you get the right one. I enjoy ginger beer a lot so I always get one that features ginger. Some are better than others but I've never been grossed out. My favorites are Health-ade, I'm not sure if that's the brand or just the version I like but it has an anchor on it and its ginger lemon flavored. The other one I really like is Revive ginger-lime, it basically tastes like a ginger beer but with minimal sugar and if you're looking for something to sub soda I'd reccomend that one. I've only seen it at safe ways ib Ca. Synergy is another brand I like and they sell those at walmart. I wish I could remembers the names of the ones to avoid because some are super vinegary and not appealing unless you're prepared for it

Ooo that sounds good I'll give the Revive one a try bc I think I saw that at the local Safeway once. Never had ginger beer but gin & ginger ale is one of my fav drinks so if it's anything like that I'll be happy.

Ginger ale has a small bite to it and is usually sweet, ginger beer is often perceived as 'spicy' or almost peppery, with a strong bite and ginger flavor.

Once you go ginger beer it's hard to have ginger ale after, it seems so weak and sweet by comparison.

cherry la croix and vodka

a harsh mistress, i miss you

Cryptobougie fatty detected

Fatty detected


la croix

Thanks but I found some dishwater that I think will be tastier

Unironically the best way to cut the sugar and calories from flavored drinks without giving them up is to drink diet soda or trash soda like la croix.

I just go for sugarless green tea tbh

or just 0 calorie mio

Water is super refreshing tho

I completely don't understand how some people don't like/don't drink water. I drink over a gallon a day and if i go more than an hour or two without it I get ridiculously thirsty. I had a class with a guy who said he hadn't had a single drink of water in 5 years and I can't imagine how unbelievably thirsty he must be constantly.

How...how do you survive not drinking water for five years

I have no idea. He said he only drank soda and orange juice.

These c*nts have never exerted themselves in their lives. Go for a run on a hot day and then water is the best shit you could imagine

some places just have shittier water than others. Growing up we had hella good water that I would drink gallons of. I moved to a city where the water is hard and definitely tastes inferior. I need to cover it up with some flavoring like Mio to get the amount I need

Could this be the end for dietcels?

/u/charming_tatum got bamboozled.

None of you read that guy's profile. That's just a troll.

